Rent a Signal service development and suggestions - page 22


Most of the traders did not update anything for few weeks. The latest file was in the end of last week. Download from RAS website as usually (EA and dll files).

Information will be on this thread.

Later I will try to send emails with information to all potential sellers.

As to version numbers so we can start counting from the first stable version (which I hope we have already or will have very soon).

By the way, I am going to review every signal trader concernign errors, availability of his trading with RAS (not all the systems can be used with RAS), possibility for buyer's audit (necessary or not) and so on. Starting from next week (mostly by PM or email). We need to do it before the service will be run officially.


Because you know ... I am having some difficulties to review the traders. They are having too many recorded trades with old RAS versions which were mistaken and so on ... So, I decided

- to send email/PM to all of them (tomorrow) asking them to update RAS tool (most of them did not update it for the long time);

- and to review them separatedly. It does not mean evaluation. It is just a review.

Because I did small review (comparing Metatrader statements with RAS reporting performances) for some elite section EAs and I did not find any error for RAS since this Monday (with new RAS version).

If it will be confirmed with the other traders so it means that we have our first stable version of this tool. And we can be focused on some statistics improvements and so on.

By the way, not all EAs/systems can be used with current version of RAS. For example, it is difficult to use scalpers and EAs openning 30 or 60 pending orders almost simultaniously ... so some errors came from the traders (not from RAS as I see). I know it because I spent long time trying to review some elite section EA which had few errors with RAS. And finally Igorad found that elite section EA is having the bug (not RAS tool).

So, I think, it is better to review all the traders separatedly about the systems they are using, mistakes they had and so on. I think it will have 1 week from now.


Ok. Finished reading the thread. Excellent work. I understand that I must wait for official release now, so I'll wait.

Does anybody know why TSD forum shows up sometimes in reverse order? Does it happen to everybody? (First page is the last, last is the first, posts ordered from bottom up) Is this something wrong in my system?



Ok. Finished reading the thread. Excellent work. I understand that I must wait for official release now, so I'll wait.

Does anybody know why TSD forum shows up sometimes in reverse order? Does it happen to everybody? (First page is the last, last is the first, posts ordered from bottom up) Is this something wrong in my system?



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ND's email went out sellers...control that you got your email and that ND has your correct email address...


P.S. I hope i have enough money...there are so many good signals for sale...this is beta so the prices are not accurate....Hey I wonder if igorad (the real igorad) is sharing any of his work? I think I'm gonna' be rich!

I will be testing next week. This will cover many aspects of Rent a Signal and if it can survive is almost there then...

Hi ElectricSavant,

I think your idea of combining EAs is valid and interesting. Please clear one doubt: will we be able to see the global performance of your EA pool as the trades evolve or just each one of them seperately?




Alright, I got around to updating my RAS files. Everything looks good on my end, but my system doesn't trade a lot, so it doesn't really stress your service enough. It's too bad.

As for the profit history, I don't really care, I'll let ND decide if he wants to delete or keep it. It doesn't bother me one way or another. It is all theoretical dollars anyways.

And it looks like the end of beta testing is drawing near, and it's a sign for me to focus my attention back to my own trading. I may need to stop posing as a seller, and start posing as a buyer soon.

You have changes the defaults.

Go to your user CP.


Change Thread Display Mode.

Thank you Linuxser.


Dang it, I didn't even turn the RAS on.

Now I turn it on, and it opens 2 trades that were already opened for hours. I guess that's my fault. And I'm glad it didn't just get the entry from the history. Perhaps, the developer can find a way to not enter these trades at the time of turning on the RAS, if the open time is like x hours before. Not sure if this is possible, but it may not be necessary since it was my fault for forgetting to turn the thing on.



I got a question.

What prevents someone from subscribing to or buying an EA and redistributing the signals?

I hinted at this earlier and you eluded to the rule of getting permission from the coder...but how will you know and how will you control it?

You do not need to worry about the free signals...I think...not unless some competitor tries to hurt another vendor...


P.S. I did not try to broadcast from several platforms yet...I am waiting on funding and IBFX is dragging their feet.