TREND-COMPASS SYSTEM-A very profitable system - page 3


red signal line

i have a problem i don't get the red line signal what should i do i use .tpl file and the signal don't come out not even in 15m time frame what should i do i use this on 2 different broker and is the same

thank you


1. If you enter long when Ehlers Fisher cross is low as you recommended you go against the trend...actually none of your indicators will show the general trend

2. the Elders Safe zone doesn't filter much at entry and is confusing after...

3. try to find ONE exit rule, very important, for me the smoothcandle cross is the best

4. how can I get rid of the gray channel lines part of the smoothcandle, anybody knows ?

5. the fact that smoothcandle lines are close doesn't mean we'll be in a range market aftre 5 min by now, that's how they always are before a trend starts, we just don't know when this is happening... and the spikes before that will kill our account...

6. your pdf is ok but you didn't show there so many bad entries given by the system, don't be too excited only by the good ones

7. congratulations for the weekly pivot discovery, I thought that the daily pivots are dedicated for the hourly chart, not that I use them...

You're on the good path of working your way but you still have a lot to figure out, 2 years experience and 2 blown accounts is not that much after all . good luck. Val


yea, make sense, no excess


�� BLUE MA > RED MA (When Blue MA is above Red MA).

�� Transform > Signal Line (When Transform is above Signal Line).

�� When candlestick is above Elders Safe Zone."

"Smooth Candles C v1.0 (another alternative could be EMA 5 and EMA 7)."


Smooth Candles -it's mas open/close/hi/lo - so also can be used as hi/lo channel in Synergy


i like he uses Mladen's EFT- line, most going after 4 - 8 colrs histo flashy ones

slight end-ons (cosmetics) for EFT - signal line visible on the right of zero bar, levels around zero

same exactly EFT, same Filename, you can just replace the file, it will not mess your templetes



This is a simple and highly profitable trading system that works with 1hr timeframe.The attachment includes all you need to know about this system. Happy trading

Where abouts do you place the downloaded files to activate the system on Meta4 platform?


Not really!!!!!!!


Is this a valid trade?

The red line.

Osaze thanks for the great work!

The smooth candles didn't open till the close of the bar after the red line, so, my signal would have been the next bar after the signal line

Anyone else getting this error within their journal tab mt4 platform?

2009.01.16 17:03:21 Ehlers Fisher transform EURUSDm,H1: incorrect start position 5489 for ArrayMaximum function.

edit: under the experts tab at the bottom, not the journal tab.



Really, neva seen that error....I suggest you try to update your mt4 platform if you haven't.....but, I will look into it



Thanks Osaze.

You mention in your pdf that you are also placing a e-book for ICWR strategy in the folder. This is not there - please could you post it here.

Thanks, much appreciated.


Sorry I haven't posted the ICWR strategy, reason being the one I have was bought from an author and I bought it from him.

I am currently working on an ebook for this strategy, when am through, I will post it here.


Thanks a lot

1. If you enter long when Ehlers Fisher cross is low as you recommended you go against the trend...actually none of your indicators will show the general trend

2. the Elders Safe zone doesn't filter much at entry and is confusing after...

3. try to find ONE exit rule, very important, for me the smoothcandle cross is the best

4. how can I get rid of the gray channel lines part of the smoothcandle, anybody knows ?

5. the fact that smoothcandle lines are close doesn't mean we'll be in a range market aftre 5 min by now, that's how they always are before a trend starts, we just don't know when this is happening... and the spikes before that will kill our account...

6. your pdf is ok but you didn't show there so many bad entries given by the system, don't be too excited only by the good ones

7. congratulations for the weekly pivot discovery, I thought that the daily pivots are dedicated for the hourly chart, not that I use them...

You're on the good path of working your way but you still have a lot to figure out, 2 years experience and 2 blown accounts is not that much after all . good luck. Val

Thanks 4 ur comments...

this will help me clarify somethings....

1.The elders safezone is mainly an entry signal. It ensures your trades are on the right side. After the entry, just don't worry yourself about it.. It zigzags sometimes but trust me, it has no effect. I use safezone b'cos it gives a surer market high and low with my combination.

2. There are really no too many bad entries as most times you dont enter if its a bad entry....Prove me wrong by posting what you call bad entries and I will tell you that you were wrong in your entry. I dare to tell you that this trading system is very profitable.

3. B'cos I understand this trading system, I may not be able to explain to someone that doesn't. I will take care of that as time goes on...just post what you don't understand and I will explain it in simple terms so you won't be confused while trading

4. 4 the gray channels, use my template and it won't appear.

5. 4 the smooth candles, I prefer using limit orders 4 entries. If you notice, I wrote recommended in brackets for that.

6. For the exit rules, the one that has always worked for me is the one I put there. I really haven't been able to explain it the way people will understand. I will make another pdf strictly for that.

I am not into "general trend" thing (though its great), so my indicators really don't need to follow general trend to profit.

Where abouts do you place the downloaded files to activate the system on Meta4 platform?

the notepad on the rar folder explains where to put the things. Its the first post so you won't have a problem locating it.



It is all conditions

hi i have a question does for making a trade order most be all conditions meet like in pdf file

1.)blue MA>red MA

2.)transform>signal line

3.)candlestcik above Elders safe zone

or only one condition is enough for + traiding

Its all conditions that must be met....but elders zone really doesn't matter much after entry...