Has Forex Sucked you into a Deep Back pit??


Here I sit so depressed near the closet with a rope in my hand just thinking about ending it all. I have sacrificed my life and health for the past 3 and a half years trading forex. Every single thing which used to work and had worked for years no longer works. All the profits and money I've ever made over the years has been lost, and I have not been able to accomplish just so much as even one single goal for anything in life which i worked so hard for and came so close to!! The higher timeframes no longer give you a clear understanding of which way the market is moving in the long run from a day to day basis. Everything has changed drastically and overnight within the last year and a half as a result of the things going on in our economy. There are a lot of things going on in our government the public is not aware of. I expect that the dollar will become 100% valueless by the end of 2009 as part of the governments plans for the mass take over. Along with it there will be many disasters I believe. And I do not want to be around to see it or have to suffer any more then I have already. I am left sick week burned out and in very poor health, yet forced to get a part time job which doesn't even pay enough to pay bills and buy basic food and healthcare products to take care of my failing health.

Here I sit so depressed near the closet with a rope in my hand just thinking about ending it all. I have sacrificed my life and health for the past 3 and a half years trading forex. Every single thing which used to work and had worked for years no longer works. All the profits and money I've ever made over the years has been lost, and I have not been able to accomplish just so much as even one single goal for anything in life which i worked so hard for and came so close to!! The higher timeframes no longer give you a clear understanding of which way the market is moving in the long run from a day to day basis. Everything has changed drastically and overnight within the last year and a half as a result of the things going on in our economy. There are a lot of things going on in our government the public is not aware of. I expect that the dollar will become 100% valueless by the end of 2009 as part of the governments plans for the mass take over. Along with it there will be many disasters I believe. And I do not want to be around to see it or have to suffer any more then I have already. I am left sick week burned out and in very poor health, yet forced to get a part time job which doesn't even pay enough to pay bills and buy basic food and healthcare products to take care of my failing health.

Go pur yourself a bloody Mary or pop a perc.You will forget it.


don't give up

life is all about making mistake and fixing it as you go along..same

thing with forex. Nobody know what happen next; it could spike 300

in 1 minute. All you can do is backtest 10 years and if it works, use it,

but don't expect to win moving forward, but that the best you can do.

But the most important thing is to keep a positive attitude...it goes a log way.


How old are you?


Grow up drama queen- and learn to live life the hardway. People during the great depression had it worse than you.

Sorry- no sympathy for a person who obviously ran his MM down the shitter like any other "NEW" or "Experienced" Forex trader who comes on this board. I forgot that newdigital switched this into the psychotherapy board.

Here I sit so depressed near the closet with a rope in my hand just thinking about ending it all. I have sacrificed my life and health for the past 3 and a half years trading forex. Every single thing which used to work and had worked for years no longer works. All the profits and money I've ever made over the years has been lost, and I have not been able to accomplish just so much as even one single goal for anything in life which i worked so hard for and came so close to!! The higher timeframes no longer give you a clear understanding of which way the market is moving in the long run from a day to day basis. Everything has changed drastically and overnight within the last year and a half as a result of the things going on in our economy. There are a lot of things going on in our government the public is not aware of. I expect that the dollar will become 100% valueless by the end of 2009 as part of the governments plans for the mass take over. Along with it there will be many disasters I believe. And I do not want to be around to see it or have to suffer any more then I have already. I am left sick week burned out and in very poor health, yet forced to get a part time job which doesn't even pay enough to pay bills and buy basic food and healthcare products to take care of my failing health.

a sucking straw -- is both way



Here I sit so depressed near the closet with a rope in my hand just thinking about ending it all. I have sacrificed my life and health for the past 3 and a half years trading forex. Every single thing which used to work and had worked for years no longer works. All the profits and money I've ever made over the years has been lost, and I have not been able to accomplish just so much as even one single goal for anything in life which i worked so hard for and came so close to!! The higher timeframes no longer give you a clear understanding of which way the market is moving in the long run from a day to day basis. Everything has changed drastically and overnight within the last year and a half as a result of the things going on in our economy. There are a lot of things going on in our government the public is not aware of. I expect that the dollar will become 100% valueless by the end of 2009 as part of the governments plans for the mass take over. Along with it there will be many disasters I believe. And I do not want to be around to see it or have to suffer any more then I have already. I am left sick week burned out and in very poor health, yet forced to get a part time job which doesn't even pay enough to pay bills and buy basic food and healthcare products to take care of my failing health.

