Fast Fourier Transform - Cycle Extraction - page 47


Target ????

GBP USD Hourly FLD 48

fld05.gif  19 kb
The ultimate target was a (near) miss.

If you check the attachment you will see how the target area was projected(Blue rectangle) using the 212 FLD(any FLD 190 or higher would have given the same price area result).the target area was punctured with the 1.59125 low,so the move may be finished.Alternatively we still have approx 17 hours( till 01:00 a.m fxcm server time)-see vertical red line-for the lower end of the target rectangle to be reached.In trading terms this means no trades,at least FLD based.GBPUSD has practically the same chance of retracing into 1.6000+- area than of completing its move into the rectangle,so,there is no FLD based edge.

NOTE:Cycles change periodicity,the now dominant 212 periods cycle started as 192,then 205,now it is at 212.This obviously affects the timing of the end of the move,but it doesn't affect the estimation of the target price area,at least by using the method shown in the attachment,so,that is why I do not use FLDs for timing but I do use them for estimating end of moves potential targets.



Thanks Simba, you've done very well

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"


Tks Mladen and everybody i modify Spec with my System so pretty entry

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Just a intermediate step : this version of spectrometr is using dll for Fourier calculation so it is, thanks to brute force of C and dll, faster and less CPU hostile. It is not a mixed radix dll yet (hence the name of the the dll is spectrometr - it is written just for this single indicator in mind, some others will probably not work with it)

PS: the dll from the should be unpacked to libraries folder

Just a intermediate step : this version of spectrometr is using dll for Fourier calculation so it is, thanks to brute force of C and dll, faster and less CPU hostile. It is not a mixed radix dll yet (hence the name of the the dll is spectrometr - it is written just for this single indicator in mind, some others will probably not work with it) PS: the dll from the should be unpacked to libraries folder

Now THAT's what am talk'n about!

Thanks M!

Correct, I am not trading the cycles themselves (i.e. using them as entry signals, i use other methods for that). I am rather using them with manual manipulation to get an idea of what is relevant and what is not.

In the Advance Elite section we developed an indicator called the Dynamic Cycle Explorer, which essentially is the difference between two half cycle moving averages that does a pretty good job in modeling price action. This tool i used against cycle explorer type indicators to determine the dominance of the cycle and its relevancy.

Here is an example of what I mean

In this example i have all cycles represented in the composite, hence its distortion from the actual path of the price. The real relevant cycles are the Red, Orange, and Blue but they are out of phase from where they need to be. The Orange cycle need to be adjusted forward (i.e. brought more to the right) and the red need to be moved a bit backwards (i.e. to the left) to bring it in alignment with market action. Should that happen, the forecast would match price action.

Here is a screen shot with just the 3 relevant cycles included in the composite

The fact that the CEI changes in real time is actually an advantage, in my opinion, because it allows me to react as needed in adjusting the cycle to a degree. Phase change capability is important to me and so am still trying to figure out how to do it with my limited cognitive capacity.

Naturally, some may think am on crack for pursuing this and that is cool by me, this is part of my learning process and I need to "experience" the math to understand how it works. I call it, live math (i.e. visualize the mathematics in action as though they were a living being moving).



Thank you PIP! But how do you show the spectrometr_1 going forward in the above examples with the dotted lines?

Thanks mate,


Tks Mladen and everybody i modify Spec with my System so pretty entry

How did you modify it? I would love to know!

Thanks mate,



Looks Great!

Tks Mladen and everybody i modify Spec with my System so pretty entry

It looks really great. Would you care to share it?

Thank you PIP! But how do you show the spectrometr_1 going forward in the above examples with the dotted lines?

Thanks mate,


Just use the latest version and it will have the projection in it, either version 2.05 or 2.06 will work



For those who are interested:

David Hickson offers in this week`s ST outlook a training for the FLD trading strategy:

20 weeks - 27 October 2012 | Sentient Trader
