Fast Fourier Transform - Cycle Extraction - page 17

But I actually want mine to work correctly first... before publishing. What good is unfinished work? Otherwise, this thread will be full of compaints. Carl

You are true, unfinished or wrong coded indicators are useless

Take your time !



[carl not have to thank me for the indicator to keep private, was the agreement, but as I do to remove the cycles and know how it works language is a barrier


Human Nature&Human Nurture

The Goertzel browser is mine. LearnTrader asked nicely for the indicator and I gave it to him. Unfortunately, there is a language barrier. I explained to him how to use it, but I don't think he understood. As learntrader has it on the chart it is not useable. The default is to combine the four highest amplitude cycles.

He has to use the indicator to extract each cycle. As I mentioned earlier, my extensive backtests has shown that a single cycle is by far the most profitable.

As I also mentioned earlier in this thread, there is much more work on the browser yet to be accomplished.


PS. Thanks for your privacy LearnTrader.


1-You have posted a lot of useful stuff both at this and at FF ,and, probably,at other forums too,so,everybody should be thankful,but,as usual,the "give me -give me" ones just want to be feed from your propietary work,forget about them,they are not useful nor grateful.

2-About Learntrader,I don`t know who he is but I have a preliminary opinion,since the guy speaks spanish and his linguistic patterns are so obvious...yes he was able to extract your indicator from you with good works,now he posts pics of it,disregarding your agreement...We(Private Group) had a similar problem with CB at FF,and we were the first to uncover him for what he was..a tacky guy with a brain that only worked in the theoretical realm and lots of self,my advice is to cut all your communications with learntrader,and,if you have his IP,track him,and hire FxTimer for payback time ..BTW if his IP is from Japan,I will tell you exactly who learntrader is...;)

3-IMO you could post the Holy Grail and 95% of the people that used it ,will lose money,it is human nature to tweak and adapt...and lose money by doing so....So,the fact that learntrader didn`t know how to use your indicator,doesn`t have to surprise you.

Keep up with your good work,if you need any help,just pm me.




I understand...

Thanks Simba.


i dont understand nothing...

simba I have not broken any agreement with crodzilla, I have not sent anybody indicator, the only thing I've done is put a picture ... so that any trader crodzilla or help me I have not had any problems with nobody in forex factory, I really think you confuse the person if you want to create enmity between crodzilla and I congratulate you've made

crodzilla I will always keep the indicator in private, I want you to know, thanks for everything and forgive these misconceptions that people make


the grail

Mr. t,

looks like it is euro coded running on alpari.

the amplitudes on the cycles should all be different.

sine waves with a phase shifting is incorrect.

nice spaceship icon.........:)

please advise


Thank You

Hello Everyone,

I recently discovered this forum & this thread. Thanks to everyone that contributed indicators, templates and comments. I'm sorry that I can't list everyone's name but Crodzilla, Simba, Poruchik are top-of-mind at this moment.

(And congrats to Crodzilla on the Goertzel Browser)

I spent the weekend reading the thread, downloading the indicators, links, articles, et al. I'm a TradeStation user so now begins the daunting task of converting the mq4 studies to TS's famous not-so-EasyLanguage.

Now, I'm considering switching to MetaTrader. I had no idea it is as "functional" as this thread demonstrates! I'm gonna see if it includes a stock/etf screener. That's important to me.

The TS user forum has many brilliant and generous users that contribute excellent studies & functions. The frustrating thing is that the only Goertzel, MESA & SSA based studies are proprietary "paid-only".

That's why this simple thank you turned into a new edition of War And Peace. You smart and generous MT users have given me several useful things that I can use to try and roll my own for use in TradeStation.

I'm a cycles believer and I have resisted the urge to blab on about them. It's the least I can do except to say thank you one more time.

All the best!


Selling Goertzel...

I have gotten several PM's from people who have said that LearnTrader is trying to sell my indicator / or swap for other indicators.

Yes, I trusted LT enough to give him the browser, but, I gave him an incomplete browser (version 5). I told him that it was incomplete, and I had much to do before I wanted to post it (FREE). I definitely didn't want him to sell it. It's not worth anything anyone pays for it. I hope nobody gets scammed by him.

I have many things on my plate, so my research time is very limited. This is a very basic Goertzel browser. It will output all the cycles on any chart, any timeframe.

This cycle list is sorted by Amplitude.

The first cycle on this list is number 1, the second cycle is number 2, for reference in other settings.

MaxPer = Max cycle period to scan for.

numbars = must be 3 times the number of MaxPer

StartAtCycle = cycle to start for combination of cycles.

UseTopCycles = default 4. Uses top 4 cycles for the combination of cycles (shown).

If you set UseTopCycles to 1, only a single cycle will be plotted. So if you set StartAtCycle to 2, the second cycle will be plotted.

Set SubtractNoise to 1 to subtract all lesser cycles not included in UseTopCycles.

Offset will shift the plot left or right.

You can drag multiple indicators to the same indicator window to overlay multiple signal cycles, etc. Just change to plot color to reduce confusion.

Just to be clear... I did not want to post this unfinished indicator. It may or may not help you in your study of cycles. I have been researching cycles for several years now, and have only found a tenuous relationship to profitability by using this knowledge. There are many variables to consider. Those that have put the time required to understand cycles (Simba), knows that just finding the cycles in a given TF is not even close to half the battle.

You will not be profitable by just using this indicator.

So, I do apologize to the board for this sloppy indicator. But, I can't allow someone to sell something not his, and not complete. Please use this with a grain of salt. I may or may not answer any questions about this indicator. I'm not exactly thrilled with my experiences on FOREX boards...




Thank you very much for a new indicator...looking forward to play with it after work...have a nice day