Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1388

NFP tomorrow. That will be something. Another whipsaw

I doubt that anything will change significantly. There was a possible downtrend change, but thanks to US government shutdown and debt ceiling circus it was successfully turned back on previous track. At the time of tomorrow NFP the price should be right on the support again and if some wonder of the world does not happen, it seems like a clear trend up should continue

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week no. gu---6189(+-6-9p)sell 6180 ,6145 -------6133 tp1 47p, tp2 12p, later week no. 6233 was signal buy----6163 tp 30p ()()

later week no. 6145 was signal sell----6117 tp 28p,

week no. 3700(+-6-9p)3694 was signal sell-------3653 tp 42p, later week no. 3657 was signal buy---- ()

stop out 3687 tp 30p , later week no. 3657(+-6-9p)3663 was signal buy----


All as expected so far. Waiting for NFP to see what will happen there. Support hold and is on a unchanged direction

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If NFP stays within the predicted then only a continuation of the current trend can be expected. But I guess that brokers will ad to some usual stop loss hunting


Everybody waiting NFP now. This will be nice


For a moment all is as expected. But I am not going to trade NFP - too big a posibility of eratic reaction to any deviation from the expected values of NFP

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stop out 3687 tp 30p , later week no. 3657(+-6-9p)3663 was signal buy----

olso week no. 3700, 3705, 3717 was signal buy---- ()

Week no. are signals buy/ sell,trade week no. same no. all the week,every day ,24-h,5-days,trade with the trend -no indictors ,only week no.enter on week no.posted once a week on monday for all the week. use week no. as enter trade point.,news is just event that can speed up or down the price movment

rules:enter olso( +-)6-9p,or week no.

week no.(10/20/2013)

have a nice green week! ()

week no. gu--6129, 6133, 6145, 6189, 6193, 6205, eu--3645, 3640, 3657, 3700, 3705, 3717

week no. 6129,6133, 6145, 6189, 6193 ,6205 was signal buy----- () ()() ()-------


We are back to the original support line. It was all set up for a bullish trend continuation this time. Past shutdown, lack of QE taper, new debt ceiling are all being priced in at once

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