Do not despair!...3 years more til the end in 2012....


I am a Minister and will tell all of you that when a person starts saying these things, take him serious about how he is feeling.

1) Like many people, including myself, we have had many dreams, ambitions and goals destroyed in our lives. Some people seem to be lucky in life while others struggle.

2) The wrong view, I have found, is to measure our happiness and success by a small few who become wealthy.

3) At present your in trouble because of lack of money. This is only a temporary state and what you have experienced will be behind you sooner than you think.

4) It is true that money gives you options, but very rarely gives you true happiness in life - It is not worth dieing over!

5) I am 59 as of next month. After I realized that all the toys and wealth I had did not mean a hill of beans in the long run, I chose to give most of what I had away, including most of my retirement investments to the poor and needy.

Why, because a book I started reading put everything into perspective. We are not here on this planet to focus in on the world standards of success and happiness, but to enjoy what God has created for us. Some worldly goods are nice to have, but to become driven and obsessed to possess to show others and feel good is an illusion of sorts. Let's face it, we cannot take these things with us when we die! As you get older, this realization and truth becomes more and more real.

6) This book I referred to also says we live on this planet for a very brief time, in relation to eternity. I remember joining the military at 18 like it was yesterday, and now I am 59. Life passes by real fast. What then is the real hope for happiness and real joy in this world? Knowing that there is an alternative to perishing when we die.

7) We do live beyond death, I learned from this book that we continue to live after death, but where we live is up to us. Instead of living in an illusion of life, learn what great and happy things are awaiting us if we do what this book asks us to do.

8) I was dieing of cancer at the age of 45, the author of the book, through His Son healed me. His Son promises us that we will have joy, peace, happiness and a great future if we learn about Him and His world and accept Him as the Leader of our Life. You should know by now that God is the inspired author over the Bible, and Jesus Christ is His Son.

9) My testimony: I lost my company, I lost in investing, I lost my girl, I lost my parents, I came down with Lymphoma (Cancer), My back was always killing me, I lost in just about everything I put my hands on or tried.

One day, like today, a Minister said to me: Have you tried everything and everything seems to have failed in your life, maybe it is time to try Jesus. I was not a Bible thumper, and I said to myself, why not. I chose to get down on my knees and cry out to God. I knew I was a sinner - I lied, cheated, blasphemed, lusted etc. etc. like everybody else. I asked God to forgive me.

Then I thought about Jesus, how He died for me so His blood would cleanse me of all evil so I could spend eternity with Jesus in the place called heaven. (Jesus provided a pardon for me - He took the hell for you (Pain and Suffering) and me at the cross - God does not want us to go to hell so God sent His Only Son to die in place of us.

Jesus paid God's required price so we will be accepted by God in Heaven, if we now turn our life over to Jesus.

10) God is Love, and He wants to show you that this world, its standards and values are not His standards and values. What I found after I asked Jesus into my heart, is that life truly is an illusion - It traps us into bondage (debt, disease, unhappiness) until we want to try to destroy ourselves - You already know this, but wait! Satan rules this world and wants you to destroy yourself!! Then Satan will force you to live in misery for all eternity. This is Satan's master plan for people who do not seek Jesus.

11) The Bible and Jesus have been eliminated from society - why? - Satan does not want you to know who you really are! If you ask God sincerely from your heart to forgive you and believe in Jesus that He died and rose again from death paying the penalty for your many sins, and ask Jesus into your heart to be Lord over your life, the truth of why we are here and the true happiness He promises will start being revealed to you.

