School of Pimpology - page 126


Hi Pimp

Is the Stochastic a permanent new addition or is it just being test-driven?



@FXDiva et al

Hey Diva.

Hope you're well.

About the stoch. I am not a huge fan of it personally, but some guys say it keeps them from some bad ones.

I like it rough and the 4CCI does it for me everytime but some like it slow and smooth and the stochastic 5,3,3 does seem to take a lot of rugged edges off.

I added it to the template about 3 months ago as an alternative but never really expected anyone to use both. It was, considering its almost the same, meant to be an alternative.

Put it on your chart, see if it helps.

Nice to see the Gold trade panning out for followers of the morning post. There was over 150 pips there up for grabs and hope some of you managed to squeeeeeeeeze some of them.

Big weekend so feeling the credit crunch today. Back in business tomorrow for all 3 sessions.

Have a good one.


FX Pimp:
Hey Diva.

Hope you're well.

About the stoch. I am not a huge fan of it personally, but some guys say it keeps them from some bad ones.

I like it rough and the 4CCI does it for me everytime but some like it slow and smooth and the stochastic 5,3,3 does seem to take a lot of rugged edges off.


Okay Pimp,

thanks for the update and once again, thank you for the great system.

Happy pipping,


Good Morning

Good morning all.

Apologies for the lack of information yesterday. I was tied up with some other bits and pieces sadly.

The little trade on Swissie did take some time to materialize, but there was a solid 30 pips there initially and around 90 for those with patience.

Today is a US holiday so might be quiet but there is nothing that stands out at me yet.

In conditions like this I'd rather give nothing than give a high risk low reward trade.

GBPUSD could make a run to the pivot but theres 40 pips in it to the upside if it breaks the 60m 20emaat 15670. There is no picture attached as there's not much to write home about but I will make the effort after the live room to look for some longer term potentials.

Have a good morning


Mitching off

I have been a naughty boy.....with the markets up and down over the past week or so I have been keeping my pip tin under wraps. Managed to snaffle some pips in yesterdays morning session (+89) cable, ftse and brent crude. It was in the afternoon I made some progress - I closed out Dow short for +112 pips and rode crude off its high for +202 pips.

Today I got up, took a look and decided to take the day off. I've been to London and scoffed near Piccadilly spending some pips on wine and a three course feeder. Most excellent.

I promise I'll be back out to play in the morning - usual time and usual place. Dan and Le Pimp have a lovely set-up and I do enjoy a little Radio Monkey.

Hope all you pipsters managed to fill your boots today.

Off Games Rockie


Good Morning

morning all.

Good to see a few of you holding these trades for longer than the norm. Very nice pippage from the likes of Mr Bloom etc.

Looks like a good possible shorting opportunity on USDCHF this morning.

I'm waiting for a break of the 60m 20ema and a stop above the 15m 20.

Also look for long plays on EURUSD and GBPUSD if they manage to break the 60m 20's.

Have a good morning.

cheeky2_5.gif  42 kb

finally got one right

patience is KEY. Very wise words indeed.

When the setups come and be patient they will, it can be like shelling peas.

Monkey will like this......

Easy dax trade, entry on the 123 under trendline support and two exits at trendlines. Well pleased with the avg 40 made.

remember the wise words, Patience IS KEY.


dax.gif  43 kb

Great work Tony

Brilliant words of wisdom from Mr Hill here.

Patience IS the key in this game.

Try working on a 1m chart all the time and you will be in and out with plenty of losses and a fair few wins too.

However, on a 1m chart one will never learn about patience because you are not having to be. You are never being tested.

Try a 30m chart like the 2 trades I took this afternoon and you'll learn how to hold onto these positions for a good few hours wothout flinching.

These two set-ups and entries were on the lunchtime video which sadly I cannot post as it's an an .flv file, but here they are anyway.

eurchf1211.gif  10 kb
usdjpy1211.gif  10 kb

Man, I really regret leaving this thread for the last few weeks. I've had nothing but inconsistent trades - more losses than wins. When I was keen on FXP's strategy - super-trades and pips in the bank. What in the world causes people like me to jump around like an unsatisfied yoyo! Well I'm sticking with this method knowing that I'll be successful again. Thanks for still being here. A bit depressed in NYC.


why UJ?

Hi Pimp,

I just want to ask you why you choose usd/jpy? That was against corelation between usd and gold..

GLD was weak so the probability of weak USD was low.

Thank you for answer.
