Suggestions for Trading System - page 7


Problems ?? ..first has not to be RED

Problems with first (it has not to be RED ),... well in the second

elder_mladen.jpg  270 kb

Problems with first is blue and has to be RED, well in the second one in red

Problems with first is blue and has to be RED, well in the second one in red




Conditions are coded as following (a quote from your post)



Macd>0 and BearpowerBearPower[yesterday] and Force Index Force Index [yesterday]



Macd0 bat BullPower[today]0 bat Force Index [today]<Force Index [yesterday]

and it looks like this in code :

if (work[r][_macdv]>0 && work[r][_bearp]work[r-1][_bearp] && work[r][_force]work[r-1][_force]) work[r][_trend] = 1;

if (work[r][_macdv]0 && work[r][_bullp]0 && work[r][_force]<work[r-1][_force]) work[r][_trend] = -1;

So when those rules are applied, the result is what you get

Problems with first (it has not to be RED ),... well in the second

New Change

We must reduce the time and BearPower BullPower, and put a "filter gauss" in Macd o change to a "Dynamic", for Elder Triple Screen



You have a parameter called BullBearPeriod. Use it to change period for BullPower and BearPower calculation

We must reduce the time and BearPower BullPower, and put a "filter gauss" in Macd o change to a "Dynamic", for Elder Triple Screen

Higest [ 22] ( MacdHistogram)

Does anyone know how ... can encode in Metatrader Higest of 22 days MacdHistogram


Something like this :

double highest = macdArray[ArrayMaximum(macdArray,22,startFrom)];
Does anyone know how ... can encode in Metatrader Higest of 22 days MacdHistogram
Does anyone know how ... can encode in Metatrader Higest of 22 days MacdHistogram

If you dont want or dont know how to use arrays you can use this peace of code: (run on specified timeframe - for example if you wish to use daily bars then use on daily chart, or change second param - 0 in iMACD function to your timeframe number)

double max = 0;

for(int i = 0;i<X;i++)



if(macd>max) max = macd;



However, macd gives you positive and negative results. If you would like to get max and min value of macd from X bars then you need to modify this function and add second variable double min initialized to 1000, and check if macd is < than min and is < 0.

macdxhigh.mq4  2 kb

Perdone hoy e visto tu mesaje sobre nuevas temas, estoy aprendiendo,...1 mes en Forex

double highest = macdArray[ArrayMaximum(macdArray,22,startFrom)];

como puedo introducirlo en nuestro "ElderTrepleScreen"

Te envie un email
