Multi_Oscillator - page 3


The only thing that you have to keep as the first input is the 'Indicator_Quary' inputeven thought its not a user friendly input that is if one changes it, it will trigger an error it must stay as zero any thing else will stop the indicator. Why is it needed? and why must it be the first extern parameter is due to the way iCustom() function works. If you want to call any of the indicators you must supply which one in the icustom function. if that input is at the end of the list you would have to give all imputs upto the Indicator_Quary input. even the legend would need to be stated in the iCustom function. anything after the Indicator_Quary input doesnot have to be stated if all have default values the iCustom will use the default values. but all inputs before the Indicator_Quary input has to be stated even though they have default values. To give an example lets say we want the value of the RSI for the current bar the icustom would like this.

iCustom( Null, 0, "The Multi-Oscllator iPack", 1, 0, 0 );

The above line will use: ( current symbol, current time period, calling the iPack file, indicator 1(this is the quary input), the buffer 0 which is the quary buffer, and data from the current bar. changing the red number for which ever indicator you want to retreive. and the blue to the data bar you want.

First you must turn on EA access in the system default section or the indicator will not give out any information. Hope all of this makes sence


that's right - thank you for explanation, Keit

didn't had time to think about it as also a part of the sysem(s) and various applications

i'll make changes in what i posted accordingly



that's right - thank you for explanation, Keit

didn't had time to think about it as also a part of the sysem(s) and various applications

i'll make changes in what i posted accordingly




there is another feather in there that I didnot mention and that is you can create analitical indicators based on conditions of the other indicators and use it to pass buy/sell TP/SL to your EAs with out the EAs having to do any work. A simple indicator with say a 1 0 -1 to determine buy out sell or one to determine tread direction or lack there of.

I included one such analitical indicator in the code that I posted its not of any value and dont use it to trade by all means. It was included to give an example of what can be done. You have to turn it on in the default section and it will show up in the rotation of the charts or you can turn it on and put the number 10 in the lock indicator view and it will lock in view.

In case some of you had not figured out you can lock one of the indicators into view stoping the rotation by entering the indicator number to lock in on. locking an indicator into view will have no effect on EAs calling another indicator as both are controled seperatly.



pict: that's exactly how it looks like:

8still.gif  693 kb  1814 kb



sorry for the delay, had time this weekend to get things together. Instead of posting the function I talked about, I rewrote your code into what I call an iPack file. (a file packed with multi indicators). I have not completly checked for bugs so let me know if you find any. The code function I mentioned in my frist post are located to the end of the script.

The default timing is set for 1 second intervals but it depends largely on the amount of incoming ticks as to its rotation time. However you will note the similaities to your rotating screen shot in your first post.

Check out the code I have writen in other options into the code. An EA can access any data element or any indicator contained in this iPack file.

I created the first such file 2 years ago and sence then I have created others like tPack, cPack, mPack, aPack and sPack files off on the same idea. As fxbs has mentioned about screen displays I can show how thats done if there is any interest in that. All by the way use the same alternation engine to rotate desplays.



edit[ when viewing the code it is best to set the color for comments lines to a dim gray or other dim color so the actual code sticks out for the rest.]


Sorry it has taken me a while to get back to you i have been too busy to take anything new on board lately, thanks for your effort and time i will have a look at it as soon as i get some time

Regards cja



sorry for the delay, had time this weekend to get things together. Instead of posting the function I talked about, I rewrote your code into what I call an iPack file. (a file packed with multi indicators). I have not completly checked for bugs so let me know if you find any. The code function I mentioned in my frist post are located to the end of the script.

The default timing is set for 1 second intervals but it depends largely on the amount of incoming ticks as to its rotation time. However you will note the similaities to your rotating screen shot in your first post.

Check out the code I have writen in other options into the code. An EA can access any data element or any indicator contained in this iPack file.

I created the first such file 2 years ago and sence then I have created others like tPack, cPack, mPack, aPack and sPack files off on the same idea. As fxbs has mentioned about screen displays I can show how thats done if there is any interest in that. All by the way use the same alternation engine to rotate desplays.



edit[ when viewing the code it is best to set the color for comments lines to a dim gray or other dim color so the actual code sticks out for the rest.]


Fixed version (for MT4 600++) is attached.
