Good Signals? - page 2


Free signals are in some presure now: 1 week inactivity rule was implemented for them

It means: if free signal does not have any single open trade for 1 week - this signal will be suspended automatically.

Besides, it was big cleaning of RAS service from useless free signals: a lot of free signals were suspended few weeks ago (automatically).

By the way - this inactivity rules will be extended by days for commercial signals (from 15 up to 3 weeks).

Anyway, as I see - public vendors only may have some sucess with RAS for now for subscribers (I mean: the vendors who are talking with subscribers on this section of the forum or on the other forums).

Looks like rentasignal subscribers are expecting, that full time traders are giving away their signals for free?

Maybe a look through the commercial signals will show a different result.


Looks like again you ASSUME too much. I have paid for several signals only to have the vendors disappear. Did I mention anywhere free signals here? I mentioned RAM went from free to paid after he lost 300 pips, and the new account was never approved, just his crappy EA was.

I gave specific criteria in this thread, and not one of them mentioned they had to be free.

I have looked so long at RAS website trying to find suitable signals, it's just not worth the time anymore. I can't sort the results like I need, so basically it's just impossible to narrow down signals when there are hundreds of worthless signals getting in the way.

I asked months ago to be able to sort results by max number of trades, etc., and was told it was passed on to the 'programmers', and here we are today with everything just as it was. Anyone can get a grid trader and shotgun the forex market, and that isn't what I am looking for out of RAS.

Good traders taking few deliberate trades is too much to ask?

So anyway, your assumptions, again, clutter up yet another thread, and still no good contribution from you, not even mentioning if any of your own signals fit the bill.




i am not assuming anything.

You are pointing out your frustration, since you have not found reliable signals matching your criteria, which is fine.

There are two possible answers:

-there are no signals matching your criteria

-you have not been able to find them

Maybe it is worth your time to look at the number of subscribers, who stay with a signal for many months?

Janus Trading has the highest number of total subscribers of all commercial RAS systems and still leads with TriggerFX also the total number of subscribers to 1 system, since many months.

The systems are on RAS for over 9 months and research and references about our company are available on the net, our website and from 2 large brokerage firms.

So i do believe, that we, as registered company and in our capacity as money managers for many clients(references available) can post in any thread without cluttering the board.



You did assume I was looking only at FREE signals. That was an assumption.

You telling me to look at paid signals vs. free signals is clutter. It added nothing to the thread but a condescending tone, which is clutter(in this thread)

I didn't say or insinuate you clutter up the board, but you sometimes seem to interject yourself into threads and say things which have nothing to do with the thread while talking down to the poster.

I know how long you have been here, you make that abundantly clear, but that doesn't mean I have to accept your tone. Maybe it's a language barrier, but telling me to look for paid stuff instead of free was a BS remark, and you know it.

I have looked at some of your signals in the past, many of them open more trades than I want at a given time, so never looked further at your material.


So, RAS has no good signals?

What a waste, this place had so much potential. Now it's just a place for signal 'sellers' to lure suckers into managed accounts, and others to just spam their products.

Carry on I guess


this is your post from yesterday.

You made a general statement about the RAS signals and you are certainly entitled to post your opinion.

If that post is not Spam and Clutter, than what else is it.

The result of your throughly conducted Due Dilligence?

Speaking about our systems, you will find multi position systems and systems which open always less than 5 trades(513,517,541).


So, RAS has no good signals?

What a waste, this place had so much potential. Now it's just a place for signal 'sellers' to lure suckers into managed accounts, and others to just spam their products.

Carry on I guess


this is your post from yesterday.

You made a general statement about the RAS signals and you are certainly entitled to post your opinion.

If that post is not Spam and Clutter, than what else is it.

The result of your throughly conducted Due Dilligence?

Speaking about our systems, you will find multi position systems and systems which open always less than 5 trades(513,517,541).


Note the question mark, it was a question, followed by a general statement based on dealings with many vendors at RAS as of late, as 90% of vendors that have been in contact just try to get a managed account. My due diligence is fine buddy, I don't have these problems with competing signal warehouses

Instead of answering the question, you told me to look at paid signals because I("many RAS subscribers") are obviously too cheap to pay for signals.

Also note, IF what I said there could be considered clutter(and it can't), it was my thread to clutter

Thanks for being more specific on which systems of yours meet the criteria, took a few posts, but there they are finally


I found that strange coming from you because thats exactly what your doing, after a big loss u blamed the RAS and ask clients in a private form to run their accounts on a VPS you rented .

Not to mention running commercial EAs as a private signal of your own

it's just a place for signal 'sellers' to lure suckers into managed accounts


i was not aware, that on a public board "somebody owns" a

And i did not post to advertise for, not that you mistake that.

With respect to "managed accounts".

It usually take much more than just establishing an account with a broker to allow a trader to set up a "managed account"/PAMM structure with a brokerage firm for third parties.

We do believe, that statements like these are once again the simple effort of some signal vendors to appear as if they are "quasi" professional money managers.


Anyway, not holding anything down to any certain standard, but number of open trades is important to me.

I looked at your first post here - and yes: Max active trades is important for anyone.

It is one of the main criteria to select the signal based on initial deposit size. For buyers.

As to some vendors tried to manage account ... not so many: just 1 thread in commercial sections and some posts in this section. May be 1 or 2 totally.

But it is their choice anyway. If they are in public so they are public and we can speak with them.


i was not aware, that on a public board "somebody owns" a

And i did not post to advertise for, not that you mistake that.

With respect to "managed accounts".

It usually take much more than just establishing an account with a broker to allow a trader to set up a "managed account"/PAMM structure with a brokerage firm for third parties.

We do believe, that statements like these are once again the simple effort of some signal vendors to appear as if they are "quasi" professional money managers.


Damn man, you are so hard to communicate with. No, you didn't initially post in this thread to advertise, you initially posted in this thread to make a dig at a 'free signal' searcher(one that didn't exist in this thread)

As far as your comment about 'owning' a thread. The thread starter sets the subject of the thread. People that respond 'should' maintain a professional tone without being pompous and/or condescending, AND STAY ON THE SUBJECT AT HAND. Which of course your initial response did not do, thereby being considered 'clutter'. Do I come into your threads and speak down to you while being off topic?

We are in agreement about the managed accounts, which is why I made the initial comment.. sheesh, full circle we are going, lol