Hollands hope , average 50 pip/day - page 4


the End


its quite obvious i failed

im sorry for wasting time ...

im going to leave the singal conected to my trading platform ... i dont suggest any one follow it !!!!

ill be testing varius systems see if i can get any thing suteble of live trading ...

if i ever crak it i will probably start a new thread with a new signal and i think it will be called "hollands hope 2.0" with a diffent signal ....

dont hold your breath ...

best of luck yo everyone



Good luck mate, hanging in there and don't give up.


to whom it may concern

ok i think its safe to say im back on track , with the last 4 days being winners .... , i have added some extra rules to my trading one of them is a maximum daily loss of 300 pip ... this is quite a large stop and i may be bringing it closer if i see fit ...

i may still need to switch out some indicators ... so the signal is not going to me stable in the near future ... but i will post when im satisfied with the system .... when its set in stone...

ok i think its safe to say im back on track , with the last 4 days being winners .... , i have added some extra rules to my trading one of them is a maximum daily loss of 300 pip ... this is quite a large stop and i may be bringing it closer if i see fit ... i may still need to switch out some indicators ... so the signal is not going to me stable in the near future ... but i will post when im satisfied with the system .... when its set in stone...

See post number TWO.


His goal here is under his signature so he try to post as much as possible. It's time to end this thread!

Bill FX:
His goal here is under his signature so he try to post as much as possible. It's time to end this thread!

what are you on about ?

my goal is not uder my signiture

I FOUND YOU! Now I see what's wrong with you. You're all pissed off because you can't trade, so you're going to stick your nose in where it doesn't belong with a bunch of arrogant comments. Your type is always the same when things go wrong. You blame others and insult people to make yourself feel better. Your very ghetto in my opinion. OH, you didn't ask for my opinion, well too bad davy, cuz your gonna get it now. Let me load and fire back by saying, after looking at your trading stats on this Holland piece of crap, YOU SUCK after a whole 3 weeks. Maybe you need to be on the receiving end instead of giving bad advise. Doesn't feel so good getting ***** slapped back in the face, does it bro. LOL!!!

Maybe I'll just keep my eye on you, and make you my new hobby...trading and davy...kewl dude. let's party with the awesome amount of money you're making with these trades, or were you going to pay the rent with the capital earned?

Oh yeah, let me not forget to advertise everywhere I go, just like you, so my post will sit higher on the page!

Want to make some real money? Click below!

Forex Grid Ranger | Rent a Signal

And, coming soon to a theater, or theatre near you, depending on which side of the pond you live.

FGR2 EUR/USD | Rent a Signal

Later BRO, you amuse me. Get a life.

you know what mate , i posted on your thread because i found your system a sham asyou dont take any losses and just let the equity get shot to hell with -6000 Pip and wait till the market bounces back , and you even as money for your system , what a joke !

if your going to post on my thread keep it on the subject


signal will be down for the next few days since im moving country .... jus to let any one who is following this thread know

See post number TWO.

ok , yes you were right , i was surpirised that you didnt glote more ...

now im just going to keep the signal for recreational perpose...


I was like you at the beginning. Why would i glote!