My Forex Prediction using Advanced GET - page 77


I wonder if anyone was in sync with my view on gbpusd, I will do like Kenneth and brag a bit about it!

My initial target is not reach but i expect to buy again at a lower level toward that objective.

Bought @ 1.6585 Nov 12 21:00 EST, added on position @ 1.6685 Nov 16 06:00am, Sold @ 1.6790 Nov 16 @ 11:00am. Duration of trade: 86 hrs. Profit 205 pips. My position was heavy in proportion to my account size. My initial risk was... 10% (of a small account, but i know it was too big but the setup was perfect!) profited 35%.

It make for some past lost.

I wonder if anyone was in sync with my view on gbpusd, I will do like Kenneth and brag a bit about it!

My initial target is not reach but i expect to buy again at a lower level toward that objective.

Bought @ 1.6585 Nov 12 21:00 EST, added on position @ 1.6685 Nov 16 06:00am, Sold @ 1.6790 Nov 16 @ 11:00am. Duration of trade: 86 hrs. Profit 205 pips. My position was heavy in proportion to my account size. My initial risk was... 10% (of a small account, but i know it was too big but the setup was perfect!) profited 35%.

It make for some past lost.

GreatYves, you have done a great job in position trading to hold on to your trade for that length of time, withstanding the onslaught of sharp retracements from time to time.

I used to have that type of guts but not now. In forex, I no longer have the courage to be a position trader not because of losses but because of the great psychological and emotional impact when I see my paper loss touched 200 pips even though subsequently prices went up again to recover that amount. Even though I may make some money, for me it is not worth it.

I am more relaxed now as a forex day trader and be content with 30-50 pips per trade or per day.



Hi, GreatYves:

We are NOT bragging about our trades, as we do not have any ultimate purpose behind us. I have nothing to offer for subscription nor do I have anything to sell to readers and so do you.

We merely share our experience – successs and failures (hopefully more success than failures) to encourage and motivate our readers to be diligent and work hard towards achieving our personal objective – to become a successful trader.

At the same time, we have also warned of the traps in forex trading and I have pointed out many times I am not that fantastic after all and neither is GET software or Elwave software that great.

Ultimately we want to depend on ourselves to make the final judgment and through this process of learning in this forum I hope we can ALL become proficient in forex trading.

Dont you agree with me, GreatYves – hehehe.


I knew i would provoke some reaction on your behalf, i was just happy about my trade and was looking for a lame excuse to let our readers know about it!

Don't be offense, we all enjoy seeing you make much more money then all the rest of us altogether. If i could, i would be daytrading with you on a chat room but as you know, my day job does not permit me such a life style, and i start enjoying this kind of trading. Expecially when after beeing 60-100 pips in profit, i can just move my stop to break even, and then start stressing about the next outcome, as i did yesterday morning. The trade came back from 140 pips profit down to 90, i closed the trade out of fear,then after a few minutes of remorse, i reopened it but by pyramiding my position by risking only my last profit i just booked. So i was still at break even on my risk but the position was now more profitable. The outcome was i didn,t lost a pip, and i made a bigger profit. I just knew inside it was the right move. I could have manage this trade even better but there is limit to what i can foresee.

Now i had set a limit order to buy at 61.8 retracement of the last impulse @ 6750. with stop under the low a 6660. Target conservative 6950. I leave it till 7.00am est to fill. I could had just buy the 31.8 @ 6797 but i prefer not being fill at all then to buy at such a risky level.

A More Simple Way of Trading the Wave Counts with GET

Today I have changed my normal title from “Trading the Wave Counts with GET” by prefixing it with an additional phrase - “A More Simple Way of Trading the Wave Counts”.

When we speak of Trading the Wave Counts, it embodies the entire Wave Cycle from the Impulse Wave 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and the Corrective Waves of A/B/C. And I have covered in my postings how to trade Waves 3 and 5 and a last article on how to trade Corrective Waves if you want to.

