FarhadCrab-Lite #RAS ID: 1222# - page 7


looks like it didn't survive long....


Account blown after 2 weeks

I can not understand, that it is even possible to subscribe to such a system, where the vendor states, that he will blow accounts frequently.

This time unfortunatly well before withdrawing 3x the initial balance.

A very good example for inexperienced traders to read the thread and also look at the trading.

All mistakes ever possible to make are build into this system.

Specially interesting to see the behaviour of the system vendor:

When the system made profits, no colour was bright enough and no letter large enough to advertise his services. Once system turned negative:

Dead Silence, not even a comment.

And "yes", some of my clients asked me to test the system on a Demo account after the first very successful week, here is my statement after week 2 day 2:

"The tested system violates almost all trading priciples with respect to positionsize vs account balance and trade management and must be considered a pure gambling system. Novice traders might get thrilled by a week with 100% profits and jump in, just to lose the total account with profits the week after."

My moral of the story:

Stay away from Crab(p)



At least you have to admit that this guy is honest. He doesn't tell lies.

Others will wipe out your account too, but they'll never admit it.


Maybe you must read another 14 000 pages

Maybe it is necessary to read another 14 000 webpages.

Than you might have figured out, why i posted on that thread.



Good one

Eurotrader that bombed for me 3 weeks started working on baronfx. now at 1,376 from 1,000 in 3 days.

I love when I'm right, yet, I never hesitate to say when I am wrong.

A while back I talked with a registered trader. He wants 100.00 a month, and have to be on his VPS at 120.00 a month, but, he has it set to make 20 per cent a month. Great returns, however, I want to move a bit faster.

He said he could turn up the EA and it could make 300 per cent, etc,

"BUT, you have to realize, you can lose 300 per cent, and fast. You just never know when."

Looks like FarhadCrab is the 300 per cent high risk trader. He is straightforward about it, and the live statement is still online. So, if you have the stomach for it...

My question to him is, why not email and tell when to get out? On the ECN broker I am using, in a week it went up as shown, and today, DD to 748 balance with 944 equity.

If it was easy, the whole world would be rich.

Eurotrader that bombed for me 3 weeks started working on baronfx. now at 1,376 from 1,000 in 3 days. I love when I'm right, yet, I never hesitate to say when I am wrong.

I think you might be really confused on the providers you are testing. Im showing you over and over again that you are posting wrong providers. On EUROTRADER thread you posted wrong provider once again. I think the eurotrader results you mentioned here might be from another provider.


Well thanks zomg

I am really amazed at what I have done, and you are the first to catch the... details. I am correcting the... blunder... or wonder. I did get the Signal ID number correct in the input field, however... I will post tomorrow once I get it understood. This detail has taken one 1,000 account to 12,800 with 3,000.00 open trades.


My results

I just added his signal a few days ago, with 1,000.00 on my broker at RACE IS ON. This is the way Yevell and Big Top started. This is a 300 per cent return in about 4 days. My broker told me auto signals that fail on other brokers do very well when there is no manipulation. Let's see how he does on an ECN broker with an ATT direct Backbone.

It is beginning to look like traders are using experience to understand the market, and honestly jump in; when it doesn't work, the real blame in on the broker.

I have researched the forex market by reading about 14,000 web pages, and I mean reading. I have seen it so often, from hard working, serious traders, the same story: auto trades that should work just don't. I have gotten some very positive results with my ECN broker who has assured me, no manipulation. Every signal is making a profit.

"blow accounts frequently..."

thanks Janus


I've not read the whole thread.

The logic here is, why.

Why try?

When you deposit your money in most/many brokers


accounts, they see it as theirs, and you will never see it again.




YOUR BROKER VS. ECN BROKER ON VDS DIRECT ATT BACKBONE, 1GB RAM, 20GB Hard disk Space, UnMetered 2-4 mbps Bandwidth

Mulitiple signals have been running on all individual accounts because I missed one detail.

I remember reading about multiple account setup, but, somehow I missed that detail. Just one trader could wipe out an account.

RAS Tech Support says

buyer_install_version 1 for first, 2 for second, etc. to trade alone in MT. Ahhhhh... live and learn.

So, we have to start over. We need to thank the RAS creators and tech support guys... if enough of us were to just send them 10.00, combined, they could get something for their work. ...I wonder what they would do with it... I always get an email in hours; building a website of this complexity and taking of all these people is a Herculean Labor. And I personally intend to reward the signal providers who help me get started.

Hello Mr Salimi

Glad to meet you here

I will follow your posts and your trading result eagerly.

Dear farhad , I want know how we can publish live statmnet like you on our personal host and domain ? and how use different roots on our host that we want ?

Excuse me for this off question.

Best Regards



Thanks for your attention on the case.

To publsh your statements on your website you should configure Options>Publish window on metatrader.

