Eurusd/gbpusd - page 975

watch! later week no. 5852 was signal sell---5825 tp 27p. trend up will be week no. 5828, but its end of the week ,wait for new signals no. on monday.if the high no. today 5920 you use rule, 6-9+-p ,enter week no. 5925 -(6-9p)5919-5916 sell, have a great weekend

Oh, that last line which got triggered was very good.

So if I understand correctly - if price falls - I sell the numbers on the way down, and if it goes up - I buy the numbers that are met on the way up?

One last question - "if the high no. today 5920 you use rule, 6-9+-p ,enter week no. 5925 -(6-9p)5919-5916 sell" - I understand that, but what if high today was 5964? Then do you also enter 5925 sell at -(6-9 pips) 5919-5916?

Thank you for your patience, and have a very good weekend too.


Oh, that last line which got triggered was very good.

So if I understand correctly - if price falls - I sell the numbers on the way down, and if it goes up - I buy the numbers that are met on the way up?

One last question - "if the high no. today 5920 you use rule, 6-9+-p ,enter week no. 5925 -(6-9p)5919-5916 sell" - I understand that, but what if high today was 5964? Then do you also enter 5925 sell at -(6-9 pips) 5919-5916?

Thank you for your patience, and have a very good weekend too.


1. yes , 2.yes (its week no.)3. use rule +-(6-9p) if the week no. didnt meet real trade no. -close +-6-9p from real trade next week

1. yes , 2.yes (its week no.)3. use rule +-(6-9p) if the week no. didnt meet real trade no. -close +-6-9p from real trade next week

Thanks again! I don't understand 3 - is that the rule that in your posts you say "stopped out (at) xxxx (with) y pips (profit)"?

e.g. post #9706 on page 971.

Also, what is real trade no?

I will also watch your trading next week as you suggest to get a better feel of things.


Thanks again! I don't understand 3 - is that the rule that in your posts you say "stopped out (at) xxxx (with) y pips (profit)"?

e.g. post #9706 on page 971.

Also, what is real trade no?

I will also watch your trading next week as you suggest to get a better feel of things.


week 3225, 3240, 3224, 3165, 3180,3164 gu-5795, 5810, 5855,5851 5870, 5791


The EUR/USD looks severely oversold. I think there'll be some kind of correction before another down- leg.



If you look at the hourly chart, yes, but what if you look at the daily and then you see something like this? Seems like "no mans land" already ...

The EUR/USD looks severely oversold. I think there'll be some kind of correction before another down- leg.

eurusd_1.gif  27 kb
week 3225, 3240, 3224, 3165, 3180,3164 gu-5795, 5810, 5855,5851 5870, 5791

week no. trade 24-h,5 days ,same no. all the week,trade with thetrend

wee no. gu----5810, 5795 was signal sell---5783 tp1 27p, tp2 22p , later 5791 , 5795, 5810, 5851, 5855 was signal buy----5870 tp1 79p, tp2 75p, tp3 60p, tp4 19p, tp5 15p

week 3225, 3240, 3224, 3165, 3180,3164 gu-5795, 5810, 5855,5851 5870, 5791

trade week no. 24 -h,5 days ,same no. all the week

week was signal sell---3160 tp 20p, later week no. 3164, 3165, 3180, 3224, 3225, was signal buy

week no. trade 24-h,5 days ,same no. all the week,trade with thetrend wee no. gu----5810, 5795 was signal sell---5783 tp1 27p, tp2 22p , later 5791 , 5795, 5810, 5851, 5855 was signal buy----5870 tp1 79p, tp2 75p, tp3 60p, tp4 19p, tp5 15p

This is the most interesting thread in the whole forum. I don't know what the hell is going on. But any thread that can be sustained by 1 man to 1000 pages has some kind of will power. I figure I better take a look at it, and maybe see what the madness is all abut.

Okay, so when you posted the numbers for this week. The prices is around 5850-5870. So I'm going to wait for the signal sell numbers. If it hit 5810 and 5795, I open 2 short positions. Then set the TP to 5783. Okay. And if it hits that TP, then I look for signal buy at 5791, 5795, 5810, 5851, 5855, and exit at 5870.

Am I correct in my interpretation?

What is you stops? Do you just trail stop during the trade? If I enter into short at 5810, and then the prices goes back up, where do I exit based on your strategy numbers?


Looks like price is heading down towards the 1.3160 level again, with a likely breakthough.