Eurusd/gbpusd - page 171

strong move down??

Yes. But now looking for a counter reaction upwards.

Well done. It's good to recognise when you should step aside.

It's upto you how to choose to write but the call you made earlier about the price was likely to hit 7059 (I think) would have been more valuable if you had stated: "The reversal zone according to the Bearish Butterfly is between 7023-7059. I favour the price going to the R2 but the price would need to get past the fibo pivot at 7037 to get there".

Just a thought as I think it gives more of a complete picture for newer traders. Anyway, News time.

yeah, although I didn't lose earlier, that was down to luck as I wasn't watching at the time nor did I enter the limit so I thats the other reason why i'll leave it today as I could be down now.

re the writing thing its just a misunderstanding again due to the way I write. what I meant was that while pa was above R2, it could goto R3....thats all I meant.

I'll try to include more info in know what its like tho, when you are busy you fire off quick posts that may not reflect exactly what you are thinking. although I have my system, there is a lot of intuition involved which only comes with screen time.

cheers mate



Counter reaction is quite weak at this point.

Okay Puts closed and now naked!

who are you doing your options through mate? (out of interest)....

Avi, sent you email.

yeah, although I didn't lose earlier, that was down to luck as I wasn't watching at the time nor did I enter the limit so I thats the other reason why i'll leave it today as I could be down now.

re the writing thing its just a misunderstanding again due to the way I write. what I meant was that while pa was above R2, it could goto R3....thats all I meant.

I'll try to include more info in know what its like tho, when you are busy you fire off quick posts that may not reflect exactly what you are thinking. although I have my system, there is a lot of intuition involved which only comes with screen time.

cheers mate


I know and I could simply ignore what you write but I value your input. Whether we like it or not there is a high probability that what we write influences others to some degree and I think we should give a two sided picture as much as possible rather than bias our posts with what we want to happen.

who are you doing your options through mate? (out of interest).... Avi, sent you email.

send you pm. big volume!!

who are you doing your options through mate? (out of interest).... Avi, sent you email.

IGINDEX. It's not ideal as Interactive Broker would be more cost efficient but I'm still learning the Options art and IG's offering is simple although they don't give you the Greeks.

I know and I could simply ignore what you write but I value your input. Whether we like it or not there is a high probability that what we write influences others to some degree and I think we should give a two sided picture as much as possible rather than bias our posts with what we want to happen.

agreed mate.

IGINDEX. It's not ideal as Interactive Broker would be more cost efficient but I'm still learning the Options art and IG's offering is simple although they don't give you the Greeks.

cool, i used Ig for options Many moons ago for doing ftse options....did really well to begin with then lost my shirt!!!! lol i'm laughing now but boy was I in serious pain at the time!!

may look into using them to hedge my cash positions as discussed.



Okay Puts closed and now naked!

Out of the trade with a reasonable profit.

Overall, I'm very disappointed with today's performance. How in the FX God's name did we all manage not to fully benefit from the Bearish Butterfly on the Weekly, 1 day, 4 hour, 30 min, and 15 min?

This is unacceptable in my view. How can we even call ourselves traders if we allowed such a glaring opportunity get away. Poor poor poor!