School of Pimpology - page 93

FX Pimp:
Anyone for a late one down to the 4hr 50????? I do beleive el capitan del banco is filling his boots as we speak !!


was going to go into this trade but trendline stopped me, inexperience i suppose but would rather wait till trendline is broken


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Style Guru

I am not quite sure what to make of the 'shag pile' carpet comment Bloom! I seriously doubt that a man of Pimps taste would lower himself to such unbecoming furnishings. Pimp is more an axminster floral man I suspect; something to clash with his elegant sartorial self. I mean, can you see the Pimp bear foot. No way, he has turned up house shoes, in suede. Hardly appropraite footwear for a mear 'shag pile'.

I do however reserve judgement on your good self Bloom. You really do need to change the carpet quickly if you are going to fit in with the great man. Silk pyjamas will be a good start and proper house shoes......come on - get with the programme; did you not receive the membership notes on dress code and office standards.

House Coat Rockie

Hi Rockie

A little reminiscence here. Do you remember the olden days, in less illustrious surroundings, when Le Pimp was still in his Portuguese lycra, purple spandex and leopard skin speedoes? How times have changed, do you think he has been "Gok'd"? Nevertheless, still dashingly handsome I'd say.



Ola everyone, thought I'd pop by and say hello. It's very nice to see so many of you doing very well, pinging left right and centre. We've been slightly busy setting up things over here, which you all know about. We hope that it will be ready very soon. I would say that the weather is great over here, but before we know it we're going to have a pool outside out front door and in the living room. I guess the weather is better back in the UK. Well, I look forward to working with you all over the coming weeks and months. Keep up the great work. Hope to speak to you all soon. Happytrading!!


Hola Hemal, like everyone I look forward to all the new stuff you're setting up.

I just finished reading the thread for the first time and saving a bunch of posts but wanted to say I look forward to learning and sharing with everyone.

I'd be grateful Fx Pimp for three a day updates cuz I work different shifts in western U.S. and would have a better chance of getting one update if you were so generous to supply three a day!!!


Here's my favorite advise from Fx Pimp so far cuz its what I need to work on most:

Please, if you are going to listen to one person ever, then listen to me

5m Scalping is fun, but it's hard work. I took 6 trades for 100 or so pips on Thursday. In & out, in & out.

Yesterday I scalped too, but I also TRADED.

By that, I mean I let the trade run it's course, irrelevant of retracements.

This is the way to make the serious money.

If you think you don't have the patience then you are mistaken in your thinking.

You do have the patience, you have everything. It's just a matter of tuning in to it, to unlocking it.

Try Meditation or Yoga and you will soon be living, and just spending an hour or two in front of the screens but with double the income.

Here's the original post:


FX Pimp

Hi FX Pimp

I attempted to contact you via personal message but your box is full. Please personal message me with your email address.

Thanks and keep up the excellent work your doing!


Hello GorgeJ,

Perhaps I can answer this to save FXPimp some time.

FXP has made numerous references to his email address in previous posts, the last one is on page 90 of this thread.

Hope this helps.



For starting a good day


Hi Everyone,

I've been reading this thread for about a week now and it is totally awesome! I understand the "why and hows" a lot better now.

Pimp, your explaination of the retrace was right on point.

Anyway, I took 4 trades, all successful and added 4 more on the retrace.

I love the simplicity of your setups and I can trade it mobile too.

Great job, keep it up!
