Fast Fourier Transform - Cycle Extraction - page 18



I have gotten several PM's from people who have said that LearnTrader is trying to sell my indicator / or swap for other indicators.

Yes, I trusted LT enough to give him the browser, but, I gave him an incomplete browser (version 5). I told him that it was incomplete, and I had much to do before I wanted to post it (FREE). I definitely didn't want him to sell it. It's not worth anything anyone pays for it. I hope nobody gets scammed by him.

I have many things on my plate, so my research time is very limited. This is a very basic Goertzel browser. It will output all the cycles on any chart, any timeframe.

This cycle list is sorted by Amplitude.

The first cycle on this list is number 1, the second cycle is number 2, for reference in other settings.

MaxPer = Max cycle period to scan for.

numbars = must be 3 times the number of MaxPer

StartAtCycle = cycle to start for combination of cycles.

UseTopCycles = default 4. Uses top 4 cycles for the combination of cycles (shown).

If you set UseTopCycles to 1, only a single cycle will be plotted. So if you set StartAtCycle to 2, the second cycle will be plotted.

Set SubtractNoise to 1 to subtract all lesser cycles not included in UseTopCycles.

Offset will shift the plot left or right.

You can drag multiple indicators to the same indicator window to overlay multiple signal cycles, etc. Just change to plot color to reduce confusion.

Just to be clear... I did not want to post this unfinished indicator. It may or may not help you in your study of cycles. I have been researching cycles for several years now, and have only found a tenuous relationship to profitability by using this knowledge. There are many variables to consider. Those that have put the time required to understand cycles (Simba), knows that just finding the cycles in a given TF is not even close to half the battle.

You will not be profitable by just using this indicator.

So, I do apologize to the board for this sloppy indicator. But, I can't allow someone to sell something not his, and not complete. Please use this with a grain of salt. I may or may not answer any questions about this indicator. I'm not exactly thrilled with my experiences on FOREX boards...


people have said that I sold the indicator you put it to you free ... you have fallen into their trap ...


No trap...

No, there is no trap. It is an unfinished indicator. But please play with it.

I did not want to post it, but only because I wanted it to be usable and accurate.

But, whether the PM's were sincere or not, it really doesn't matter.

Whether you tried to sell it or not, it really doesn't matter.

Let's just move on.

But please, if you have experience in cycles, please use it and give meaningful feedback, otherwise, don't bog this thread down with newbie questions. I don't have anything against newbie's. Heck, I'm still a newbie. Do some research on your own. That is how you will learn. This board has an abundance of information, from many great students of cycles, that have shared. I wish I had time to read more.

And if there is meaningful feedback, I have other tools I want to share. I have written some other interesting windows (external to MT4) tools to quickly evaluate cycles extracted with Goertzel, including phase shifting, and profitability, and cycle extentions...

Thanks for your understanding.


PS. If UseCycleList is 1, the next 4 externals are the numbers of cycles you want to combine, to plot. This allows you to use fibonacci cycles, half-cycles, of those found in the current chart.

No, there is no trap. It is an unfinished indicator. But please play with it.

I did not want to post it, but only because I wanted it to be usable and accurate.

But, whether the PM's were sincere or not, it really doesn't matter.

Whether you tried to sell it or not, it really doesn't matter.

Let's just move on.

But please, if you have experience in cycles, please use it and give meaningful feedback, otherwise, don't bog this thread down with newbie questions. I don't have anything against newbie's. Heck, I'm still a newbie. Do some research on your own. That is how you will learn. This board has an abundance of information, from many great students of cycles, that have shared. I wish I had time to read more.

And if there is meaningful feedback, I have other tools I want to share. I have written some other interesting windows (external to MT4) tools to quickly evaluate cycles extracted with Goertzel, including phase shifting, and profitability, and cycle extentions...

Thanks for your understanding.


PS. If UseCycleList is 1, the next 4 externals are the numbers of cycles you want to combine, to plot. This allows you to use fibonacci cycles, half-cycles, of those found in the current chart.

Thanks for posting your indicator very sad you had to do it under these circumstances.



Can anyone of the experts here tell me how to adapt this indicator for other pairs such as GBPUSD and EURUSD? It is currently set for GBPJPY, it was posted on this thread. Thank you very much in advance.

Hi, Can anyone of the experts here tell me how to adapt this indicator for other pairs such as GBPUSD and EURUSD? It is currently set for GBPJPY, it was posted on this thread. Thank you very much in advance.

Hello Profitrader,

From what I have learned thus far (which is by far no where near some of the experts in this thread) is that this particular indicator helps you to plot a single cycle or an amalgamation of several cycles for the currency pair of interest.

To use it you will need to identify the period of the present cycles using a software package that is available for free in this forum. Once you identify up to 9 cycles you simply enter the Fmin and Fmax of each cycle into the indicator and Voila!

For shorter cycles

Fmin = cycle period -1

Fmax = cycle preiod+1

For longer cycles

Fmin = cycle period - 2

Fmax = cycle period + 2

n is the threshold noise filter (if i am not mistaken) and you can identify it exactly using another indicator found in this forum as well or simply leave it at 9.

I hope this helps.

Note: I would encourage more knowledgeable members to add to my humble explanation.



Hello Pip,

Thank you for your reply. I used the cycles with the highest amplitude from the Goertzel browser as the dominant cycles. Is this correct? Is there any other piece of software here that determines the dominant cycle? I went to the beginning of the thread, I could not find anything. If there is another piece of software, can you tell me its name? Thanks.

Hello Pip, Thank you for your reply. I used the cycles with the highest amplitude from the Goertzel browser as the dominant cycles. Is this correct? Is there any other piece of software here that determines the dominant cycle? I went to the beginning of the thread, I could not find anything. If there is another piece of software, can you tell me its name? Thanks.

Hello Profitarder,

I believe it would be best if I direct you to the proper thread. Please perform a search for the term "Digital Filters," this will produce a thread named "Strategies based on Digital Filters." Study everything in the first 100 posts or so and you will be on your way to know much about digital filters and cycles.



hello pip

Hello Profitarder,

I believe it would be best if I direct you to the proper thread. Please perform a search for the term "Digital Filters," this will produce a thread named "Strategies based on Digital Filters." Study everything in the first 100 posts or so and you will be on your way to know much about digital filters and cycles.


i am interested on this theme,could you post an example to use goertzel with a digital filter?thanks

i am interested on this theme,could you post an example to use goertzel with a digital filter?thanks

Hello Banesa1976,

I believe if you follow the instructions on my previous post you will have more than one example in the referenced thread. This is much better than me explaining everything here.




Hello Banesa1976,

I believe if you follow the instructions on my previous post you will have more than one example in the referenced thread. This is much better than me explaining everything here.


i follow your instructions...i extract the cycles with goertzel and i put the fmin and fmax but the indicatord does not move,so ask you for help,i hope dont disturb you,thanks