Bad signals/service reporting - page 10


Because how it can be re-open?

It can not.

For example, you are the vendor and I am the buyer.

You (vendor) open sell trade.

My RAS EA (buyer):

- it checks the highs and the lows in the last 3 minutes

- compares those highs and lows (+spread) to the prices of your trade

- if those prices are not within the bounds, orders are not executed.

- if you (vendor) is still having this trade openes so my RAS EA (buyer) is checking the price all the time and will open this trade if the price will be the same with your price. If my RAS EA (buyer) openes this trade so this trade will not open once again.

I can not re-open for vendor ...

Because he is the vendor ...


"Counting Drawdown or Profits in pips is absolut nonsense!

This is a misleading calculation in the first place and i tried many times to point that out."

The problem is Janus, sometimes traders don't know the size of a provider's account. But they do know the size of their lots - so I figured to relate myself to a BASE lot, which is the measure of the "pips". If for instance I trade 1 base lot with a profit of +10 pips and then I lose 20 pips on a position of BASE LOT X2 then I will have made 10 - (2X20) = -30 BASE LOT PIPS. This is how I personally calculate pips when it comes to my signals (although of course for a grid system that's virtually impossible for each individual position & relating to acct. equity makes more sense).

This is in my opinion one of the major problems with RAS - they display profit as pips forgetting that I could boost my pip profit 10 times by simply trading 10 times 1 micro instead of 1 mini at a time, meaning that a 50 pips profit in my acct would appear as a +500 pips on RAS, misleading the traders/investors.

Even for a grid system (I trade one myself) you can relate the profit/drawdown to the pip value of the base lot. But consistency in applying the same rules & measurement units is key.

In the end i guess any way of expressing money management is good enough provided that it doesn't lead to overleveraging & overexposure...
"Counting Drawdown or Profits in pips is absolut nonsense!

This is a misleading calculation in the first place and i tried many times to point that out."

The problem is Janus, sometimes traders don't know the size of a provider's account. But they do know the size of their lots - so I figured to relate myself to a BASE lot, which is the measure of the "pips". If for instance I trade 1 base lot with a profit of +10 pips and then I lose 20 pips on a position of BASE LOT X2 then I will have made 10 - (2X20) = -30 BASE LOT PIPS. This is how I personally calculate pips when it comes to my signals (although of course for a grid system that's virtually impossible for each individual position & relating to acct. equity makes more sense).

This is in my opinion one of the major problems with RAS - they display profit as pips forgetting that I could boost my pip profit 10 times by simply trading 10 times 1 micro instead of 1 mini at a time, meaning that a 50 pips profit in my acct would appear as a +500 pips on RAS, misleading the traders/investors.

Even for a grid system (I trade one myself) you can relate the profit/drawdown to the pip value of the base lot. But consistency in applying the same rules & measurement units is key.

In the end i guess any way of expressing money management is good enough provided that it doesn't lead to overleveraging & overexposure...

Sorry to disagree but wrong. RAS shows several tastes but absolutely pips is one.

24 pips will be always 24 pips o matter lot traded

Counting "only" pips is the "only" neutral operation and by this results is neutral.

Sorry to disagree but wrong. RAS shows several tastes but absolutely pips is one.

24 pips will be always 24 pips o matter lot traded

Counting "only" pips is the "only" neutral operation and by this results is neutral.

I never said the pip counting is incorrect - providers using this trick are not cheating anyone, since the results are actually correct. BUT THE PIP RESULTS ARE MISLEADING.

in you example, you took 2 trades with 3 micro lots and the results were 24 & 15 pips respectively (correct count). If instead of using 2 positions X 0.03 you had traded the exact same trade by taking 3 positions long EURUSD with 0.01 each (total 0.03, ur lot) plus 3 positions long GBPUSD with 0.01 each, RAS would have counted the pips 3 times, instead of 2 wins totalling 24+15 pips=39 pips the record would have shown 6 wins totalling (3X24)+(3X15)=72+45=117pips.

I hope now it's clear why the number of pips CAN be misleading if a provider divides his lot in, say, 10 (instead of 1 mini trading 10 micros) for THE SAME TRADE. It's true that every win would be artificially boosting the pip count (with the division factor he uses) but each loss would do the opposite as well, so the provider still needs to be profitable. But it's not right to make 100 REAL pips & have those counted as 1000 on RAS, it distorts the performance of some system at the expense of others.

Hope I made myself clear this time - thanks for replying & good luck everyone!


Hi PipsAndTips,

I think - it is better to keep the recent 4 digits pips as it is doing now. Because this kind of pips is used in elite section for many year.

Besides, I am testing new RAS EA as version 2 with fixed lot size feature. I mean: if you will select to use fixed lot size = true as a subscriber so EA will use fixed lot size (always 0.01; or always 0.1; or always 0.15 and so on). Besides, his new RAS EA version 2 is having MM feature and buyers can place their own stop loss and take profit values and use their own MM (I mean: person can buy the signal and use his own sl/tp/MM).

So, it is better to keep it "as is" as it is already was moved too far by the development.


