Problem with Mozilla and TSD? - page 2

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I also got same problem


What to do now?

All Mozilla users seem to have this same problem.

So, what do we need to do now?

I am switching over to IE and so far, ok.



Check by yourself the warning has no valid arguments. Click on Why.....

And Google says site is clean.

I think when robot pass again this will be corrected.

Only Firefox is affected. The rest of browsers work smooth.

:: Will not be easy to get out of this one forex-tsd.. big pain!

" Advisory provided by Google " ..

:: Problem is in the server.. several websites on that server are flagged.. same server, same probablity that the rest will be infected to.. and few days ago.. it did infect forex-tsd (not the first time)..

:: New server for Christmas, hurry! you will get promotion

:: By the way.. congratulations with the new layout!


Check by yourself the warning has no valid arguments. Click on Why.....

And Google says site is clean.

I think when robot pass again this will be corrected.

Only Firefox is affected. The rest of browsers work smooth.

I got the problem too with google chrome, but the site can be accessible.

Yesterday i got the problem too with my car's reseller site ! Gloups, i think they were down But hopefully not

Think too that google is crazy or might be they test someting for bad malwares.



So, nothing out of the ordinary after all

I tried IE, Opera and Firefox and none of them asked me to download anything from TSD. After looking at that data they are presenting there TSD is blacklisted for NOT HAVINGANY MALICIOUS SOFTWARE? According to their own report in the last 90 days there was nothing of a sort. My antivirus is happily crunching and enjoying along with my anti spyware software. Neither of them reporting anything.

Or the rule goes the other way : my grandmother reports and they say: yes, we did not check it and we do not see it but yes. It seems that something with the reporting rule is not so logical after all. But who am I to nag when they have so clever people there (it will come to the "ways" I had in my country long time ago : when someone did not like somebody he went to the "committee" (that was the name of it) and told some crazy story about that someone. In a lot of cases it worked. So now we are having the same s...t on the net? And who will controll the "committee"?)


Luckily still can access using yahoo application "My Favourite". Right until now both google & yahoo search still block forex-tsd access.