School of Pimpology - page 105


Live room help please

Does anyone else have problems staying in live room once in, or is it just me?

If its just me does anyone have any ideas as to why within five minutes of entering, my computer shuts down then re-boots itself.

The microsft error report says it was a blue page error (whatever that is, but it seems pretty serious as computer had to shut down to save data loss and/or corruption). They said to make sure I have all updates, no viruses, etc. I have checked and all okay.

This only happens with the live room, at all other times no problems.

The only other thing I can think of is the age of the computer, maybe the processor can't handle this new technology. I dont know!

Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated.




Good Morning

Helloe everybody.

Thanks for all your emails and private messages about the live room and the chat.

We will be doing each day at 7am for the room and all other times in the chat for this week so do drop me a line and I will get you in.

Thanks also to the guys and girls who post on here on a regular basis. Your support in this time of me being overly occupied with other bits is much appreciated as is your brutal honesty about your bad days as well as your good.

One thing worth bearing in mind is that nobody gets it right every time and we all have bad days

Lets see if we can get back some pips for the unfortunate few casualties of yesterday.

EURUSD, Gold and Crude are looking the most likely candidates to give a good account of themselves in a northerly direction this morning.

Above $85.00 for Brent might see it go to $86.00.

In fact he's just popped up to .35 as I speak so there could be some life in the old boy yet.

Gold really needs to break up through the 4hr 50 at $871 but there's still room from the current $863 for 60 odd pips before it even gets there.

As for Euro there does appear to be upside potential providing the others two play ball from its current level upto 1.3650

Euro looks actually quite messy so would be tempted to play the big guns for now.

More soon



IF Gold and Oil do fail to hold and move up then I would fully expect to see see USDJPY to hold above 103.00 and push toward 103.65


blue page error

Does anyone else have problems staying in live room once in, or is it just me?

If its just me does anyone have any ideas as to why within five minutes of entering, my computer shuts down then re-boots itself.

The microsft error report says it was a blue page error (whatever that is, but it seems pretty serious as computer had to shut down to save data loss and/or corruption). They said to make sure I have all updates, no viruses, etc. I have checked and all okay.

This only happens with the live room, at all other times no problems.

The only other thing I can think of is the age of the computer, maybe the processor can't handle this new technology. I dont know!

Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated.




I think you might have a bad sector on your disk. I'm not entrirely sure.

See here: Dmitriy Primochenko Online

Honest Bill:

I think you might have a bad sector on your disk. I'm not entrirely sure.

See here: Dmitriy Primochenko Online

it's possible that it's virus also...


Very good night for me, 105 pips. Hope everyone had the same luck. Happy pips!!!


Crude Confusion


I know we have changed to Brent instead of CL. However, crude is crude. Am I right?

Below, you can see Brent fell to 84.30 on the left, then stopped mid-air. Kind of a 1-2-3 for another short. But WTI which is also on ODL bounced off its pivot. Ignoring the Pivots, the MA's are also different. Look at the 1hr20ma.

Anyway, my question is, does brent follow WTI or vice versa? Another words, which are we to believe?


Honest Bill.

brent_vs_wti.jpg  275 kb

Hi Bill,

I got a laptop to try today and no probs, so I think you may be right.

I have not tried the demo in the link as it only does the first found "bad sector" and if there are more than one I will have to buy the full version and if it can't repair the problem I will still have to buy a new hard drive.

So I think its time to go computer shopping, then take the dinosaur I already own out for target practice.

Thanks for your response though Bill, much appreciated.

Worlduser- I have checked with antivirus (free version so not the best, I know) but it says all clear.

FX Pimp:
EURUSD, Gold and Crude are looking the most likely candidates to give a good account of themselves in a northerly direction this morning.

Above $85.00 for Brent might see it go to $86.00.

In fact he's just popped up to .35 as I speak so there could be some life in the old boy yet.

Gold really needs to break up through the 4hr 50 at $871 but there's still room from the current $863 for 60 odd pips before it even gets there.

As for Euro there does appear to be upside potential providing the other two play ball from its current level upto 1.3650

Euro looks actually quite messy so would be tempted to play the big guns for now.

I have been asked this morning what made me talk about a long gold and crude when crude 60m CCI (252) was acually down.

Let me then try to shed some light on this play for you to help understand it a bit better.

We all know that something that falls 600 pips in a day must find some temporary support from somewhere.

In the shot we can see that no only had the price crossed the 5m and 15m 20ema at entry point this morning, but the important thing, the fact that the 5m 20 had also crossed the 15m.

Yes I was playing against the 60m trend, the 60m 20ema and the 60m CCI but there was 100 pips between the 15m 20 and the 60m 20 making this a valid countertrend trade.

As I have mentioned before, these can be played but are more risky.

Naturally with crude finding support gold was likely going to do something similar. With both CCI's up, trigger crissing and break of resistance line there was a possible 200 in this too.

I will start trying to explaing trades taken in greater detail in order to help the newer folk to the thread, but please also read from the beginning in order to get a grasp of the overall concept of what I do.

Is that 2 pots of brylcream on your desk Bill ??

cheeky_7.gif  80 kb
Honest Bill:

I know we have changed to Brent instead of CL. However, crude is crude. Am I right?

Below, you can see Brent fell to 84.30 on the left, then stopped mid-air. Kind of a 1-2-3 for another short. But WTI which is also on ODL bounced off its pivot. Ignoring the Pivots, the MA's are also different. Look at the 1hr20ma.

Anyway, my question is, does brent follow WTI or vice versa? Another words, which are we to believe?


Honest Bill.

I often found myself asking the same question Bill.

I think the most simple answer would be to find one, stick with it, trade it, ignore everything else, and not compare.

I was forever comparing pivots and CL to WTI and WTI to BRN and BRN to Oil and it just confuses me.

We are using ODL's Oil now, which is the same as BRN on WHC.

As far as pivots go I have the same issues as all of you but like I say, I just ignore everything else now and try to just focus on what I have at hand.