Lets Get Real - page 16


More trades today. Finally used the close and reverse script on a losing trade and turned lemons into lemonade. I probably should have piled on the shorts this afternoon but I was going to the beach ... surf's up!

Topsail beach in NC is absolutely awesome.


This time I went short during the pullback since all my indications were that the trend was still down. Still getting jerked around a bit but if we can just break below 134 this will be a monster winner.

I have very high leverage so I do not advise anyone to trade the way I do unless you are willing to lose it all.


I am way off script here. I took a shot a breakout to the downside instead of banking my profits along the way and I missed a big gain.

However, the trend is still down and I am still looking for the break. I should have banked more when the 134 held and looked to get back in later. Hard to say though cause if it had dropped I would probably have missed it.


I closed it all out. Time to regroup and wait for a better signal. Still up nicely from the start but way off from where I could have been.

I will return to the small pip trades and keep the leverage up. I get so much better results and would have been up big time today if I had just stuck to the script.

Sometimes you just have to take the shot but you live and hopefully learn.


Well that proves it CAN be done. $100,000 profit in one week. Click below to see the statement and all the trades.


And then while I went for a walk on the beach, a sharp reversal takes it all away again!!

I need to work on getting a decent management EA to cover me when I am away.

probably try the swiss army one.


What a day. I went back to the beach this afternoon instead of staring at the charts and 2 pygmy sperm whales stranded right in front of us, a calf and then the adult.

I was able to get the calf back in the water and through the surf but 20 min later we saw the adult stranded about 1/4 mile away. Along with a few others we were able to keep the adult upright, shaded and watered until a rescue team from UNC Wilmington arrived. They loaded it up and took it to the vet for examination. Apparently they live 30-50 miles off shore and if it was in here, it had to be pretty ill.

Regardless, it was quite an impressive display of nature's majesty.


Sounds Cool

He Rad,

Sounds like a really cool trip, We are going to the beach this fall, I think we will check out this one.


You know a vacation should probably jus be a vacation. I tried to combine a little work with my vacation and it is obvious that my concentraton level is way down. The last few days am just taking shots from behind the power curve.

Anyways I have proved to myself that it can work in a big way when I pay close attention with no distractions. The scripts are essential and I used the swiss army ea with some success yesterday.

I will be on line for another week or two and then I will be off line for at least a month. When I return I will have an exciting new project that should create quite a stir.

Hope you all stay tuned.


I, for one, am excited to see what you have planned.