School of Pimpology - page 99


That was actually a very good call! From 869.50 to 867.65 on pure gold. Good method and I love this chat help, proud to be part of it and have fun pipping!


"Chat" is too small a word for it......

Between the detailed description of the core strategy laid out on this thread and a front-row seat for its real-time application in the chat room I cannot imagine better training tools for fx'ers.

The "science" is there, the judgement calls are there. You've just got to decide that you want to learn it.

Thanks to all of you.

Mike H


Plenty of pips

A great morning in the new chat room. Gold and Crude being the big winners this morning. 108 on crude for me, but down 15 on USD/JP, should have held this though, it was finding good resistance - no need really to chop.

Anyone who wants to learn to trade properly , this is the place to be - see you there.



screen shot as requested

Please see attached screen shot. MY set up is such for each tab I have open the charts shown - 5m, 15m, 60m 4hr and daily. Hope this helps.

Telly Rockie

screen_shot.gif  163 kb

glug glug glug

Morning Pipsters;

Loving the little 5m chart for entry in to crude. A little patience waiting for the set-up and there she blows +146 pips. Thank you and g'day! I played crude clx8 98.17 to 96.71. Closed for price action and older resistance level reasons. A very profitable morning and time for a well earned bacon sandwich, with HP sauce. Oh yeah! Added a further +63 pips since the original post 96.91 back to 96.28. Total crude pips 209 this morning.

Glug Rockie


Crude Short

Thanks for this posting of the chart. I am currently at work so have no charts but have position for crude to go south. In at 98.20. stop at 99.30 target 95.00. Is everyone still targeting 94 on this?


"makes me about +46 pleased with that"

"took 50 on gold"

"just closed crude 98.17 - 96.71 +146"

"out of crude 108"

"29 pips on ftse"

"Thanks ...Gold +29...crude+106...usd"

"out for 29 monkey. cheers"

"117pips on gold, cable, swiss and e/jpy for mr&mrs spitfire!"

"just back gutted closed gold 50 to early my girl can walk to school tommorow"

"50 pips today guys thank you"

"closed half of gold with 58"

Just a few remarks from the free-chat this morning. Come play. It's a giggle and we make some cash too


FX Pimp, could you post the pivot indi you use, or point me in the right direction. The daily/weekly/monthly one.



FX Pimp:
Looking to short Gold through $869

Naughty, but very nice.

All over the place on a 5m chart but after entry on a 60m chart there was never any fear.

Target area of DS1 and WS1 hit with over 150 in the bag so a pretty good trade, which was brought to the attention of the guests of the chat this morning.

Some great trading today again guys n gals. Well done

cheeky_5.gif  40 kb
FX Pimp, could you post the pivot indi you use, or point me in the right direction. The daily/weekly/monthly one.



Tony, Pivots are pivots. They just show different levels with different platforms as different drokers have different open close high and low prices.