12) A change will slowly occur within you once Jesus has come live inside of you. What Jesus will give you is Peace, what you will find is the only person you need to be concerned with about where you are in life is God, and God only! God is our Father in Heaven, and He is not concerned with the mess you are in, but wants to make you Royalty in His Kingdom! Yes, by being changed through the blood of Jesus, you will become a true child of God!!! No person on this earth that is not reborn through Jesus can say this - I can, and so could you. All the promises God made in the Bible you can pursue - health, happiness, security and even wealth!

12) My testimony of Healing: I had cancer and was dieing! The third week after accepting Jesus and being reborn-again I prayed to God, in Jesus name. Mark 16, vs 17-18 Jesus said those that believe in me ... Will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I laid hands on the side of my chest that was full of tumors and believed by faith that Jesus would heal me. My side heated up and within a minute, all the tumors disappeared! That was about 10 years ago! Jesus is real, Heaven is real, The world is only an illusion! Unfortunately, Satan is real also and so is hell, a place of eternal torment.

My advice is for you to get on you knees, and cry out and talk to God. Sincerely ask God to forgive for all the sins you have committed against Him (The 10 Commandments - Laws of God). Then believe that Jesus died in place of you, that He rose again and now is in Heaven. Ask Jesus out loud with sincerity to come live inside of you to help take control of your life and to show you what to do next to fix your situation.

Life is not over and eternity is forever! Learn and study the Bible - You will be living with Jesus/God for the rest of eternity - You will be 'Royalty' in the right place with the right people in power! Don't hurt yourself or give into Satan's defeatist plan - God will give you a way out if you seek His advice through the wisdom of Bible and talking to Him directly! - He knows the future so He can help you in more ways than you can think! God loved you so much He sent His only Son Jesus to die in your place! If you believe in this, and surrender your life to Jesus, you will learn that what I say is the truth!

I had plenty of money, but I gave most of it away. I had a boat, scuba gear, golf clubs and more - Not one of them gave me long lasting contentment. I was dieing, now I have chosen not to have medical insurance, because God truly heals all my problems. I am as healthy as I was when I was 20!!! Give yourself over to Jesus and ask Him to give whatever He has to You! You will find that worry will melt away and contentment will fill you. Ask Jesus to take away your pride and give you peace and love. These are the things that will make you happy in Life and beyond!

God Bless! Focus on Jesus and tell Satan He is a Liar! Killing myself is not a answer to my problem, but a lie straight from Satan! God will help find me a better way when I put my Faith and Trust in Jesus!


Houston, TX

Minister Now and Forever!

I still like the challenge of Forex, but have learned not to invest until I found or create a great EA. 5 years of messing with Forex now - Getting closer! It is like a chess game to me!


Hey bro, get a grip.

Life sucks for all of us sometimes and when it doesn't, it blows.

If you read all my posts you would think I was a multigajillionaire from Fx but I struggle just like everyone else. I have blown up accounts and made some nice big gains too.

I also lost almost everything in life. After I retired from the USMC I got cancer and came close to kicking the proverbial bucket. 3 months after my treatments completed my daughter was killed in a car crash. A year later the company I worked for went out of business.

So what? Everyone has problems to deal with. ALL of us. So suck it up and press on.

If you are going to trade, stay focused and concentrate on the shorter time frames and smaller trades. As was said previously work on your MM. Use scripts if it helps to stay consistent.

Either way, don't look to others to help. You have to find it within yourself. The last post had some real truths too. A higher power belief will bring rewards in all aspects of your life including your work.

Good luck.


Here I sit so depressed near the closet with a rope in my hand just thinking about ending it all. I have sacrificed my life and health for the past 3 and a half years trading forex. Every single thing which used to work and had worked for years no longer works. All the profits and money I've ever made over the years has been lost, and I have not been able to accomplish just so much as even one single goal for anything in life which i worked so hard for and came so close to!! The higher timeframes no longer give you a clear understanding of which way the market is moving in the long run from a day to day basis. Everything has changed drastically and overnight within the last year and a half as a result of the things going on in our economy. There are a lot of things going on in our government the public is not aware of. I expect that the dollar will become 100% valueless by the end of 2009 as part of the governments plans for the mass take over. Along with it there will be many disasters I believe. And I do not want to be around to see it or have to suffer any more then I have already. I am left sick week burned out and in very poor health, yet forced to get a part time job which doesn't even pay enough to pay bills and buy basic food and healthcare products to take care of my failing health.


