Fast Fourier Transform - Cycle Extraction - page 41



still, it worked...not as was expected...

Bad idea mate! am already out of my trade, managed to capture about 6 pips (Stop hit). By the looks of things i would say tomorrow EU will be bullish and will retest 3150 area. This is not a recommendation to trade, but an educated guess . Will trade accordingly based on what develops.
still, it worked...not as was expected...

Good to go, as you know, there are many ways to slice the pie

You can't actul see the time and date for this one!

I promised you one. I hope the time is clear on this one.

Please don't take it as a trading advice.

From the line (+-2 bars ) will be a down trend.

Good to go, as you know, there are many ways to slice the pie

We can't wint them all , but we at least we try

I promised you one. I hope the time is clear on this one.

Please don't take it as a trading advice.

From the line (+-2 bars ) will be a down trend.

Curious MiniMe, I notice you are using M5 for your cycle forecast, don't you find it noisy for cycle extraction?

In my experience, as the time frame gets smaller the less likely the cycle to persist and the more noise you get so you would need to detrend or smooth the data in some fashion. Are your observations the same?





one thing is for sure (almost)...once indicator gives right signal, market breaks resistance/support lines...

We can't wint them all , but we at least we try

Has anyone been able to code Bartel's persistence test in MT4?



persistence=doing same thing while expecting different results?

Has anyone been able to code Bartel's persistence test in MT4?
persistence=doing same thing while expecting different results?

ah Pava, always got a smart thing to say , except this time you got it wrong, again! It's insanity my friend, insanity is defined as doing the same thing and expect different results (as per Albert Einstein)


Not showing off , just showing

Whats different about last trade is :

1-I chose a pair that is not easy to predict as it have a high trading volume

2-Very accurate predection as I am showing 5 min chart

3- I was able to define the direction in advance .

4- I posted the trade on FXAW as well as on TSD way a head of time.

Pip : yes the lower the timeframe the more noise

I promised you one. I hope the time is clear on this one.

Please don't take it as a trading advice.

From the line (+-2 bars ) will be a down trend.