Trading System by Xard777 - page 169

I wasn't ste"A"ling anything...or...was I???

Yeah my grammar sucks.

Well, I hope everyone has a good weekend. We will see ya'll next week.


Iwillsurvive, I wouldn't consider that a cross until you have a cross and the Trix line changes to red.

I'm out taking my daughter to school right now so I can't see exactly what's going on.

But also the eur/usd just broke past the weekly high made last November. Its been struggling to break it all week until last night once Obama made his speech. When the President of the US starts say going back into a second resession that's enough to make the eur/usd break that high. As far as I know the goverment still hasn't. Got their act together and come to an agreement publicly, so I don't see any reason for eur/usd to make a big move downward yet.

Also its Friday and you only really got maybe 4 good hours of trading time if anything makes a significant move.

If you do decide to enter short make sure its on a smaller time frame to snatch and grab a few but I wouldn't invest in a long term move right now, but that's just me.

Thanks for your advice. I'm still long, with 135 pips, holding.

Ismael, could you share a little on your exit strategy? I've been struggling with exits for sometime.


Thanks Ish, The files you posted are mq4's and .ex4's not the dll's? Im guessing there the same then?

In anycase I downloaded and put the libssa.dll and renamed it to SSA.dll and put that into my Libraries folder just incase.

We have an ascending trendline on EU 1hr with three points at the moment, will be very interesting to see how price reacts around this.

Cant wait to finally make some big pips next week now. Ish and Fadly, thanks once again for the great contributions and also Xard for your generosity in all your files you';ve provided for us.

God bless all you guys and have a good trading week next week.

. Oh, and yeah....welcome to the new forex, where corruption is always part of the game!

Thanks for the warm welcome Ziggy.

. Thanks for your advice. I'm still long, with 135 pips, holding. Ismael, could you share a little on your exit strategy? I've been struggling with exits for sometime.

Iwillsurvive, I look for exits around support and resistant levels, pivots, last high and lows. I trail with a manual trailing stop and when price struggles around one of these area I move my trailing stop a little closer.

hi all ... I hope Xard777 or anyone can help unify the indicator scale and slow-trix Xard SSA. If a scale of 0 second indicator remained close will give a very good signal when the two intersect.

hi all,i really need help in getting the indicators at the bottom of the chart. Can fady or ismael help me out?

The explanation about the libsa.dll totally confused me and i have tried several times without success. Thanks in advance. If you can simply post the indicators, i will really appreciate it. thanks again.


What i mean is the chart on post 1634. thanks



I recall someone once mentioning envelopes I was playing with them awhile back and only recently have been again. Nothing extraordinarily new or anything, but with failed impulsive lower/highs, higher/lows, or over extending pull backs it makes it very difficult, damn near impossible to do fibs unless you can spot this. The envelopes I use, after all it's about support and resistance, or at least perceived right?

It may or not add something to your trading. I use the 144 smooth moving average median price H/L2, shift 2,to those parameters i use envelopes of the same parameters i.e. 144 smooth median price H/L2, shift 2.

Add deviations of .15, .30, .60 for the 5 min

Add deviations of .30, .60, .89 for the 15 min/30 min

Now add a 24 smooth moving average same settings as the 144 moving average, and envelopes with deviations of .15, .30, .60, for the 5 min and .30, .60 for the 15 min, .30, .60, .89 for the 30 min and 1hr, on the 4h a 24 smooth, with deviation 1.4

Oscillators CCI_T3_2

I use 3 of them, 14-5, 50-18, and 288-18 (b) = .78

you may opt to not use the 50-18, your choice

It allows dynamic support ans resistance from 2 seperate counts, then you just just trade what you see, not what you think...when you think, you are dead. to an extent at least in trading, with all the manipulations. try it and see what you think and count your points in fibonacci sequence from highs and lows on various time frames and mark with horizontal lines.

ziggy, on the look out....peace!


Hey Ziggy. That's sounds really interesting. Do you care to show a little screen shot of what you got going on using trend envelopes?


Ziggy any chance for a screenshot to get a better idea of what you are saying?

Would be easier to see how a chart with all that would look. I guess a template or something would make it more easier too lol.

I read what you wrote some pages back about the manipulation thing etc, Your quite right, the markets are merging so we're facing alot of trouble. This markets not going to be alive forever eventually when we have a one world currency system that these guys want to establish. I listen to alex jones every day


WilteredFire, the dll for Xards SSa should be with the Kudos RaR file on this post.