Please check your PM inbox. Thanks!

Take care,



just think positive.......you know its black because you seen white before

I am a Minister and will tell all of you that when a person starts saying these things, take him serious about how he is feeling.

1) Like many people, including myself, we have had many dreams, ambitions and goals destroyed in our lives. Some people seem to be lucky in life while others struggle.

2) The wrong view, I have found, is to measure our happiness and success by a small few who become wealthy.

3) At present your in trouble because of lack of money. This is only a temporary state and what you have experienced will be behind you sooner than you think.

4) It is true that money gives you options, but very rarely gives you true happiness in life - It is not worth dieing over!

5) I am 59 as of next month. After I realized that all the toys and wealth I had did not mean a hill of beans in the long run, I chose to give most of what I had away, including most of my retirement investments to the poor and needy.

Why, because a book I started reading put everything into perspective. We are not here on this planet to focus in on the world standards of success and happiness, but to enjoy what God has created for us. Some worldly goods are nice to have, but to become driven and obsessed to possess to show others and feel good is an illusion of sorts. Let's face it, we cannot take these things with us when we die! As you get older, this realization and truth becomes more and more real.

6) This book I referred to also says we live on this planet for a very brief time, in relation to eternity. I remember joining the military at 18 like it was yesterday, and now I am 59. Life passes by real fast. What then is the real hope for happiness and real joy in this world? Knowing that there is an alternative to perishing when we die.

7) We do live beyond death, I learned from this book that we continue to live after death, but where we live is up to us. Instead of living in an illusion of life, learn what great and happy things are awaiting us if we do what this book asks us to do.

8) I was dieing of cancer at the age of 45, the author of the book, through His Son healed me. His Son promises us that we will have joy, peace, happiness and a great future if we learn about Him and His world and accept Him as the Leader of our Life. You should know by now that God is the inspired author over the Bible, and Jesus Christ is His Son.

9) My testimony: I lost my company, I lost in investing, I lost my girl, I lost my parents, I came down with Lymphoma (Cancer), My back was always killing me, I lost in just about everything I put my hands on or tried.

One day, like today, a Minister said to me: Have you tried everything and everything seems to have failed in your life, maybe it is time to try Jesus. I was not a Bible thumper, and I said to myself, why not. I chose to get down on my knees and cry out to God. I knew I was a sinner - I lied, cheated, blasphemed, lusted etc. etc. like everybody else. I asked God to forgive me.

Then I thought about Jesus, how He died for me so His blood would cleanse me of all evil so I could spend eternity with Jesus in the place called heaven. (Jesus provided a pardon for me - He took the hell for you (Pain and Suffering) and me at the cross - God does not want us to go to hell so God sent His Only Son to die in place of us.

Jesus paid God's required price so we will be accepted by God in Heaven, if we now turn our life over to Jesus.

10) God is Love, and He wants to show you that this world, its standards and values are not His standards and values. What I found after I asked Jesus into my heart, is that life truly is an illusion - It traps us into bondage (debt, disease, unhappiness) until we want to try to destroy ourselves - You already know this, but wait! Satan rules this world and wants you to destroy yourself!! Then Satan will force you to live in misery for all eternity. This is Satan's master plan for people who do not seek Jesus.

11) The Bible and Jesus have been eliminated from society - why? - Satan does not want you to know who you really are! If you ask God sincerely from your heart to forgive you and believe in Jesus that He died and rose again from death paying the penalty for your many sins, and ask Jesus into your heart to be Lord over your life, the truth of why we are here and the true happiness He promises will start being revealed to you.