Personally I avoid trading the Corrective Waves with so many patterns and fanciful terms. Stay Aside is my motto for Corrective Waves. But since in the last posting I wrote that article, I felt writing is one thing, doing it yourself is another. So I did a bit of trading for that purpose. And enough is enough. So I am back to sticking to my motto – Stay Away from Corrective Waves. If others do it, be my guest.

Have you, as a reader or a beginner in the use of GET, wonder what will be a MORE SIMPLE way of trading Elliott Waves.

Yes, there is an answer. By now, we all know that PRIMARY WAVE 3 IS THE LONGEST AND THUS THE MOST PROFITABLE WAVE to trade – I suggest you just STICK TO WAVE 3 – that's all. You don't have to worry about Wave 4 (what type of Corrective pattern is it) and Wave 5 (whether it is going to be an extended 5 or not).

It gives you less headache BUT with 5 currency pairs we then have LESS TRADE OPPORTUNITIES and you will need MORE PATIENCE AND DISCIPLINE to wait for that Wave 3 to come.

Q: What can we do about it? Simple. ENLARGE YOUR PORTFOLIO OF CURRENCY PAIRS and hopefully there will be more currency pairs that are in Primary Wave 3 for you to do your trading.

What I shall be doing from Today Onwards: I have now enlarged the portfolio to 8 currency pairs (I cannot handle too much as I have my commitments in the Malaysian stock market and it also requires much of my time) viz:


For those who have GET, you can enlarge it further according to your preference and experience.

With this 8 pairs, I just scan for those pairs that are in a PRIMARY WAVE 3, attach the charts in my postings and they will be my focus for trading.

Life will be simpler for me and hopefully simpler for you too – hehehe.

FOCUS TODAY: Of these 8 pairs, there is only ONE pair that stands out as a PRIMARY WAVE 3 and that is GBPUSD – UP.

I have not the time yet to even look at MT4 but for me, if it is in a definite uptrend, then I will place my order to buy; on the other hand, if it is sideways or downtrend, I just stay aside. In MT4, you will not have any Elliott Waves to rely on UNLESS you are using realtime Elliott Wave softwares which I don't have. Have to live with what I have and with what I can lay my hands on.

Good Trading



Master kenneth37,

seem link file 8 is broken, can u reupload the new one? hehehe

Master kenneth37, seem link file 8 is broken, can u reupload the new one? hehehe

Hi, Yelderin:

You really tickle me to laughter calling me "Master". We are not in the kungfu world. We are in the forex world. Just call me Kenneth will do.

The link file 8 was originally posted by Serulink, the originator of this thread. I too had the same problem as you do, and I have given up on this.

A reader, Joe44, has suggested in his posting #757 that you can do a Google Search by typing the phrase "Advanced Get software" and they give some websites where you can "download" this software - whether it is realtime or end of day - I do not know.

Try your luck - hehehe (You learn fast, Yelderin)




i already download some version of Get Advance, but the major problem is: i don't have datafeed. so i need global server and quoteroom crack version to get datafeed for free.. hehehe. from what i know, Agung tell me that the file is complete version including omni trader software..

i also trading forex and do EW analysis manually. so i want try Get software.. hehehe

i already download some version of Get Advance, but the major problem is: i don't have datafeed. so i need global server and quoteroom crack version to get datafeed for free.. hehehe. from what i know, Agung tell me that the file is complete version including omni trader software.. i also trading forex and do EW analysis manually. so i want try Get software.. hehehe

If the trading platform you are now using is MT4, no problem in exporting the historical data from MT4 to GET.

You refer to my Posting #728 Page 73 to Michaell56. In it, I have put down the procedure for doing this. In addition, I have also attached there a doc file containing snapshots of How To get GET Working with the data from MT4.

Enjoy yourself and remember to read up their User Guide manuals to get the most out of it.



ok.. thank kenneth