1065: developer 'Piphunter' - page 4



Hi Piphunter,

I have also subscribed your new RAS-ID.

Thanks again for your good work.



awesome thanks for the support!


Hey Piphunter,

did you ever consider to increase the TP of the last opened Trade(s) if there are more than two Trades open?


Your trades now:

TP Profit/Loss in Pips

Trade 1 3 Pips TP -29

Trade 2 4 Pips TP -23

Trade 3 5 Pips TP -14

Trade 4 5 Pips TP -4

If the price turns now and Trade 3 and 4 will be closed at TP, you would still have a loss in Trade 1 and 2 and we/you have to wait for break even.

If Trade 4 would have the same TP-Level as Trade 3, this would kick us faster to break even.

Hey Piphunter,

did you ever consider to increase the TP of the last opened Trade(s) if there are more than two Trades open?


Your trades now:

TP Profit/Loss in Pips

Trade 1 3 Pips TP -29

Trade 2 4 Pips TP -23

Trade 3 5 Pips TP -14

Trade 4 5 Pips TP -4

If the price turns now and Trade 3 and 4 will be closed at TP, you would still have a loss in Trade 1 and 2 and we/you have to wait for break even.

If Trade 4 would have the same TP-Level as Trade 3, this would kick us faster to break even.


Of course I do, but if you can tell me the upward momemtum is finished and tell me how far its gonna retrace back and when, then I would do it in an instant. I have to plan for the worse, if that means scalping the top of this range until i can't get a good reading on price action, then I will continue to do so even if it takes me longer, better to take a bunch of positive bites in uncertain conditions then to gamble and think it will go your way. Forex don't work like that. Take what you can get now in these ultra unstable conditions. If I hadn't intervened a bunch of times tonight we'd be in a 8-9 trade DD. Besides, theres global profit counter working, the sum of all these trades closed will be positive.

Just remember, you can adjust these trades on your platform yourself.

Besides, theres global profit counter working, the sum of all these trades closed will be positive.

Thank you for your faast reply.

I just wanted to know your opinion and your reasons for doing it your way.

And I will not change anything on my side of the RAS. You did a very good job and i am sure you will do so in the future.

Can you explain in few words, how the global counter works?



It just manages a profit level that I set. and it is related to the EA. one single trade has its own t/p. but if a whole bunch of trades open then it will keep track of the sum of all these trades opening and closing until profit level is met, then it will close all trades and reset for the next bunch of trades.


How many Trades do you include in that "profit level"? Beginning with the first Trade who turned into loss?

And 2nd question: Does the EA decide by himself when it places the 2nd, 3rd ... Order?


Tough day today, this is forex, but very comforting to know that you are manually managing things.



Hey Paul,

thanks for the support, Yeah wacky today... wayyy out of range. it was tough to keep up and i'm running out of coffee. TBH in days like this, survival is my goal and to keep losses low. I'm gonna shut these down at BE and call it a week. Theres always next week!


Ok, 1.5200 seems to be well supported, hasn't been able to break cleanly, I was hoping for around 5150 and 5170's (50 - 61 fib) area but i not so sure now. apparently this recent swing up was due to large funds trading it up and not snb intervention. I will try to close off remaining trades as close to BE as i can. I think its pretty close to BE could be a few bucks off. Price action looks to head up. will resume again on sunday night. In the future the occasional hedge trade will occur. i will try to avoid it as much as possible. today i normally would have captured the market both ways but understand that many users cannot hedge. Next week is a new week and will seek to get more pips for us.