12) A change will slowly occur within you once Jesus has come live inside of you. What Jesus will give you is Peace, what you will find is the only person you need to be concerned with about where you are in life is God, and God only! God is our Father in Heaven, and He is not concerned with the mess you are in, but wants to make you Royalty in His Kingdom! Yes, by being changed through the blood of Jesus, you will become a true child of God!!! No person on this earth that is not reborn through Jesus can say this - I can, and so could you. All the promises God made in the Bible you can pursue - health, happiness, security and even wealth!

12) My testimony of Healing: I had cancer and was dieing! The third week after accepting Jesus and being reborn-again I prayed to God, in Jesus name. Mark 16, vs 17-18 Jesus said those that believe in me ... Will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I laid hands on the side of my chest that was full of tumors and believed by faith that Jesus would heal me. My side heated up and within a minute, all the tumors disappeared! That was about 10 years ago! Jesus is real, Heaven is real, The world is only an illusion! Unfortunately, Satan is real also and so is hell, a place of eternal torment.

My advice is for you to get on you knees, and cry out and talk to God. Sincerely ask God to forgive for all the sins you have committed against Him (The 10 Commandments - Laws of God). Then believe that Jesus died in place of you, that He rose again and now is in Heaven. Ask Jesus out loud with sincerity to come live inside of you to help take control of your life and to show you what to do next to fix your situation.

Life is not over and eternity is forever! Learn and study the Bible - You will be living with Jesus/God for the rest of eternity - You will be 'Royalty' in the right place with the right people in power! Don't hurt yourself or give into Satan's defeatist plan - God will give you a way out if you seek His advice through the wisdom of Bible and talking to Him directly! - He knows the future so He can help you in more ways than you can think! God loved you so much He sent His only Son Jesus to die in your place! If you believe in this, and surrender your life to Jesus, you will learn that what I say is the truth!

I had plenty of money, but I gave most of it away. I had a boat, scuba gear, golf clubs and more - Not one of them gave me long lasting contentment. I was dieing, now I have chosen not to have medical insurance, because God truly heals all my problems. I am as healthy as I was when I was 20!!! Give yourself over to Jesus and ask Him to give whatever He has to You! You will find that worry will melt away and contentment will fill you. Ask Jesus to take away your pride and give you peace and love. These are the things that will make you happy in Life and beyond!

God Bless! Focus on Jesus and tell Satan He is a Liar! Killing myself is not a answer to my problem, but a lie straight from Satan! God will help find me a better way when I put my Faith and Trust in Jesus!


Houston, TX

Minister Now and Forever!

I still like the challenge of Forex, but have learned not to invest until I found or create a great EA. 5 years of messing with Forex now - Getting closer! It is like a chess game to me!
Here I sit so depressed near the closet with a rope in my hand just thinking about ending it all. I have sacrificed my life and health for the past 3 and a half years trading forex. Every single thing which used to work and had worked for years no longer works. All the profits and money I've ever made over the years has been lost, and I have not been able to accomplish just so much as even one single goal for anything in life which i worked so hard for and came so close to!! The higher timeframes no longer give you a clear understanding of which way the market is moving in the long run from a day to day basis. Everything has changed drastically and overnight within the last year and a half as a result of the things going on in our economy. There are a lot of things going on in our government the public is not aware of. I expect that the dollar will become 100% valueless by the end of 2009 as part of the governments plans for the mass take over. Along with it there will be many disasters I believe. And I do not want to be around to see it or have to suffer any more then I have already. I am left sick week burned out and in very poor health, yet forced to get a part time job which doesn't even pay enough to pay bills and buy basic food and healthcare products to take care of my failing health.

Like someone said earlier – making mistakes is all part of life. Most important – have we learned? Wisdom is everywhere. Look for it and you will find it. Don't be over-confident in ourselves even if we are now successful. And even if you are down now, it is not the end.

As long as you are still alive, there is still hope. When everything fails and you have tried everything but nothing seems to work, then like what minister 1Dave7 says, it is about time you turn to a higher power. Who knows what He has in store for you.
