Hollands hope , average 50 pip/day - page 3


thanks guys

out of curiousity , how long would i have to keep trading like this for you guys to trade on a live account with my signal.?

and how much would you be willing to pay per month?

by the way i have decided to trade on a live account this monday ....playing with 0.1 lot


I think about a month would give a good indication.

A price of $10 to $20 per month max would be what I'd be willing to pay, also depending on how good the signal is (consistency of profits and nice graph, small drawdowns, good profit).

I think about a month would give a good indication. A price of $10 to $20 per month max would be what I'd be willing to pay, also depending on how good the signal is (consistency of profits and nice graph, small drawdowns, good profit).

thats more or less exactly what my plans were.

so are you folowing my signal on a demo account , or just checking in from time to time?

if you are following with this with a demo account , hows the signal ?

dose it check out ?

do they capture the same pips ?

im just curious as it is my first signal , i want to know the preformance...


That's good.

I've just found your signal today and I will be checking on RAS every day or two. After a while it may really be a good idea to test it on a demo account.

I can't tell how good the signal is yet because it has been running on RAS only for about 5 days. Looks pretty good so far.


I think prices suggested few post up for start would be ok, too much for new provider with short history is a big no no for me. As time passes and performance is good over 3-6 months obviously value of your signals would increase and it would be fair for you to charge more.

I really can't stand providers that charge lots of money right off the bat with short history and even more so with aggresive scalpers that go for 1-4 pips profit that are not profitable on customers accounts because of spread differences and lag. Some are even using scam broker demos that offer 1 pip spread, and they make their results look good. They make money from selling not from trading.

As far as yoiur trading, i like that you seem to cut losers short. I don't feel comfortable with systems that have big open draw downs and keep them for a long time.

Im going to put your signals next week on my small $340 live account with Alpari US and see how executions look like.


mid day trading up date

ok this morning has been very rough trading , at the moment im sitting on

-140 pips in closed trades and 4 floating wins fluctuating from +10 to +60 pip...

i belive the losses in the moring were because i started to trade 4 hours before i usualy do , i decided to do this to avoid the news.

im soposed to stop trading for new , but i have decided to try and ride this one out after examening the forcasts , theres 3 ways this could go and im betting on the first 2

1, the news comes out and helps the current trades to make enoff profit to call it a day

2. the news goes against the current trades shutting them on a estimated

-200 to -250 pip then the new direction is initated and the momentum from the news carries me to the profitabilaty

3. the news makes the market go one way then another news event makes it go the other way creating drastic losses

i think the 3rd wont happend to day , so im going to trade straight through the news,

in future im nor going to trade on days like this , they are just too much work , and very frustrating .... lets hope i get though to day alive or at least even

I think prices suggested few post up for start would be ok, too much for new provider with short history is a big no no for me. As time passes and performance is good over 3-6 months obviously value of your signals would increase and it would be fair for you to charge more.

I really can't stand providers that charge lots of money right off the bat with short history and even more so with aggresive scalpers that go for 1-4 pips profit that are not profitable on customers accounts because of spread differences and lag. Some are even using scam broker demos that offer 1 pip spread, and they make their results look good. They make money from selling not from trading.

As far as yoiur trading, i like that you seem to cut losers short. I don't feel comfortable with systems that have big open draw downs and keep them for a long time.

Im going to put your signals next week on my small $340 live account with Alpari US and see how executions look like.

i recomend you try demo first or very small lot

yer i know what you meen , i saw allot of scalping systems that look like they trade amazing but then you look at the comments and there allot of unhappy people who lost because of the reasons you mentiond above.

but about that you can get brokers who have low spreads n major currency pairs like 0.5 pip but thyen they charge commision , i used to have one like that , it was "nord markets" but i dont recomend them as they are crap , they sometimes turn of there servers in the middle of the day , and then you can open close , trades and stop loss dosent work , its a joke .

now i moved to alpari UK , they are much better


some bad news.

option 3 happend abd the news waked the market arround and i have a running loss of -533 pip , which is dissapointing , very disapointing ,

on the + side i have 5 open positive trades which at the moment adds up to +80 pip ,which needless to say is irelevant compared to the current loss.

i dont knwo what to say , i could blame this on some reasons but i dont think any one wants to realy here any of these , so im going to continue trading untill i recope the losses or run the account to the ground.

i think i will have to place some daily stop loss levels to manege such losses in future if they ever occure on this scal again.


Sorry to hear about your loss.

Practice makes perfect but it takes time.


bad day

hi all,

to day i stoped tradeing at a loss of -463 pips .

it has been a terible day and i didnot expect this , i have been revising the trades and my style of trading , i have found some possible solutions to the fatl errors that occured to day , these errors were due to hig volitility markets problems with the system , so i have made some experimental adaptions , and they will be applyed to my system , hopfully with these addaptations i will be able to take on any market conditions...

so , bottom line please dont use it on a live account for at leaset another week till the new changes have had some road testing , i my self will be delaying trading on a live account for a few more days , i think if all goes well i might start wensday or thursday...

best of luck to you all in you trading