Ras #1163 - page 4


Hi brc021,

I do not think that it is delay issue.

It is something with tradability.

For example, I am making the clone for this signal.

It is here: Orders list: Supremo Channel Trader II Clone | Rent a Signal

What is the clone?

It is automatic buyer: I am buyer this signal and sending the trades back to RAS.

It is double delay.

You can see:

vendors reported/recorded performance is +337 pips for the week, my Alpari UK buyer's metatrader recorded +113 pips.

So, it is something about tradebility.

I mean: if someone is trading good so it does not mean that buyer will have same performance using the other broker.

because systems are very different.

Scalping systems are having most problems with tradability.

Also - the systems with many trades opened in the same time - will have some issues with tradability.

Besides, broker's datafeed: we all know that broker's data (price datafeed) are too different simetimes and it is difficult to compare the performance of same signal made for Alpari UK and for FXDD - too different datafeed. Besides, Alpari and some other brokers - they are closing the market in different time, and they will open the market in different time on Sunday/Monday.

It may be good if the vendor will tell to us: which broker he is using and what is the preferable broker for his signals.


because you know - how it can be 1 second in delay?

The trade is coming from vendor Metatrader's location to RAS website, recorded phisically writing on website, and the buyer Metatrader's RAS EA is "reading" this website to open this tade ...

It is more then 1 second just for sure.

If the performance of the vendor and buyer is not the same so it is something about tradability of the signal.

In this case the people can ask for clone of any signal and I will do it, and everybody will see the buyer's performance with double delay.

RAS location?

Somewhere in the US.

And our elite servers (where I am doing the clones) - the US as well.

may be, it is the reason?

I am not doing the clones on my home PC - it is on separated servers (elite servers for elite section).

RAS service is using different servers. I have no idea but I checked IP - it is the US.

And our elite servers were bought/working in the US (VPS, dedicated servers - so I have dedicated servers for clones).


Order executation

Hi Newdigital,

thanks for the prompt reply.

I do agree on your point that a delay of signal transfer will have a more serious impact on the performance/tradability of short term strategies such as scalpers, compared with medium or long term stragies with higher profit targets. (I define "delay" as any signal transfer time beeing longer than 10 seconds)

However, I do not agree that the trading style of this signal is necessarily meant to have a poor tradability at RAS.

Yes, it is a scalper, but, many trades are closed with profits of more than 10 pips,(which is rather high for a scalper),

and it trades 24 hours, also during main sessions with good liquidity not only during Asian sessions.

I closely studied the trades of your clone and discovered the following

things , which I would like to draw your attention on:

1.) Odd cases of extremly long delay of closing of orders:

Most of your trades were openend and closed within 10 seconds

from the times stated at the reference signal.

The result of these trades is mostly within +/- 5 pips from

reference account

(which is actually a good result,

considering the high spread of Alpari at this pair (6 pips),

meaning if you used another broker with 4 pips spread on this pair,

you had 2+2 = 4 pips better result on every closed trade)

IMO, 10 seconds signal transfer time,

should be a reasonable period to achieve by the RAS system,

or what would you define as the common period within signals should be

received by the users, as by the technical possibilities of the system ?

However, you have trades that were closed even more than hour later than

at the reference account:

Look at this one for example :

Reference account :

370309 6814956 S CHFJPY 0.10

Opened: 2009-08-24 01:34:00

Closed: 2009-08-24 01:57:20

89.35 89.5 89.42 8.46 USD 8 pips

Your clone account:

370313 63488821 S CHFJPY 0.10

Openend: 2009-08-24 01:34:09

Closed: 2009-08-24 03:10:42 (!!)

89.35 89.482 89.471 1.17 USD 1 pips

How can such thing occur ?

There are more cases were the delay was more than 30 seconds,

especially for order closings, which I would rate as "odd" already.

2.) MISSED OUT Trades:

In this past week you had only 74 trades, whereas the reference account

had executed 79 trades instead.

-> 5 trades were missing.

How can such missed out trades occur ?

(Apparently no issue on signal sender's side,

as some of your missed trades of your account,

I had got on my ALPARI LIVE account, so I reccon some issue is at RAS here)

IMHO, IF using a broker with same or better spread on this pair than 4 pips (which is realistic and possible to find; this point users can take care of)

and all orders would be transfered by RAS to users within 10 seconds,

and no orders would be omitted,

the performance of this signal could be achieved

by min 80 % which would be an acceptable level for me.

This post not meant as criticism , but as encouragement

to assure / improve the prompt signal transfer of ALL signals to ALL customers of RAS.

Apparently there do exist certain anomalities at this point in these regards,

which I find should be taken care of, to find and eliminate the root causes asap,

regardless of a general better or worse tradability of a signal.

