ValeoFX's Trading Method... - page 6


Hi Valeo, Still not getting anything on the yannis mod cci. ( W/ new "driver" )

Edit -- Deleted and reinstalled, now I have it Thank you.


M5 analysis...

This is the first of a few M5 screen-prints in which I want to show you that "less is more" in terms of MVAs.

I have changed over completely to the Corrected Average (CA) because of its accuracy. Thanks to my friend Gerhard, I have also changed the SSL-indicators into Corrected Averages, with excellent results.

The first screen-print is that of the 8-EMA and the 28-EMA (and please from now on just read it as Corrected Average( and I will call it 8-ECA where E= Exponential set @ CLOSE.

Basically you do NOT need anything more than these 2 ECAs, BUT having said that, I thought it best to include the 60-ECA in a later Post for "TREND" on the M-5 TF.

Feel free to comment as we go along until finally I will Post my latest M5-Template.

Indicators will be placed as we go along for the very simple reason that I want people to STUDY every TF set-up separately and apply it as they work through and build their own Template. Spoon feeding is NOT my style and I therefore urge you not to just download the final Template and run like a headless chicken. Build upon the foundation first.

NOTE the Blue triangle on the vertical line @ 08h10 (these charts are GMT+2 charts OR CET now) and compare that to the later posting where the 60-ECA is added! NB. (Thanks JoeB for bringing this to my attention - my trading platform is GMT and I got mixed up)

Best wishes.

tsd-m5_emas.gif  39 kb
ma_i-ca.mq4  2 kb

DoubleCCIWoody not showing up...

Sorry for the confusion guys regarding the Yannis version of the DoublecciWoody. Glad you finally got it sorted out.

Also, my charts posted are CET and NOT GMT as I mentioned on Saturday. I made the changes on the post thanks to JoeB.

Best wishes for a successful week.


Additional ECA...

Whilst discussing this slow market, Jerry F mentioned to me that he uses the ECA differently and so I adapted his suggestion onto the M5 with absolutely stunningly accurate effect.

I suggest you try it and let us know whether you agree with us.

Best wishes.


M2 Charts...

I have been experimenting with M2 charts. I keep it a lot simpler than this actually. Anyone else?


Thanks Suk,

I'll try it on M2 - seems like a good compromise between the m1 and m5. Whats your experience of that tf?




Hi Valeo

Trust all is well - eagerly awaiting the rest of your m5 setup!!




Thanks Suk...

I started looking at the M2 TF with set number of pips per candle which I thought was a great idea, but the indicator that does the conversion did not do a good enough job on my PC (very CPU intense) and I dropped it, but I agree with you the M2 - 3 is a very positive step forward and it would be great if the MT4 developers, could accommodate us?

Thank you for sharing.


Thanks Valeo

Yes, the plot stc is indeed quite good, as is the chimp! and of course the new ssl (altho' I'm only using the bar version of it, but think need to put the actual display on chart).

Pity that we can't get the mtf plot stc in the same way as your other mtf indicators, anchored and fixed. I read your exchange with fxbs and mladen on another thread, I also know that on more than one occassion you have explained the difference between repainting, resetting, and "fixed" mtf indicators.As anchoring has been achieved before, therefore the "how to" is known, and for somebody to just look back at those anchored indis code and replicate on the mtf stc should not, I'dve thought, be that much of a problem.

Lets hope somebody does. Wish I knew how to program!! Chimp4, eh, cannot wait!

Thanks again.


I started looking at the M2 TF with set number of pips per candle which I thought was a great idea, but the indicator that does the conversion did not do a good enough job on my PC (very CPU intense) and I dropped it, but I agree with you the M2 - 3 is a very positive step forward and it would be great if the MT4 developers, could accommodate us? Thank you for sharing.

I use this one, seems to not impact on performance on my pc. Is this the same you use?

