Eurusd/gbpusd - page 497

target 3573(pivot esaz)

Opinions and different views. Thank you.

my target 3687 triggered

E/U still more going south

my point 3561


I'd love to know why you think it is going further south.

4 hour chart below.

Downward sloping trendline breach. Upward sloping trend is intact. The peaks and troughs have changed direction to the upside.

The price action is changing direction and has the shape of a bowl.

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target 3573(pivot esaz)

I honestly can't see the price falling to the levels indicated by you and Guru.

The technicals seem quite strong and the price hasn't even managed to breach the valley low at 3637. This is going to be interesting.

I have to assume that both you and Guru are suggesting that the price will fall to these levels soon rather than go up 300 pips then fall to these levels.

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I honestly can't see the price falling to the levels indicated by you and Guru.

The technicals seem quite strong and the price hasn't even managed to breach the valley low at 3637. This is going to be interesting.

I have to assume that both you and Guru are suggesting that the price will fall to these levels soon rather than go up 300 pips then fall to these levels.

range 2 d 3640- 3865.i said 3573 if break 3600 so you are right

range 2 d 3640- 3865.i said 3573 if break 3600 so you are right

Thank you for your views. I welcome all view because it helps to sharpen one's edge.

BUT if the price does fall to 3636 then I see it going to 3593 but not much further down than that.

Thank you for your views. I welcome all view because it helps to sharpen one's edge. BUT if the price does fall to 3636 then I see it going to 3593 but not much further down than that.

dint break 3685

dint break 3685

The price may not do anything until after the News in 20 mins.

The price may not do anything until after the News in 20 mins.

hope angelina stop playing ping-pong too long

hope angelina stop playing ping-pong too long

Ya ya.

This market is too slow!

Ya ya. This market is too slow!

didnt break 3700