Eurusd/gbpusd - page 199

realy a good trader ,where you see target on zup 1-m

you dont have any fake signals

you dont have any fake signals

I've seen one fake signal today.


Short GU. Bear pat.

I've seen one fake signal today.

i'm off boys!! have a great evening!! see you tomorrow!! hopefully i'll get a trade!! still, no pips are better then red ones right!! lol just one of those things, i'm happy that I didn't take a trade today otherwise i'd be down you said yesterday Notch, you have to know when to step aside. the market will still be here tom!! well done anyway.


realy a good trader ,where you see target on zup 1-m

Thanks. I have my moments.

i'm off boys!! have a great evening!! see you tomorrow!! hopefully i'll get a trade!! still, no pips are better then red ones right!! lol just one of those things, i'm happy that I didn't take a trade today otherwise i'd be down you said yesterday Notch, you have to know when to step aside. the market will still be here tom!! well done anyway. Gaz

Bye Gaz.

Chat tomorrow. This current trade may be a loser. Bye.

Short GU. Bear pat.

Out for +6

Out for +6

Short GU again.

Short GU again.

Out. +10. This is getting boring.

Out. +10. This is getting boring.

why you make quik moves good one