Fast Fourier Transform - Cycle Extraction - page 29

If you want to see the composite cycle only, set the CompositeCycleparameter to true. In that case it shows just one cycle that is the combination of the cycles you chose (cycles 1 to 7, whichever is turned on in parameters by using Cycle1 to Cycle7 parameters). Anyway, found that there was a problem with version 2.02 if some of the sub-cycles was turned off and you wanted to see the composite cycle only (so, if not all 7 cycles were set to true). This version corrects that too.

THANKS to Mladen.


with the prediction estimation of the cycle length

does it affect the entry and exit timing ?


Spectrometer as histogram?

Hi guys

Could anyone modify the cycle composite of the spectrometer kindly uploaded by Pip to plot as a histogram (including the predicted future wave as a histogram) if it could be in colour with green increasing and red decreasing that would be great. I have tried but am unable to get the future wave as a histogram.

Thanks so much





This is a chop-chop job (when you take a look at the code , you will understand thy I say "chop-chop" ) done on the indicator in order to allow start bar different than 1 (which was the problem with previous versions from the start)

As far as I tried it, it is working OK (again the biggest problem was the "future" : determining the exact time of the future bar when, for example there is a gap between Friday and Monday) Anyway, it seems to be working OK now. Here is an example with a 25 as a start bar both for "simple" and "composite"

Well said Mladen and I am in agreement with your opinion to a degree. As you had kindly pointed out, the key word here is "estimation" and that is exactly what i am after.

I look forward to version 2.04 whenever you get a chance.




As always your generosity overwhelms me. Many thanks for the effort.




This is a chop-chop job (when you take a look at the code , you will understand thy I say "chop-chop" ) done on the indicator in order to allow start bar different than 1 (which was the problem with previous versions from the start)

As far as I tried it, it is working OK (again the biggest problem was the "future" : determining the exact time of the future bar when, for example there is a gap between Friday and Monday) Anyway, it seems to be working OK now. Here is an example with a 25 as a start bar both for "simple" and "composite"



Just one explanation (forgot to tell) : start bar (the iStartFromparameter) must be 0 or positive. It can not be negative


Do you have any information of how to trade with this cycle indicator. It looks fantastic.


Dear Mladen,

I would like to request the addition of three items to the indicator if possible as follows:

1) Introduction of a Boolean variable "Dynamic Cycle Selection".

2) Function that automatically selects which cycles to display on the chart (if above variable is set to TRUE), either in stratified cycle mode or composite cycle mode based on cycle meter already coded in the indicator. Cycle selection would automatically be based on amplitude at the time of iStartfrom bar (in current or x bars back) for a specified number of top cycles (next variable). This of course would mean that as the cycle amplitudes (strengths) change in real time the cycle selection would change as well in real time. (i.e. i understand the recalculating nature of this function).

3) Integer variable "UseTopCycles". Specifies the number of X top cycles for the Dynamic Cycle Selection function to consider. If set to 4, then only top 4 cycles are tracked and displayed in either modes (stratified or composite).




This is a chop-chop job (when you take a look at the code , you will understand thy I say "chop-chop" ) done on the indicator in order to allow start bar different than 1 (which was the problem with previous versions from the start)

As far as I tried it, it is working OK (again the biggest problem was the "future" : determining the exact time of the future bar when, for example there is a gap between Friday and Monday) Anyway, it seems to be working OK now. Here is an example with a 25 as a start bar both for "simple" and "composite"


Another idea


I have another idea for implementing the Dynamic Cycle Selection function described above. Instead of hard coding the number of cycles to be considered for the function as described above, is to use the cycle strength (depicted as the size of the vertical bar in the cycle meter or the amplitude) as a constant that controls the weight of the cycles included in the composite? this would mean cycles that have the highest impact amplitude are accounted for more than cycles with least impact. Here is a screenshot of what i mean.


Mr. Pip

I tried these indicators in my EA. My PC becomes sluggish. is there a solution?