Anyway, I would also appreciate to get some feedback from

other users of this signal:

How did things go for you on your demo or live accounts this week ?

Which broker do you use ?

maybe we can take some conclusions which broker might be best to use

for this signal by comparing each other's result.

Also, together with your results, it might be of interest to know on which pair and TF the RAS EA

was attached, in case this might have some influence of the prompt receipt of signals as well.

Finally, @ PIPHUNTER : I would appreciate, as well, to learn,

which broker you are using for your reference acccount at present,

and if you had any advise to your customers what could be done

on our side to assure optimum results with your signals





I am fully sure that it is something about tradability.

Opened: 2009-08-24 01:34:00

Closed: 2009-08-24 01:57:20


Openend: 2009-08-24 01:34:09

Closed: 2009-08-24 03:10:42 (!!)

It is Monday.

Do you know how market is started on Monday?

It was started slowly by Metatrader, sometimes with disconnections and so on.

It is not the error case from RAS.

Same with missed trades: it is not RAS missed the trades. It is technically impossible to miss the trades if the trade was open on buyer's Metatrader.

If not - it is something with tradability anyway .... it means that vendor made the trade, this trade were transfer and recorded to RAS website, but my buyer's Metatrader was disconnected, or RAS EA was discoinnected and could not read website ...


IMHO, IF using a broker with same or better spread on this pair than 4 pips (which is realistic and possible to find; this point users can take care of)

and all orders would be transfered by RAS to users within 10 seconds,

and no orders would be omitted,

the performance of this signal could be achieved

by min 80 % which would be an acceptable level for me.

It depends on the signal.

If some trades should be opened at night, or during the forex new time in the way as 10 trades opened in almost in the same time - it is tradability anyway.

Because RAS software is not separated platform.

RAS was not designed for scalping or for any other similar systems.

It was the idea of the developers to make this RAS as separated platform and I think - they will have to do it if they will want to make some next development.


And it is the image from the vendor's page:

It is some error which I call as "closing the trades without closing price" error. It is tradability.

And scalping ...

I am not talking about few pips in profit within 5 minutes on the vendor's side.

If you will see something about scalping on the forum - I understand it something as few trades in profit within 1 hour as scalping in russian term.


This vendor is very popular trader doing very good signals.

We all know about it.

But I am sorry: what I did is just attached RAS EA to Alpari UK Metatrader as the buyer and sent my buyer's performance back to RAS for recording.

RAS is not separated platform to be designed for this order execution, scalping, news trading and so on. It is just mql4 code with server part of the code to transfer the trades via internet.


And you can see ...

It is vendor's performance for the week from his Metatrader recorded on RAS website:

and it is my performance as the clone (buyer of his signal) from my buyer's Metatrader for the week:

So, with all the talking about scalping, with all the differencies, mistakes, and with some missed trades - it is profitable anyway.


He is using FxPro as broker for this account I'm pretty sure.

My performance last week on live accounts(in pips)--

FxPro-- 307

FXDD -- 189

IBFX -- 107

For my stats on the fxpro account-- I shut off EA Friday morning and closed out profit trades close to market close(which leaves about 100 points in dd overall), so Fxpro in reality resemble much closer to FXDD stats. FXDD and IBFX accounts were left to RAS/EA discretion.

My account renewed today too, so here's to hoping it continues


I've already given up on this issue.

I suppose that there are so many factors involved in signal processing (broker - ISP - vendor - ISP - RAS -ISP - buyer - ISP - broker...etc..) that it is almost impossible to determine were the lag comes from. I suppose it's the sum of all factors, not only ONE factor, and it will be different for every user.

I'm monitoring this signal simultaneously on 2 ALpari UK accounts on the same PC, and the signals sometimes arrive with a difference of up to 12 seconds or even more, and sometimes they arrive first to account "1", and sometimes they arrive first to account "2". Fortunately, the pips differences are not always against us, so at the end the results kinda average out..

Here's what I do: At the end of the week I compare my results with those stated on the RAS site. If I am on a reasonable profit, then I'm happy, and I keep with the signal. If not... then I drop it and try another one...

Of course, there are signals (Eurotrader, for example) which relay on such a tiny pip difference, that they are meaningless to trade for me. But there are many different more of a long term signals on RAS to choose from. Piphunter is a "limit case", but he's still profitable to me (for now).

Just trying to be practical...


I agree chk56, not perfect, but 'good enough' for now I guess.

As far as Eurotrader, I agree, even when that signal produces 10pip profits according to it, I was losing 6 pips. I think alot with that one has to do with the broker they are using.

Oh, you might try this too..



Thanks spencer36. Looks interesting. I'll give it a try!