I bought an automated system at algosys8 which is effective at the EUR/USD pair. I've been trading with it for 3 weeks now, and it is first it fell.. I lose money in my account and I thought I was scammed but it worked after 5 trades and since then started gaining
I never said the pip counting is incorrect - providers using this trick are not cheating anyone, since the results are actually correct. BUT THE PIP RESULTS ARE MISLEADING.

in you example, you took 2 trades with 3 micro lots and the results were 24 & 15 pips respectively (correct count). If instead of using 2 positions X 0.03 you had traded the exact same trade by taking 3 positions long EURUSD with 0.01 each (total 0.03, ur lot) plus 3 positions long GBPUSD with 0.01 each, RAS would have counted the pips 3 times, instead of 2 wins totalling 24+15 pips=39 pips the record would have shown 6 wins totalling (3X24)+(3X15)=72+45=117pips.

I hope now it's clear why the number of pips CAN be misleading if a provider divides his lot in, say, 10 (instead of 1 mini trading 10 micros) for THE SAME TRADE. It's true that every win would be artificially boosting the pip count (with the division factor he uses) but each loss would do the opposite as well, so the provider still needs to be profitable. But it's not right to make 100 REAL pips & have those counted as 1000 on RAS, it distorts the performance of some system at the expense of others.

Hope I made myself clear this time - thanks for replying & good luck everyone!

I don't see any problem. Because if seller is doing what you mention you will several trades with same open and close time or close time, just separated by seconds.

I prefer to believe anybody (with two fingers in the head front) will take note of this cheating.

What If somebody ignores this trading manipulation when researching on stats? I just want to remember Forrest Gump words: stupid is as stupid does


There are some vendors ...

There are some vendors ...

Without mentioning names ... as required ...

RAS team is promoting the signals in good way: by sending email message to all 200,000 members of the forum about the best RAS signals, using social networks. Besides - I am having 1 thread on the forum posting the same, I am making some posts on my personal blog here on tsd and on social networks opened under my real name.

There are some vendors who are very good promoted.

There are having many subscribers because of that.

Can you imagine: you are the vendor and RAS support sent email message to many people that your signal is the best? You will have many subscribers.

There are some vendors who never said 'thanks' for that. They understand it as "you guys - it's your business doing". Your business, my business, they business ... but they definitely like to receive more subscribers

There are some situation when some signal lost 2,000 dollars. It is the forex so nothing strange in it.

There are some top vendors who are having many subscribers. Because RAS support team promoted them hardly as the best RAS signals.

Now - the situation.

Just imagine that next promotional email message was send that some signal is the best. Good for vendor, right? He will have more subscribers. It is very good. And after that this signal lost 2,000 dollars in same day with email message sent. Yes, just a situation ... promoted as the best (by email messages to all the members of the forum) and immediate after that - lost 2,000 on this Friday.

So, what the vendors usually can do in this situation?

Simple case: go to RAS support and ask:

"guy, I know that you promoted my signal and I have many subscribers. Thanks a lot. But after that - this signal lost. Let's synchronize the opinion and the action. I know that you will receive many angry messages in support about "why did you consider it as the best?" so let's co-operate, collaborate. Because it is the business. And any business has the following meaning: do something together."

Well. Let's complicate the situation.

Same case, Friday, email messages were sent, signal lost 2,000.

Saturday morning. I am making the statements in elite section and I am not replying/moderating during the Saturday and half of Sunday. The other moderator is moderating the forum, next moderator is on american local timezone sleeping.

What the programmers/marketing department should do in this situation?

Well. What they know? They know that: email message were sent to 200,000 about the best signal, the signal lost 2,000 dollars with many subscribers, new people will subscribe and complain, moderators are not available, and it is necessary to make the decision in very quickly way (to save newbies). So, they disabled the link to this signal. On Saturday morning. To be fixed/discuss everything on Monday morning with moderators.

It was right decision in this situation? yes, it is fully right.

Why email messages were not send about the link?

Because which email message can be sent to subscribers or to 200,000 members of the forum? "This signal was promoted as the best but it is not because it lost 2,000 dollars after that so - be carefully guy?"

This email message?

In this case - the vendor will not have subscribers anymore.

It was weekend ... and Monday is fixing day so - nothing to send.

Sunday and Monday.

Just some subscribers came to support, no one unsubscribed, moderators replied and "it will be fixed". So, it was not the situaion.

Of course, it was fixed on Monday (yesterday).


Asked something? helped? some actions synchronizing?

Not. Nothing. Asked "where is my link"

And attacked me hardly on RAS support during the whole day yesterday by himself and using his friend. It is 7 pages in support ....

Not the subscribers. Vendor and his friend.

One message I received today in the morning when woke up (link was fixed yesterday)

Seems - they are not sleeping


If the vendors want to make their business separatedly from RAS support and marketing team - do it somewhere outside. I personally as a moderator - I will not support the vendors who will not want to co-operate and collaborate with RAS team.

How to collaborate or co-operate?

Post on the forum, go to support with your problems, with your suggestions, say that "everything is fine - my signal is doing good", make the suggestions about promotion and so on.

Especially - if your signal was promoted as the best and after that you lost 2,000 with many subscribers - so it is fully necessary to collaborate in this kind of situation.


So, please, understand this my post as some promotional post about some idea.

That's all news.


I'm new to rentasignal, i want to ask after installed the RAS, this software is an automated open trades in my MT4 or need to open trades manually?


It is automatially.

Go to RAS download page and download some pdf files with explanation. Or use this thread: