RAS moderators announcement, reports and problems - page 74


OPen Orders

Thanks to the RAS developers, non subscribers can not see open trades anymore. Thank you.

Unfortunatly this new feature has caused, that also system vendors can not see their open trades posted in the own statistics of the trading system either.



Can not?

Vendors can not see their open trades?

Thats impossible ...

If yes so they should fix it (confirm please).

Can not?

Vendors can not see their open trades?

Thats impossible ...

If yes so they should fix it (confirm please).

confirm, I couldnt see my open trades last week either. was wondering why. I cant check today as I closed all for weekend.


I am vendor for elite signals and I can see my open trades ...

Are you sure that you login before click on "Active Traders" link to be open?

Confirm on Monday and if you can not see - so I aill send the email message to the developers to fix it.



i can confirm, that the link to our open trades(and we have some) is deactivated.

Will recheck after market reopens and confirm.

It would be much appreaciated, if substantial changes would be announced before implemented and if implemented proper function checked first before released.

Explanation why you can see your Elite signals is very easy!

All Elite subscribers can see open trades on Elite signals(we can see too)

From a programming standpoint it is easy to explain.

This field was set to "true" for subscribers and "false" for non subscribers and because System Vendors are not subscribed to their own systems, open trades can no longer be seen.


It would be much appreaciated, if substantial changes would be announced before implemented and if implemented proper function checked first before released.

It was well-known change (to close open trades fo non-subscribers): many vendors requested it on live support. So, I just summarized all the requests and sent it to the business admin and to programmer.

So, it was nothing to announce.

This our talking are the same things: I am summarizing the requests and sending it to them.


I sent email message to the programmer to check this possible error/bug.

May be - it is some kind of floating error which will disappeared tomorrow ...

Because no one reported about it on live support ....

Many vendors requested to close active trades for non-subscribers, but no one reported on live support about bug ...

Anyway - programmers will check it and fix if any.


I checked elite sections signals and yes - you are right: I can not see open trades details for elite signals.

I sent email to the developers so hope they will fix it tomorrow or on Monday.


Problem with error log


I have a strange message in the log, which doesnt seem to be reasonable.

attached you see the current trades and the website with open positions of 30323.

the position 3531964 exists, and matches the idea of the signal. everything is ok.

but in the log it claims to have an close error - off quote exactly with this order.

this is annoying, and makes me nervous I suspect problems with orders being not closed properly in such case.

it seems to be a false error,

1. I dont think RAS is willing to close this order at all.

2. if it closes I cannot imagine an off quote when closing an order... you shurely will close by asking the current price, like "MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK/MODE_BID)".

maybe there is still GetLastError() containing this error and its simply read and output regularly.

it makes me nervous. would be nice you could investigate this. probably you know a workaround also for me to come across immediately.


Invisible Active orders

I cannot see the active orders on the "cable clone" too.

but awful - why does the close have all loosers, whereas the cable is a winning signal?


Yet another question


I feel like annoying, but I am nervous until I understand things in very detail...

I see the comment of the order is different sometimes, and wonder why. see attached.

the thing is, if I have multiple signals mixed in a single account I cannot differentiate anymore which order came from which signal if the comment is like this.
