Tic_Tac Great Idea No More Guessing!!! - page 25


Our whole problem with Tic Tac is that he will not share his system. This forum is supposed to be "Suggestions for Trading Systems", and he has not suggested a trading system, he has posted some pictures.

Forums are for explaining, discussing, interacting, NOT BOASTING. All we are asking him to do is share his system, and he is refusing. Which is great if he plans to sell his "system" or indicator. But I'm not buying as he has no ability to hear questions and respond.


Forum members....

Now,think about it....a guy appears here,Tic Tac,showing good results and half explaining a(very good) method..and what does he get in exchange? mostly hate mail...If you knew about FFFT,DFT and end point flattening,you will realize he already gave you a fantastic tool....The problem is not Tic Tac,the problem is that you don`t know Shxt about what he is talking about,if you knew,you would thank him,he shared the way with you ,and you attacked him,that is why he is teasing you to no end.

A second guy appears here,Dremur...he posts an interesting prediction that may be or may be not legitimate(I believe it is,I believe his USDJPY Up prediction is good) ...what does he get? hate mail...so,he posts a trade in advance,which,IMHO,means he is,very probably a legitimate trader with something to share..do you think he is going to share his methods with people who blindly attack him?

If you want to learn,be humble with those that can teach you...Ask them,no need to kowtow,but no way you will be helped if you insult or disrespect them,they will most probably have a field day with you,as they are probably having now,and they will be right to do so...and you will be ignorants forever.


I wouldnt slam anybody but what is funny is that his thread says "no more guessing"and we are let guessing


Forum members....

Now,think about it....a guy appears here,Tic Tac,showing good results and half explaining a(very good) method..and what does he get in exchange? mostly hate mail...If you knew about FFFT,DFT and end point flattening,you will realize he already gave you a fantastic tool....The problem is not Tic Tac,the problem is that you don`t know Shxt about what he is talking about,if you knew,you would thank him,he shared the way with you ,and you attacked him,that is why he is teasing you to no end.

A second guy appears here,Dremur...he posts an interesting prediction that may be or may be not legitimate(I believe it is,I believe his USDJPY Up prediction is good) ...what does he get? hate mail...so,he posts a trade in advance,which,IMHO,means he is,very probably a legitimate trader with something to share..do you think he is going to share his methods with people who blindly attack him?

If you want to learn,be humble with those that can teach you...Ask them,no need to kowtow,but no way you will be helped if you insult or disrespect them,they will most probably have a field day with you,as they are probably having now,and they will be right to do so...and you will be ignorants forever.



fft sucks..............


i find a indicator,maybe it has the same result.

but i don't try it for a long time.if someone are interested in it,please try it and post the result.



no...it's not the same....


And at this time JPY...

It is devoted to fans of a supersignal

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LOOK tic-tac

Dremur: Mine doesn't repaint read my previous post.

Also mine indicator work on bar 0 not 1. I know exactly when the signal turns false and know exactly what to do on next bar. False signals do occur rarely so is not a big problem.

I sitll improving my indicator; however, give similar signal to yours so I have nothing to envy, as of now.

Moreover, dremur show at least 2 week forward test result with date and picture so I can say without excuse you have "the best indicator".

NOW what you can say


So easy with repaint guys, you cracked me up :D


He did

Our whole problem with Tic Tac is that he will not share his system. This forum is supposed to be "Suggestions for Trading Systems", and he has not suggested a trading system, he has posted some pictures. Forums are for explaining, discussing, interacting, NOT BOASTING. All we are asking him to do is share his system, and he is refusing. Which is great if he plans to sell his "system" or indicator. But I'm not buying as he has no ability to hear questions and respond.

He already explained a lot,you didn`t realize it....


He already explained a lot,you didn`t realize it.... S

hi simba

i am a newbie,i realize nothing.maybe FFT indicator is very good,but how to use the indicator to predict. can you explain it to us? thank you
