Bad signals/service reporting - page 22


leeb and fraud


Hopefully people will read thsi before iot is taken downn since someone already removed the thread from teh RAS section.

To make a long story short a "respected member" according to New Digital was selling a signal on RAS called adapt trade the signal was doing very well.

It was noted by IgOr that the ea he was using was not in fact his but one that he purchased and then was selling the signals it produced on RAS.

He at first denied this but as IgoR pressed he finally admitted it. Not before however many people subscribed to his thread. Including me

I thanked IGOR for point out a flushing out his scam. I was told by New Digital that the converstaion between igor and leeb was supposed to be private and I should not comment.

I was told to contact RAS in regards to my own signal. Myown signal was a disaster. I admited that but I never had any subscribers. So no one got hurt. I didnt buy an EA and sell the signal Defrauding people because they could have bought it themselves. Paid once instead of monthly.

New Digital defended leeb as a "respected" member and told me to butt out. When I responded back that he was wrong for even defending leeb he removed the thread.

This one will also be removed as well I am sure.I will probably also be banned

My point is leeb is a friend of New Digital but New Digital has a responsibilty as an administrator to do the right thing. Igor was hoping leeb would be forgiven having seen the error of his ways.

I dont think he should, he ripped people off and he tried to get away with it. Even denying it after igor discovered the fraud.

Of course leeb was sorry. So was Bernie Maddoff after he got caught that doesnt make it ok.

respected or not once you commit fraud that all goes out the window. New Digital you are wrong for taking down the thread and you are worng to protect this individuals reputation. He bought an EA and resold it. Would you be happy if I subscdribed to elite and resold my password. Would it be ok if I just apoligized after.


leeb and fraud

I apoligize the thread was mereged here is the link started from this page


Hi calstar,

And take onto consideration those 2 posts too:


And read this post about what should be done in such the case (but it was not done):

I will never agree with such an aggression on the forum which you and some other guys created here.

I will wait for few hours ... and will close this your thread, or will move this thread to the motherland


read these posts

Ok New Digital,

I am not saying that there is not a place to post these I am saying that you let the arguement go on in public. I simply stated that I dont think leeb should be held in such hi esteem and you certainly hold him there. Thats your view. You made no comments to date about the actions leeb took and admitted to taking. You did however rebuke me for getting involved.

That is wrong


One last thing,

If I take this correctly we have to post here if we want tro out a scammer and you are goingto remove this post because you dont think its viable.

How is showing that soemone stole intelectual property not viable. I think you are protecting leeb because he is your friend.

As for Bernie M it does not matter the results of the crime as they are all the same. Someone gets hurt. Maybe you coud saythat about JADE FX who really got hurt by his actions. only 500 people thats not so much.

See ND for me it made me question RAS and how they do things I said it that I think its a good thing but not when people are outed and then it is covered up or demanded that it be a PM communication.

This is a "community" is it not? In my world a community looks out for its members and punishes those who threaten its members. Most communities in the free world do not take matters of theft and fraud behind closed doors. They reveal in the eye of the public so that they may be made aware.

leeb made a post about no one would be hurt how do you know? How do you know how many subscribers he had? maybe they just dont want to come forward or like the man in the JADE FX thread who is simply giving up on forex because he has been scammed one to many times.

You may argue that this is notthe same type of case but it is Jade offered a service and so did leeb both started with good intentions and both ended up taking money that didnt belong to them.

your comment that people can use EA's on RAS is not valid I think that means EA's you created. Why because if you are smart enough to make an EA you are also smart enough to know when its not performing well and shut it down. leeb didnt do that. It was a 60% blow to the account.

So I object to you takingthis thread down but none the less feel I have the right to post what has been found out about this "respected " member of our community. and I guess this is the forum area to do that correct?

So, finally we came to the following.

What can I do in the case if some vendor is using my EA/tool and I do not agree with it? Which kind of actions can I implement to stop this vendor or more? Which actions of the admins of the forum can I expect in this case?

read this post, item #1 of the post,

and this post.

What can I do if some member(s) attacked me personally and consistently in aggressive way forcing me to do something which I do not want or can not do? How to defend myself in such a situations happened in internet virtually?

read this post, item #2 of the post
Those 2 posts:


And read this post about what should be done in such the case (but it was not done):

I will never agree with such an aggression on the forum which you and some other guys created here.

I will wait for few hours ... and will close this your thread, or will move this thread to the motherland

Hi calstar,

I apologize that I used your post with this situation but I really should stop any battle.

leeb is not my friend.

and RAS is nothing with TSD forum: RAS is having their own management, support, programmers, deputies, and more. And I am not inside those staff.

So, generally - this situation should be fixed as the following:

read this post

I did not know that iGoR decided to make something as mob low without anyone involved (and without RAS service management involved) ...

Because you know that according to RAS service concept: everyone can be the vendor using anything, and RAS service is not checking about what the vendors are using. You know it of course.

As to his thread (leeb's thread) so I did not want to delete it. Because RAS service does not need any our tsd RAS threads anymore - they changed moderation procedure and posted about it on the forum (and I knew about it from their posting). But I did not delete ... this thread was merged with bad signals thread.

leeb did not ask to delete.

iGoR asked. But I did not want to delete.

Every single post of this thread is here merged with this bad signals thread.

As to promotional threads of RAS vendors on TSD forum - so read this post:

If RAS does not need those threads so ... do we need it on tsd?

So, this procedure will work:

... and I guess this is the forum area to do that correct? ...

Yes, it is correct.


We do not need any battle on the forum. Especially for something which we are not connected with. Vendors of RAS service are making money, some tsd members are subscribing/unsubscribing ... but I am sorry - we on tsd are not supporting this activity in the way as we did it before.

I am talking talking ... talking talking ... you are reading or what? Because I am posting same information many times.


So, use this post for algorithm of the actions related to possible scam:

TSD threads?

Use this post about what to do:

As to leeb and iGoR ... about leeb ... reputable or not reputable - let's community to decide. Because I feel that you like to catch the people by words Any moderator wants to keep the members inside the forum. because ... President of your country is the President of good people only? Or he is the President of bad guys too? And what he is deciding to do with bad guys? Same with iGoR here? Same with some country near your country located when one man decided to be a President of good guys only and bad guys should be sent to Florida, right? Hope he had some mathematical alghoritm to decide automaticaly about who is good and who is bad ... Or it was in Iran as same as here ... sorry - I confused where and what ....

So, it is what I am talking about.

I am moderator (only), you know?

As to iGoR so he is reputable. I am not against iGoR. I am agaist his method to punish the other people in such a way. Because RAS service is having the management, support guys and more, and they are working for money ... calstar - are you receiving money from RAS for signals or any? Not. And I am not. So, what we are talking about? and iGoR - not ... you said something about tsd community so our community - also not (we are not evaluating any EA or signal used by vendor on tsd on the same way as we are doing it on evaluation commercial section on the forum)


No any battle or aggression is accepted here on our international forum.

This simple procedure should be used :

It is simple logical procedure here as the links to 1 or 2 posts.

may be, one day - RAS service will be ready to use our tsd community support related to evaluation of the vendors, their EAs and more and more what we proposed to them long time ago. But the reality is different for now so all we can do is to keep our potential, and keep the forum to be safe from any aggression for example.

Just imagine that iGoR will do the same protection on behalf of RAS service? In this case we all will be safe here on tsd ...

It is what I am talking about ...

That's all news.


Its really hard to find out the difference between the good and bad signals for trading. Especially for the beginners its really a big problem. Thank to all for providing us the knowledge about it.


You found my old post ...