RAS #11359 - EURJPY Algorithmic Trader - page 3


Hi Dyeung,

I have sent you a PM.




new MT4 publishing link for EURJPY Algorithmic Trader and USDJPY Algorithmic Trader

Hi all,

I've changed the MT4 publishing destination from mt4status.com to mt4live.com. The reason is that mt4live offers many additional, useful features including :

- show pips made/lost for each trade

- support closed pip curve plotting

- support closed profit curve plotting

- filter option to define a specific period - it's extremely useful for weekly analysis(see attached for this week's filtered result from Aug 31 - Sept 2)..really nice!

The new URL is listed as follows :

MT4Live.com - Share Your MT4 Statements Free

MT4Live.com - Share Your MT4 Statements Free



Hi all,

I've changed the MT4 publishing destination from mt4status.com to mt4live.com. The reason is that mt4live offers many additional, useful features including :

- show pips made/lost for each trade

- support closed pip curve plotting

- support closed profit curve plotting

- filter option to define a specific period - it's extremely useful for weekly analysis(see attached for this week's filtered result from Aug 31 - Sept 2)..really nice!

The new URL is listed as follows :

MT4Live.com - Share Your MT4 Statements Free

MT4Live.com - Share Your MT4 Statements Free



Interesting Dyeung, but....

Why you dont show statements more realistic ?.... I mean, very few buyers will have $ 100.000 to invest.... How about statement that consider a minimun deposit of about 1.000 and a max. of 5.000 $?.... That will be more realistic, dont you think ?.....

Interesting Dyeung, but.... Why you dont show statements more realistic ?.... I mean, very few buyers will have $ 100.000 to invest.... How about statement that consider a minimun deposit of about 1.000 and a max. of 5.000 $?.... That will be more realistic, dont you think ?.....

Realistic? If a subscriber has a $1000 account, you think he's willing to pay $199 per month subscribing my signal?

Besides, I'll keep posting the worst DD and worst margin ratio every week without scaling, subscriber can work out their own worst case analysis easily for different account size and leverage.

I think what is lacking is a consistent track record - it takes time to create one.

Realistic? If a subscriber has a $1000 account, you think he's willing to pay $199 per month subscribing my signal?

Besides, I'll keep posting the worst DD and worst margin ratio every week without scaling, subscriber can work out their own worst case analysis easily for different account size and leverage.

I think what is lacking is a consistent track record - it takes time to create one.

Why not ?

If you earn more than the fee, ppl will pay.

But you are right. Buyer must analize the signals and choose the ones that fit with him and his money.

Why not ?

If you earn more than the fee, ppl will pay.

But you are right. Buyer must analize the signals and choose the ones that fit with him and his money.

I'm open. There is a lack of evidence at the moment what is most popular account size my subscribers are using.

When it builds up to a meaningful subscriber base, I'll invite all paying subscribers to vote what they want.

This is not my priority, what is important is to build a consistent track record. Let's see.


No more trade tomorrow!

Hey guys,

I made enough pips and called this a week! I plan to take a break now. I'm satisfied. For those subscribers who followed my signals religiously from the beginning, they should be satisfied, too.

It has been a wonderful week - very small floating DD and price action is quite predictable.

Week #2 performance report 09-04-2009 is attached for my subscriber review. If you plan to manual trade, please be cautious as there will be Non-Farm Payroll announcement tomorrow.

Let's enjoy a beautiful Friday and see you guys next week!





I'd still trade 0.1 lot, in my opinion, it's not about the system, it's about how much sweat(emotions) you're going to withstand.

Based on my extensive forward testings (with EURJPY Algorithmic Trader) on the following accounts (and other scenarios) and I found it's safe and profitable:

Account size, scaling factor and leverage recommendation are listed here:






Explanation of recommended account size

There are many profitable systems in the world, but not every one of them is applicable to you. I saw many newbies feel really excited and subscribed to multiple TOP signals in RAS to their single account and thought it's nice - they'll absolutely got killed - because they don't know whether it's suitable to their risk appetite and margin requirement. And mixing several systems in one account requires a lot of forward testing about the co-relation factor. If these systems are highly co-related, the worst margin requirement can shot up to the roof and wipe off the account pretty quickly. They just wonder why these signals are still profitable in RAS but their account goes busted.

I received PMs from several people asking about recommended account size to trade. I apologize for not making it clear, and let me explain in more details.

Any trading system in the world will have floating drawdown, or unrealized profit/loss. As soon as you open a new trade, you'll see a floating drawdown, it's caused by the spread (also the profit of your broker).

There is a parameter called margin ratio, which you need to carefully monitor at all times.

Margin ratio = ( Account Balance - Floating drawdown ) / Required Margin x 100%

- Account Balance is amount of deposit in your account, or the amount you can take away after realized profit/loss. This is specific to each susbcriber.

- Floating drawdown is controlled by the market and you net position size. When the market is crazy, it can be a very large negative number.

- Required margin is determined by your open positions and your leverage agreed by your broker.

For 100:1 leverage, each 1.0 lot requires $1,000 margin.

For 200:1 leverage, each 1.0 lot requires $500 margin.

For 300:1 leverage, each 1.0 lot requires $333.33 margin.

For 400:1 leverage, each 1.0 lot requires $250 margin.

For 500:1 leverage, each 1.0 lot requires $200 margin.

What is the minimum margin ratio your account can withstand?

For 100:1 leverage, it's 1.00%

For 200:1 leverage, it's 0.50%

For 300:1 leverage, it's 0.33%

For 400:1 leverage, it's 0.25%

For 500:1 leverage, it's 0.20%

If your margin ratio reaches this minimum, your broker will issue margin call and liquidate your open positions. Your account would be completely screwed. How bad it is? Expect 50%-90% of your account balance would disappear at the blink of an eye.

Personally I would not allow this percentage to go below 400%. If it does, I'll manually close some positions regardless of profit/loss. It is very important to ensure survival than anything else! Therefore I post worst DD and worst margin ratio statistics in weekly report for subscribers reference. Also I don't prefer the floating DD to exceed 50% of your account size, and you do need to prepare room for the worst case scenario.

Account size, leverage, and scaling factor recommendation is listed here :



Hope this helps.




huge spike

Look at the spike caused by the NFP - the high low range is about 150 pips.

Very dangerous.

nfp_spike.jpg  67 kb