Trading System by Xard777 - page 70


hi xard777

can you tell me how to trading your system ?? rule and exit ???thanks!


Please see this link.....



from xadesh with love

brother xard

it is for you and all the members hope you like it and reply me soon

thank you

hey xard ,sorry to disturb you ,but I really have no idea, could you help to attach the indicators/templates here not the link like the pic, thank you , I appreciate this!!

oh, hi xard ,I hope you could see this and I will appreciate your help, thank you very much!


we just have to find better prediction

==== ==================

BA travellers face Christmas strike misery - Yahoo! News --- click this

british airway, not as bad as dubai world

how about SUCK british airways (not really USA stock though)

just few billion GBP hole in the pension fund

air crews decided to STRIKE this coming christmas

ground all the -- non flyable planes -- cost DEFICIT each hour

woah, the British airway already not very competitive, only arrogant slogan

british manufacturing is in a downward spiral , only few industries left there in a laid back socialist society, -- alcoholic , virgin and footie business

well, we wish FX to be no business in british industry too -- just pure accounting -- just like their BRIT football team-mate what does it mean to GREAT *****y POUNDIE ?? GBP


Great looking system, but how does it work?

Hi Xard and everyone,

I've been looking at this system wealth builder V101 in particular (the latest version), and I just can't figure out what everything means, and how one enters and exits a trade.

I know of course MACD and Stockastic, however, I can't figure out what the ArrZZx2 indicator, the little sun's (chaos semaphor that draws the the white and yellow colours around the green and red dots), and I am not sure what the RSIOMA indicator is actually showing. I am also not entirely sure how the system decides to place the red and green dots (obviously they are indicators to enter/exit a trade, based on local max/mins), however, is that all they do, or are they being placed based on Stochastic or something?

So in short, if anyone can tell me what these indicators (ArrZZx2, chaos semaphor (and what the difference between a white and a yellow sun is), the RSIOMA indicator and more info about the red/green dots and briefly the rules to enter and exit a trade.

Thankyou in advance, and thanks Xard for yet another great looking trading template/system.



Re WillianKkung's question

PS, in conference to my posting above, yes, I have looked throughout this forum for answers to my question, and even done google searches on the indicators - only to be sent to this posting).

In response to WilliamKkung's question about installing indicators...

William, all you need to do to get the template working, is to take the indicators out of the indicator file, and copy the to your MT4 program directory, usually something like c:\Program Files\MT4\experts\indicators

Then use the Meta Editor in MT4 to compile them. Then copy the template file to c:\Program Files\MT4\indicators directory. Then open a chart and select this template. If you can't get all the indicators to work, or they don't show up properly, make sure you enable DLL's (some might need DLL's enabled). If still no go, then look through this excellent forum and search for installing indicators - this forum covers it many many many times. If still no luck, then try the MT4 forum.


Wealth Builder Series v101

I think I had one or two too many cervesas yesterday when I packed this and uploaded it, so today I have re packed it, checked it and now uploading it.

As I said previously...I only use it in Daily and 1Hr timeframe (but each to their own). I have left all timeframes available this time as numerous ppl emailed requesting multiple tfs.

I have added a little bit of the rainbow as I still liked that and wanted to include it in my trading as it's much easier to see the rainbow lines above red rainbow lines = trend up and red rainbow lines below green rainbow lines = trend down.

Have also mixed in main candle patterns but please wait for the candles to close before making trading decisions.

I have also added in full semafor 1, 2 & 3 and yes it repaints but we only trade after the fact so the repainting is not an issue. We use the semafor to confirm trend when the rainbow lines have also confirmed the trend so no repainting issues there.

Gone back to old school with the rsi, macd and stochastics, 100ma and 200ma lines.....As a rule of thumb only use the stochastics with the if the trend is down then only use stochastics that are going down from top and if the trend is up then only use stochastics that are going up from bottom.

I am still using the 55 weighted moving average line as my main trend change along with the Gann activator with the same settings as it tends to keep me out of a consolidating market and gets me in again when she is ready to move again.

There is even synthetic VIX and Vorticity indicators should you want to use them.

As I said before I trade using the Daily chart first for direction then enter using the one hour chart.

If you sit on the fence till the rsi, stochastics and macd are all lined up and you also have a candle pattern then you improve your chances of a very nice move in the making.

I hope this info is of help to fellow traders. Again, all indicators are in mq4 format so you can chop and change to suit your own needs.

All the best


NB Please note, I am not the author of any of the code that I have posted, I am way to thick to be a coder, just can't do it, cut and paste at best. All I do is put indicators together that I think will enhance your trading experience, that's all, so please no more brother xard, or guru, I trade every trade just like the rest of you out there.


xard, is this an updated version or is the 1.07 ?


PS, in conference to my posting above, yes, I have looked throughout this forum for answers to my question, and even done google searches on the indicators - only to be sent to this posting).

In response to WilliamKkung's question about installing indicators...

William, all you need to do to get the template working, is to take the indicators out of the indicator file, and copy the to your MT4 program directory, usually something like c:\Program Files\MT4\experts\indicators

Then use the Meta Editor in MT4 to compile them. Then copy the template file to c:\Program Files\MT4\indicators directory. Then open a chart and select this template. If you can't get all the indicators to work, or they don't show up properly, make sure you enable DLL's (some might need DLL's enabled). If still no go, then look through this excellent forum and search for installing indicators - this forum covers it many many many times. If still no luck, then try the MT4 forum.

Thank you Steve, thank you for your responses, I know how to install the indicators and templates, I just want to find these two editions.I cannot dowmload them from the link which are supplyed by others before, so if you have these could you attach them here? Thank you , Good luck!
