Eurusd/gbpusd - page 979


week no. signals

and again week no. 5791, 5795, 5810 was signal buy---5830 tp1 39p, tp2 35p, tp3 20p

week no. trade 24-h, 5 days ,same no. all theweek,trade with the trend !!!!!

week no. 5810, 5795, 5791 was signal sell---5750 tp1 60p, tp2 45p, tp3 41p !!!!!!, eu week no. 3240, 3225, 3224 was signal sell---3212 tp1 28p, tp2 13p, tp3 12p


best week signals

week no. trade 24-h, 5 days ,same no. all theweek,trade with the trend !!!!! week no. 5810, 5795, 5791 was signal sell---5750 tp1 60p, tp2 45p, tp3 41p !!!!!!, eu week no. 3240, 3225, 3224 was signal sell---3212 tp1 28p, tp2 13p, tp3 12p

and again today week no. gu 5795, 5791 was signal sell-------------. week no. eu 3180, 3165, 3164 was signal sell-----------

and again today week no. gu 5795, 5791 was signal sell-------------. week no. eu 3180, 3165, 3164 was signal sell-----------

best week signals

stop out gu at 5668 tp1 127p!!!!, tp2 123p !!!!!eu stop out 3100 tp1 80p, tp2 65p, tp3 64p !!!!


Je n exclue pas un retour dans ce canal comme ca a ete le cas auparavant mais il semble que le carburant qu etait la Grece soit epuise. Je privilegie pour la semaine prochaine un plus bas sous le dernier plus bas

Si tel est le cas un retour sous des niveux tres bas et plus bas est tout a fait envisageable, surtout que le Portugal devrait monopoliser l'attention d ici peu.


Les dernieres statistiques provenant d outre-manche ont redonne des couleurs a la Livre Britannique qui connait un regain dinteret de la part des investisseurs depuis la fin mars.


can we have the weekly golden numbers today ?

can we have the weekly golden numbers today ?

week no. trade 24-h, 5 days ,same no. all the week ,trade with the trend

week no. gu-5689, 5693, 5697, 5629, 5633, 5637, eu-- 3087, 3090, 3112, 3052, 3087, 3090


so today stop out will be EU 1.3142 & GU 1.5727 ?

is my calculation correct ? I m still learning how to use your strategy...

so today stop out will be EU 1.3142 & GU 1.5727 ? is my calculation correct ? I m still learning how to use your strategy...

week no. are signals buy/sell,enter week no.


best free week signals

week no. trade 24-h, 5 days ,same no. all the week ,trade with the trend week no. gu-5689, 5693, 5697, 5629, 5633, 5637, eu-- 3087, 3090, 3112, 3052, 3087, 3090

week no. gu -high was 5694 so 5693 5689, 5637, 5633, 5629 was signal sell----5613 tp1 80p, tp2 76p, tp3 24p, tp4 20p, tp5 16p, later week no. 5629 5633 was signal buy-- 5640 tp1 11p, tp2 7p, later 5637, 5633, 5629 was signal sell----