Composite Fractal Behavior and its aplications - page 7



Can you implement dynamic levels to CFB ,since''CFB tells you how long the market has been in a quality trend'' .

But then you have coded CFB in different normalized calculations(lognormal, sigmodial, zero mean etc.) So I am not sure the very first(standart) version or the other ones would be most ideal candidate for dynamic levels to detect the '' quality of the trend'' Thanks .


Believe me or not, I was thinking the same thing yesterday

Was wandering how could cfb benefit from dynamic zones, so this is one attempt. To remind the basic idea of cfb is that when it raises then there is trend and when it falls there is no defined trend yet. So added 2 zones : the zone, which when crossed up (the lower zone by default), could show us that trend defined zone is entered and the zone, which, when crossed down, could show us that possible trend reversal could come or that we are entering the "no trend" zone

Levels are set by default to 50% for the lower and 95% for the upper, but that is just a quick assumption of mine that it could work that way, so I think it should be tested more to see what settings could do the best job. Also, I used the "raw" cfb in this one (I think that the un-deformed (since any normalization deformes basic values to some extent) should be the best for start)




Can you implement dynamic levels to CFB ,since''CFB tells you how long the market has been in a quality trend'' .

But then you have coded CFB in different normalized calculations(lognormal, sigmodial, zero mean etc.) So I am not sure the very first(standart) version or the other ones would be most ideal candidate for dynamic levels to detect the '' quality of the trend'' Thanks .
Believe me or not, I was thinking the same thing yesterday

Was wandering how could cfb benefit from dynamic zones, so this is one attempt. To remind the basic idea of cfb is that when it raises then there is trend and when it falls there is no defined trend yet. So added 2 zones : the zone, which when crossed up (the lower zone by default), could show us that trend defined zone is entered and the zone, which, when crossed down, could show us that possible trend reversal could come or that we are entering the "no trend" zone

Levels are set by default to 50% for the lower and 95% for the upper, but that is just a quick assumption of mine that it could work that way, so I think it should be tested more to see what settings could do the best job. Also, I used the "raw" cfb in this one (I think that the un-deformed (since any normalization deformes basic values to some extent) should be the best for start)




I may be wrong,and ,if so,excuse me...But your chart looks "inverted"



No, it is not

I will repeat again : when cfb raises, there is a trend. When cfb falls, there is no trend. So the steep peak there was for a sharp down trend. After that it needs some time to "decide" is an opposite direction trend starting or there is a continuation of a previous trend. Cfb in its nature is not a directional indicator.It should be used in combination with some directional indicator as a confirmation that a trend is really existing (in that case cfb should be taken as a kind of "judge" that would "tell" if the directional indicator is right or wrong) As of dynamic zone addition : the idea is to watch if the cfb is over some basic level as a measure that there is a trend, and when it reverts from over the upper zone, it should be treated as a warning that trend might be over. So, instead of watching the slope (since it is the primary definition of cfb) the idea is to see a sort of it's strength



Mladen, I may be wrong,and ,if so,excuse me...But your chart looks "inverted"



2 things I wanted to ask about "dynamic CFB zone.:

1) taking into account what you said: "It Should Be Used in combination with directional Some as a confirmation indicator to trend That is really Existing (in case cfb That Should Be taken as a kind of"judge "that would " tell "if the directional indicator is right or wrong) "

.... another "indicator" and "dz cfb"have to be at the same time frame, for example, H1, or can der in different timeframe?

2) works more or less as a momentum indicator that means: if the up trend indicator at point "A" and cfb up too, but if the trend indicator psyche up at point B, but the CFB is lower than in point A means that the trend loses strength??



Don't worry.

Actually I think it might helped in understanding how cfb works (it really it is not a "first glance" obvious what does cfb do)



Thanks for the explanation,and ,IMO, the idea may have potential for advance warnings...I should have checked what the indy did before opening my mouth

No, it is not

I will repeat again : when cfb raises, there is a trend. When cfb falls, there is no trend. So the steep peak there was for a sharp down trend. After that it needs some time to "decide" is an opposite direction trend starting or there is a continuation of a previous trend. Cfb in its nature is not a directional indicator.It should be used in combination with some directional indicator as a confirmation that a trend is really existing (in that case cfb should be taken as a kind of "judge" that would "tell" if the directional indicator is right or wrong) As of dynamic zone addition : the idea is to watch if the cfb is over some basic level as a measure that there is a trend, and when it reverts from over the upper zone, it should be treated as a warning that trend might be over. So, instead of watching the slope (since it is the primary definition of cfb) the idea is to see a sort of it's strength



Thanks for the explanation,and ,IMO, the idea may have potential for advance warnings...I should have checked what the indy did before opening my mouth The Dynamic zone Ehlers Fisher Transform looks like a good directional companion to the DZ cfb trend filter....just my 2 cents.



1. I think that they should have the same time frame, but the idea of a current time frame cfb and some other time frame indicator does not sound bad at all, but we should check it more thoroughly

2. Cfb is rather different in that way : it should slope up if the movement of price is in the direction of estimated trend (regardless of the "strength" of movement). if some consecutive "counter" trend price movements happen then it starts to "hesitate" and it slopes down (so the movement is not in accordance with a previously established trend) So it is very different than the momentum (since it is meant to show the "speed" of change and not if the change is consistent with some "trend")




2 things I wanted to ask about "dynamic CFB zone.:

1) taking into account what you said: "It Should Be Used in combination with directional Some as a confirmation indicator to trend That is really Existing (in case cfb That Should Be taken as a kind of"judge "that would " tell "if the directional indicator is right or wrong) "

.... another "indicator" and "dz cfb"have to be at the same time frame, for example, H1, or can der in different timeframe?

2) works more or less as a momentum indicator that means: if the up trend indicator at point "A" and cfb up too, but if the trend indicator psyche up at point B, but the CFB is lower than in point A means that the trend loses strength??


Could you make de "mtf-Dynamic zone cfb" , i would like to test it width same dirreccional indicators( it seems, dynamic double zone range_ jurikalisado ?) in Chart H1, end indicators in H4..?


Mladen ; mrtools

you said :

" 2. Cfb is rather different in that way : it should slope up if the movement of price is in the direction of estimated trend (regardless of the "strength" of movement). if some consecutive "counter" trend price movements happen then it starts to "hesitate" and it slopes down (so the movement is not in accordance with a previously established trend) So it is very different than the momentum (since it is meant to show the "speed" of change and not if the change is consistent with some "trend")"

in this case could we consider the same conditions width "cfb" applied on indicators , for example : "dz cfb adaptive wprsmooth-mtf", in this case we have to use as well on directional indicator"%R" or "WPR" which will be confirmed (show the "speed" )with "dz cfb adaptive wprsmooth-mtf".