Rent a Signal service development and suggestions - page 50


If the signal vendor does not have positive dollars in the next subscription month, compared to the last signal month, can the signal be free?


P.S. I keep asking for things that is not possible....but I must try.


Every vendor (signal provider) understands himself as a owner of his signals so it is impossible to regulate the price. Vendor can do it only.


Will all of the subscriptions be based on a calendar month?...or 30 days from day of PayPal paym't?

If it is a calandar month type of billing system, will mid-month subscriptions be pro-rated?



Will there be a RAS fully refundable guarantee for the previous month in the event of a client's dissatisfaction? for any reason?



Will there be wire instructions for non PayPal users.



Can we have a check boxto advise your billing department?..if it is a 15 day trial period...or a free month....etc...


P.S. Lets assume the Vendor is in the paid signal section and wishes to remain there, but needs to make temporary concessions to all the users or to certain ones...

Every vendor (signal provider) understands himself as a owner of his signals so it is impossible to regulate the price. Vendor can do it only.
Can we have a check boxto advise your billing department?..if it is a 15 day trial period...or a free month....etc... ES

Which department?

You did not undestand ... it is nothinbg with me.

For example.

If you are doing the signals so you are owner of your signal ID. How can I change your price for your signals? It is impossible ...

It may be idea to move the signals to pending mode automatically after 2 months unactivity or if the signals are not profitable (in dollars calculation) for 2 months for example ...

Any seller can change the price for his signals any time ...


Will there be a re-accuring billing choice or is this month-to-month? does a buyer get a seamless transition into the next billing period without an interupption of the signal...?

Will reminder billing-emails be generated by RAS?



But he must do it globally...what if a client wants a 15 day trial....what if the seller does not want to be reclassified into the free section?


Which department?

You did not undestand ... it is nothinbg with me.

For example.

If you are doing the signals so you are owner of your signal ID. How can I change your price for your signals? It is impossible ...

It may be idea to move the signals to pending mode automatically after 2 months unactivity or if the signals are not profitable (in dollars calculation) for 2 months for example ...

Any seller can change the price for his signals any time ...
Will there be a RAS fully refundable guarantee for the previous month in the event of a client's dissatisfaction? for any reason? ES

I do not know ...

RAS is having a lot of statistics feature. Besides, the sellers may have the thread in future RAS section on the forum ... elite section is having 10 days trial ... for RAS - no idea. May be not. Because it is related to the sellers.

RAS free trial means the following: RAS service is not taking any percentage from the sellers' subscription money and the sellers are selling the signals making money and paying nothing for RAS even as percentage from subscription ... so it is nothing for buyers ... in this case it will be the same as commercial section of the forum ...


Happy New Year!

Just 4 more hours to 00:00.