Bad signals/service reporting - page 20


I will not get paid as subscribers can request money before end of month, RAS providers only receive payment 2 months after it has been made and my signal won't exist on the page by then.


By the way iGoR you've earnt my respect - I never meant to scam anyone just share profits from a good system, please accept my apologies


Hi Leeb,

Dispite that what you did is absolutly not acceptable It shows greatness in what you do now and to appolagize.

You do not need to worry because you and me know that this EA is a fantastic EA and you are going to make plenty of money with it. But realize that what you tried to do was not to be accepted. The credits need to go to the people who deserve it and that are the devellopers.

So take care my friend and I do not have any hard feelings against someone, especially if that someone can recognize he made a mistake.

Friendly regards...iGoR


Thanks iGoR, no hard feelings either, I didn't think what I was doing was wrong but I can accept my mistake now. Thanks for your hard work for the community, there are many scammers in this domain and I've lost a lot of money to them myself but it was never my intention to mislead. Profitable trading to you..

Thanks iGoR, no hard feelings either, I didn't think what I was doing was wrong but I can accept my mistake now. Thanks for your hard work for the community, there are many scammers in this domain and I've lost a lot of money to them myself but it was never my intention to mislead. Profitable trading to you..

PS. Not so smart to have closed that long manually that you had open because it closed with a T/P of 160pips instead of the 64pips you took

Take care...iGoR


Hi Leeb,

I have send a PM to you.



One more word here on this topic because it going to die out quite quicklie now:

I want to say that hardly ever I have seen someone on a forum apolagize after they made a mistake. Most people run away or come back under an other name and most certainly don't want to recognize or admit their mistakes.

This proofs that Leeb has his hart and his mind on the right place and did not think about the consequentes of what he was doing.

Leeb said that he would leave this forum. But I hope he can stay here on this forum because I do not see any reason for someone with the correct mind set and openly adminted that he was wrong should leave this forum and most certainly not a member that was here for many years.

We can and all do make mistakes sometimes. If we are awere of that then no harm done. On the contrary.



After all this, I am slightly interested in what EA he was using after all. The results weren't bad at all, with a bit of tweaking the drawdowns should be manageable.


The EA

Thanks to IgoR for taking another scammer down. I don't think that leeb should be given credit at all for his actions. Think of what could have happened.

As for RAS. COULD someone explain to me how they rate their signals. For example tickscalper is 4th on their home page board but ranked 277th

First they told me that signals are ranked on the performance ratio when I pointed out that some of them were not ranked that way they then said that they also ranked them by length of trade meaning the more trades per 24 hour period the higher the ranking (pull the trigger and get paid woooo hoooo).

Signals are also ranked on popularity. Nothing like going over the cliff with all the rest of the sheep right?? Just because one guy likes it its ok but hey 2 guys like it it must be great!!!! Yet we really have no idea how to see whats popular because they wont share that info either.

Now the real kicker on how signals are ranked by risk. This should be great. Take a look at the number one signal this week on RAS. I think its 5-10% gain. The guy knows what he is doing I will give him that BUT......

he is trading full lots on a 2k account......WHAT you might say that cant be $10 per lot??? Please check it out for yourself.

So how is it that this particular signal has a performance ratio of 82.76 when its loss at any time could cause an account to be destroyed.

Please someone stop this insanity. Contact RAS

Tell them:

You will get our business there are lots pf people who want to follow legitamate signals that are ranked honestly.

Quit it with this secret formula crud. Rank signals based on:

weekly monthly and yearly gains as a percentage of the total balance

stop allowing mutilot trades on the same pair to inflate pip totals

set hedging systems aside since not everyone can trade them

rank on an actual performance ratio that people understand.

RAS was and is a good idea that seems to have gone bad. SO RAS IF YOUR READING WE NEED REAL INFO NE HONEST AND THE MONEY WILL COME

They also said that the formula for ranking signals was a sceret and they cant share it. However if you take


Hi calstar,

Thanks to IgoR for taking another scammer down. I don't think that leeb should be given credit at all for his actions. Think of what could have happened.

iGoR and leeb are 2 well-known reputable members of the forum. And this talking on this thread was between them 2. Please, do not call the person as the scammer if you do not know him. I just hope that leeb will continue with RAS and with this forum. Please, do not "play" with the situation that those 2 well-known reputable persons spoke between themselves in public instead of internal talking by PM.


About ranking.

Please someone stop this insanity. Contact RAS

Tell them:

You will get our business ...

Go to RAS to support and ask.

You can also ask about your signals about what happened with them

Any battle between the vendors are fully prohibited here.