Some terms and PR technologies


I started this thread as the informational one.

Just to help the members to understand which kind of reply they will give to some "difficult" members to stop them from spam or any.

I hope it will help.


Please note - I am posting here something related to the forex forums only.


What is PR?

It is Public Relations.

Why members are doing some PR campaing?

Money. Because of the money.

Do we need to participate?


That is why I opened this thread.

Which kinds of PR we may have on our forum?

1. Public Relations: Public relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1.1. Black PR: Black PR - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1.1.1. Kompromat (refers to a form of grey propaganda used in information warfare against opponents in business and politics).

1.1.2. Generation 'P': after this novel (Generation 'P') the Black PR technologies are associated with "black" market and with criminal (in Russia and in some European countries).

1.2. Yellow PR.

No any wiki link in English.

Yellow PR is targeting the forex forums or some part of the forums with a discussion which members of the forum do not want to see and listen by definition.

For example, start discussion about EAs scammers in EAs sections on the forum, and so on.

Managed by Yellow Opinion Leaders.

1.3. Grey PR.

No any wiki link in English.

It is some kind of Black PR with hidden source of false.

It is well-known on many forex forums.

Managed by Grey Opinion Leaders.

1.4. White PR.

No any wiki link in English.

White PR is opposite to Black PR.

White PR means: good PR. PR itself.

1.5. SelfPR.

No any wiki link in English.

The member of the forum is advertising/promoting himself/herself in anonymous way.

Part of Black PR.

1.7. Brown PR.

No any wiki link in English.

Direct promotion of,, anti-americanism and so on.

1.8. Green PR.

Social responsible PR.

1.9. Virus PR.

It is targeting the members of the forum independently from any threads and sections. For example: PM advertisements, forex spam on the forum and so on.


All those PR technologies are managed by Opinion Leaders

Opinion leadership - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two-step flow of communication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is very easy to recognize who is Opinion Leader and who is not.


So, reading my previous post so we can understand something ...

For example, we are having some member on the forum who is posting everywhere and so on ... you understand ... and we all can tell to him: "Stop please, it is not your thread, stop off-topic".

And do you think he will stop?

Do not be naive

Making PR (any kind - see my previous post) - the member is making money. Not for you. Not for us. For himself.

And he will never stop just because we all will tell him to stop.

Do we really need to participate in 'thei money making proicess'?

Because PR people need attention, right?

If no attention so they can "starve".

Attention is their food.

Anyone played with Tamagotchi?

Tamagotchi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If we will give the food to Tamagotch so the Tamagotch will become more fat and will enjoy the life.

Which food?



many members said to me: "please ban this guy, please ban this guy ...".

But in the same time - they are helping him, "feeding" him with his PR campaing providing the replies and making the attention ...

If you all like this guy so how can I ban this guy?

You know what I am talking about.

This thread was created in 17th of June this year. Today is 25th of June.

Abd this thread is having more than 3,000 views just for few days!!

If we will stop participating in PR campaign so everything will be stoped.

Just my experience.


Opinion Leaders.

First of all we should decide: which kind PR we all want to see on the forum. It is easy to recognize the particular PR Opinion Leader. If the forum does not need some kind of PR so it is easy to identify some Opinion Leader and ban him for example.

In same cases the forum may have some dangerous situation when:

Opinion Leaders "without job".

Opinion Leaders are in permanent informational hungry condition. They need the information. If they do not have information so they started to act against the forum itself.

It is Opinion Leaders "without job".



There are some terms below.

We all are using it.

So, it is just a meaning of some of them.

Many members know about it but just in case I will remind.

- to Google.

refers to using the search to obtain information.


In Case You Didn't Get It.

- NSFW - Not safe for work.

NWS - not work-suitable/safe.

NSS - not school-suitable.

Not safe for work - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- undead.

Source: Stephen King - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Direct meaning: 'not drinking alcohol.

Other meaning: undead = good (safe to use).

- Overquoting. Quote/commentary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is when one member replied quoted the above previous post in his message.

Do you see when anti-spam software on the forum block some post? And the member comlaining about "what happened". And moderator will reply "it is because if overquoting".

Overquoting is usual members' mistake they are doing on the forum.




- off-topic: Off Topic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- IMHO - In My Honest Opinion or In My Humble Opinion.

- Kaschenism: Kaschenism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its main feature is provocativeness and mockery while being formally polite.

- Crossposting: Crossposting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is usual mistake on our forum as well.

- leecher:

From wiki:

being a leech or leecher refers to the practice of benefiting, usually deliberately, from others' information or effort but not offering anything in return, or only token offerings in an attempt to avoid being called a leech. In economics this type of behavior is called "Free riding" and is associated with the Free rider problem.

The name derives from the leech, an animal which sucks blood and then tries to leave unnoticed. Other terms are used, such as "freeloader", but leech is the most common.

Interesting, right?

- Bump:

- RL or Real Life:




- subj.

It is subject.

Example to use:

"what is subj on this thread?"

"this thread is about Murrey so do not change the subj please".

- Bacn:

- trap.

It is the post made in the end of the thread. The post is having obscene or offensive subj.

We had traps on the forum right? Some mmbers are doing traps. I am deleting, banning ...

So, it is the traps.

Some PR mothid you know ...

people are doing it not because they are drunk. They are doing it to make PR. To make money.

- troll: Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

We had trolls on the forum.

Usual used slogan:

Do not feed the trolls!

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.




- Flooding: Internet Relay Chat flood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Crapflooding: Internet Relay Chat flood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CTCP flood: Client-to-client protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

DCC flood: Direct Client-to-Client - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ICMP flood: Internet Control Message Protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Message flood: Sending lots of private messages to the victim

Notice flood.

Invite flood: Sending lot of invites

Nick flood: Changing the nick as fast as possible

Connect flood: Connecting and disconnecting from a channel as fast as possible, therefore spamming the channel with dis/connect messages

Version flood: Sending many requests

Now we understand: Black and other PR guys fully know what they are doing. They know everything which I am posting here. because it is their science and it is their job.

We should know it because they all are around.




- Flaming.

Flaming is the hostile and insulting interaction between Internet users.


- destructive criticism

- Trolling

- Pie fights

- Thought policing:

Thought policing (taken from George Orwell's novel 1984) is when someone trolls the forums looking for posts that do not align with their political, religious, or moral values. When they find a post that they do not agree with, they post messages in that post to incite people to bring attention to that post to get it locked or deleted. This phenomenon is widespread in forums and motives can vary.

We had it on the forum a lot, right?

- Fisking.

Fisking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- Godwin's law.

Godwin's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


For now you understand about what PR people know and what they use. And why it is difficult to win and to act against them.


Do you know what I am thinking?

I am thinking that I should open the training cources for the people who want to be a moderator for the forex forums.

For money of course




- Pie fights.

Pie fights are characterized by heated, emotional exchanges, and although they are typically of short duration, they can have a devastating effect on an online community. Pie fights can be started by Internet trolls who use baiting techniques to enrage Internet forum users so much that they post inappropriate and/or offensive messages. Unfortunately, this often results in disruption of the forum more than anything else.

- Insult.

Insult - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- Holy wars.

It is senseless discussion on the thread when the members are trying to prove to each other something which is not fully related to the topic of the thread.

Action: banning participants.

We have holy wars on the forum, right?