Trading System by Xard777 - page 306


Hi mira719, Yes, you are right, that is a SELL (I take it that the squiggly blue line is a 50 EMA/SMA) ?

Whenever price is below your blue line and you get a SELL Background screen then you would be good to trade.

The opposite would apply for a BUY.

Hi Optioneer, You are also right, I am always too busy trading to answer other people's queries and you are right I am not a currency trader. Thanks for your constructive criticism, I thought long and hard about your trading strategy and decided to replicate it but instead on 5min TF I used it on 4hr TF. The breakouts that it produces are great for trading Gold. It definitely has Grail like qualities... Keeping it simple is best and as BS goes... well, let's just say that I have been compounding the crap out of it all week :-)

Thanks again for the Hot-tip.

All the best


Hi mira719, Yes, you are right, that is a SELL (I take it that the squiggly blue line is a 50 EMA/SMA) ?

Whenever price is below your blue line and you get a SELL Background screen then you would be good to trade.

The opposite would apply for a BUY.

Hi Optioneer, You are also right, I am always too busy trading to answer other people's queries and you are right I am not a currency trader. Thanks for your constructive criticism, I thought long and hard about your trading strategy and decided to replicate it but instead on 5min TF I used it on 4hr TF. The breakouts that it produces are great for trading Gold. It definitely has Grail like qualities... Keeping it simple is best and as BS goes... well, let's just say that I have been compounding the crap out of it all week :-)

Thanks again for the Hot-tip.

All the best


Hello Xard

Please can you share your latest template.



xard : late-model beautiful, thank you for the answers you're really nice:


Hey Optioneer, You must have made a killing this morning in currencies.

I wish I did... no wait!... that's just more BS.

All the best



Here is a great way to setup your 4k trading screen for the main moving currencies...

You have your JPY, EUR & GBP rows plus your AUD, CAD, NZD & USD columns.

Have a great weekend everyone.

All the best


Here is a great way to setup your 4k trading screen for the main moving currencies...

You have your JPY, EUR & GBP rows plus your AUD, CAD, NZD & USD columns.

Have a great weekend everyone.

All the best


Hello Xard

Will you be sharing your template and profile ?, looks fantastic. Thank you for everything.


Hey Optioneer, You must have made a killing this morning in currencies.

I wish I did... no wait!... that's just more BS.

All the best


Dear xard

Forget about optioneer.He is the kind of people ,posting

in forums just to spred his venom all over the place ,like

his pal PIPS777 ,in FF.

People like this must be ignored

My best regards


Here is a great way to setup your 4k trading screen for the main moving currencies...

You have your JPY, EUR & GBP rows plus your AUD, CAD, NZD & USD columns.

Have a great weekend everyone.

All the best


Dear xard

I don't know how you can setup you screen?

When I try to put 4 maps in the row, I can see almost

nothing, does not look like yours.You have any tips

about how can I set it up? Maybe you have a larger screen?

It is possible to have your last edition of your stoch indicator,

with lime and red colors bands?

Again thank you very much for taking the time to read our posts

My respects


Dear xard

I don't know how you can setup you screen?

When I try to put 4 maps in the row, I can see almost

nothing, does not look like yours.You have any tips

about how can I set it up? Maybe you have a larger screen?

It is possible to have your last edition of your stoch indicator,

with lime and red colors bands?


In my last post I talked about setting up your 4k trading screen.

4k being 4k Ultra screen with a resolution of 3840 x 2160

You are probably trying to setup your trading screen on a 1920 x 1080 (or less) monitor which is a quarter the size resolution of the 4k screen.

Here is the red/green stoch indy for your perusal...

All the best


In my last post I talked about setting up your 4k trading screen.

4k being 4k Ultra screen with a resolution of 3840 x 2160

You are probably trying to setup your trading screen on a 1920 x 1080 (or less) monitor which is a quarter the size resolution of the 4k screen.

Here is the red/green stoch indy for your perusal...

All the best


Hello Xard

Is the system shown in your last screenshots the latest system you have kindly

provided with different settings or is a newer modified system?

Kindest Regards
