Some terms and PR technologies - page 3

Opinion Leaders.

First of all we should decide: which kind PR we all want to see on the forum. It is easy to recognize the particular PR Opinion Leader. If the forum does not need some kind of PR so it is easy to identify some Opinion Leader and ban him for example.

In same cases the forum may have some dangerous situation when:

Opinion Leaders "without job".

Opinion Leaders are in permanent informational hungry condition. They need the information. If they do not have information so they started to act against the forum itself.

It is Opinion Leaders "without job".

Thus, we know that no any forum or social service can be developed without Opinion Leaders. Because Opinion Leaders are such as elite of the forum.

And we know that it is really dangerous situation when the forum is having such as Opinion Leaders "without job" (such as Hidden Leaders), and it is responsibility of the moderators/admins/owners of the forum to make some kind of proposals for them to be turned onto normal Opinion Leadership situation.

And we know that none of this "turning" or Leadership is related to the money from the forum, or any payment and so on: we are talking here about how to develop the forum for free ... just my experience in case someone will want to implement.

Just one example.

If someone will tell me: "newdigital, go to our forum to moderate? we created the forum with no threads yet, so you will create the first thread and will moderate".

How long time it will be necessary to spend on the empty forum to develop it? Few years if no Opinion Leaders, and few weeks if moderator will come to new place/forum together with Opinion Leaders.

It was the example only.


Before I will move forward with this

On the few next posts (next days) - we will discuss about what moderators/admins/owners should do to keep Opinion Leaders and/or Hidden Leaders inside the forum.

I want to make one post about something which WILL NOT be discussed here on this thread. Just one post to start and finish.

We will not discuss the following cases:

- f*sc*sm

- r*c*sm

- ant*-amer*can*sm

- inad*quate aggr*ss*on.


f*sc*sm. We did not have it and do not have.


r*c*sm. We had it in past and few members were banned immediately. Just my observation: do you know where they are coming from according to IP check - who made the posts in r*c*sm? Western Europe. Yes, civilized and developed Western Europe! And we had 2 posts in rel*g*ousness int*ler*nce way. And do you know who made it? Muslims? Not at all. People from the countries with difficult situation of the development (we are having the members from Afghanistan, Sundan and so on)? Not at all! It came from the US and it was not related to any rel*gion at all.

I mean: it is in the contradiction with about what the mass media is telling sometimes about ...



Few members were banned. They all were from the US.

Mostly, as I see - it is some kind of miss leading concerning mass media and so on: most of the people who posted in this way - from the US.


inad*quate aggr*ss*on.

Those cases are happened sometimes on the forum. And it is related to such as Faked Opinion Leaders. I mean: when some member with 1 or few posts on the forum is trying to teach the other members in very aggressive way about which indicator to use for trading, how to live, what to do in the way as

You must delete this indicator from your Metatrader platform because it repaint otherwise you are the idiot
just wondering who gave this piece of shit a 5-star rating
Here it is. Just another piece of shit like many others
In my opinion the problem of colored MAs cannot be solved at all.
I never used other DiNapoli tools since I don't see any advantage of ...

just some comments: no one asked him - he is using this tools, or not ... and no one cared really

But when the members disagreed with him and they are not doing what he is forcing them to do - he became very aggressive man with very bad behaviour ...


To be an Opinion Leader on the forum. To achieve good professional reputation.


To collect as many members around himself as possible on the forum in as quick way as possible, with spending as less money/energy for that as possible.


To sell to all the members the following:

Here it is. Just another piece of shit like many others

Just searching the forum for such the quotes


So, as the conclusion.

Those cases (f*sc*sm, r*c*sm, ant*-amer*can*sm, inad*quate aggr*ss*on) can be called as the sickness of rich people from developed countries. And it is nothing with financial market at all.

So, we will not speak about those cases anymore.


Thus, Opinion Leaders and Hidden Leaders are the elite of the forum.

Some example.

We are going to some country as the tourists. And tour guide is telling about elite of the country in past (some Kings and so on), elite of the country for now (business elite, some elite of the culture of the country and so on).

Can some President of the country create some decision without asking elite for that? Will this decision be implemented and supported? Not at all.

So, Opinion Leaders and Hidden Leaders are the elite of the forum and it is responsibility of the moderators/admins to create as good environment for them as possible to keep them inside the forum.

To make it shorter:

Opinion Leaders are the main forum supporters,


Hidden Leaders are the engine of the forum development.

In the next few posts - I will explain about what to do to keep them inside the forum (any forum).

More to follow.


some more related to our forum: