Rent a Signal service development and suggestions - page 16


Let me reiterate...

If a seller is going to make money from subscriptions he better damn well be trading from a live account and broadcasting from it.



Very good point...and I had not thought of that...offer the lowest increment possible and let the buyer ramp it up according to his equity...this is the smartest most generic way to offer a service to all account sizes...very very good.

ND this thing you are doing is most unique..I am having the time of my life. There are so many ideas...I am buzzing.


many traders are using 0.01 lot size hoping that the buyers will select their lot size according to their deposit using lot multiplier.


Do you know what I think?...but it will never fly...Rent a signal and Forex tsd can weed out the dead wood without being the bad guys...just require sellers to broadcast from their live account...this policy will fix a lot of concerns...Perhaps many of you can post here and we can get them to do not be shy...

Do you think that Rent a Signal should be only available to sellers trading the very system they are sharing and offering you the same signals they are trading live with their own money? Post...everybody now is the time please post your vote.

Only Demo account sellers are allowed in the free signals section...


P.S. Naturally buyers can run what they wish (Demo or Live) and choose the seller they wish...

P.P.S. This will also cause Rent A signal to be less crowded...we will only have a handful of sellers this way.


It is the example about what we have right now. I mean: what the buyer will see in statistics now:

It is free signals for elite members as an example. So, we have pips calculation, dollars calculation and sorting. We need lot size (min and max and sorting it), DD and may be more ... and it may be good to have some charts with the performance .... because members may be lost with many figures and simple chart with equity/balance and so on will give some view.

martin_2210.jpg  75 kb

Thanks for the answers ND.

The averages could well be displayed in Pips as oppose to Money, no issue there, but at least over a long period of time, the buyer will very soon see who are the "Cowboys" and who are the genuine traders.

When exactly are these stats updated that are shown on the signals page, and why is it not more often, like every 6 hours or even shorter if possible?

There seems to have been no change this week yet and it is Wednesday morning where I live already.




Pips vs Money?

Someone needs to please explain to me how this system thinks?

According to the reports, I have lost -3880 Pips, but I have $25.99 profit.

This week alone my actuall profit is over $2000.


PM ND...he might be sleeping now, however...

This system is a negative know half cup of water thingie...


P.S. KaMpeR..don't worry they will get all of this sorted out...I was stressing too much earlier....bring each error up to ND all is still in beta...I am sure that ND appreciates all of our help.

Someone needs to please explain to me how this system thinks?

According to the reports, I have lost -3880 Pips, but I have $25.99 profit.

This week alone my actuall profit is over $2000.
PM ND...he might be sleeping now, however...

This system is a negative know half cup of water thingie...


P.S. KaMpeR..don't worry they will get all of this sorted out...I was stressing too much earlier....bring each error up to ND all is still in beta...

Obviously a MAJOR cockup with either the system or the manner in which it calculates stuff?


Hi KaMpeR,

It is beta testing.

I can explain about what I am doing for example.

I am comparing the trades in Metatrader with RAs website + with automatic buyer audit performance (clones, RAS website as well) + I am testing as a buyer as well.

For the most EAs I am testing I am comparing every signal trade like that. At least I am trying to do that. Some EA (scalper in martingale type) is producing about 50 trades in a day so I am comparing just some of them.

What I am looking for? I am looking for errors. And I am reporting those errors to the developers.

The other members are doing the same (because I am comparing with something which I am testing and they are doing the same with their signals): they sent PMs to me about errors and so on and I am collecting this information and sending to the developers.

And after that we receive new updated version of RAS tool.

With new updated version of RAS tool: this comparing process is continuing. How many updates? Impossible to count even. It was 2 updates of RAS tool for the last 4 days and 2 updates of server parts of this tool (for the last 4 days as well). All updates were done based on fixing the errors reported. RAS tool is updated because: members reported about the error, I confirm this error with the other testers and sending all the information to the developers and we receive new version with fixed error.

It is beta testing.

For example, Alpha EA and Electra EA are tested with RAS now (elite members know those EAs):

And it is the record:

And it is for Electra:

What is error for Electra? 5,774 pips in profit for 1 or 2 weeks imay be good ... but it should be more profitable (for those weeks I mean).

Because the versions of RAS tool is updating but everything is recorded on RAS website with everything.

So, if you see something with your trades (error on RAS website comparing with your Metatrader for example) - please send PM to me about it. And I will check it and compare with my testing and so on and I will inform the developers. Because it is beta testing.

No need to check old trades. Just the trades starting from today morning.

I did quick view for the last updates (it was fixed the server part of this tool so no need to download RAS EA and update it) and all the errors were fixed with new updates. But anyway, it will be necessary to look at this at every signal trade about openning, time, closing and do comparing and after that only we can say that: Yes, we have our first stable version of RAS tool. But it will take few days for me with my testing (and it will take some time for all the testers).

If no one reports about any error - so that's fine: it means that we have our stable version of this tool.

For the new members who are interested (who sent PMs to me that they are interested to participate in testing/buying/seling): please wait one week. Because for now: we are very close to about receiving good stable version of this tool.



Thanks for the explanation, appreciate the effort you are putting into this project and know that it will be great once it is up and running correctly.

However, I do still have one major concern and I am sure that most "Buyers" will look at this the same way I do.

The focus at the moment would seem to be on Pips rather than money made.

I would far rather see the first column based on Balance, the second on Balance + Equity and the third on Pips.

For some, or rather most of the the investors I am pretty damned sure they could care less about how many pips it took to make whatever profit is in the account.

They are interested in the profit and possibly the % gain or loss over the previous week or month and the % gain or loss since the inception of the account, not how many pips it took to get to that profit.

For me there is far to much emphasis being placed on pips and not enough focus on Profit and the % gain or loss of the account.

The primary or default sort field for the Signals page that clients see, should be Profit by week as an average, followed by number of active weeks.

In this way it matters not how long a client has traded for, the cowboys will all eventually go to the bottom of the list and the better traders will be at the top, with the best consistently fighting for the top position.

