Forex Market Barometer - page 3

U have a nice forum.. Thanks for the barometer,

I already read the introduction in the forum but I still have question.

Now if u see the barometer of EUR CHF is cross, but both of them are above 50. What it's means?

Thanks again..

The idea behind the Market Barometers is to match up the 2 most polarized currencies. (i.e. 1 above 70 and the other below 30) I haven't found strong enough confirmation from the "crosses" to create a trade. I completely ignore the crosses and focus the over-extensions. If that doesn't make sense let me know and I will try to explain further...

Regarding your other question about the charts not moving: The "Big Picture" is on a daily chart and the "Scalping Barometer" is on a 1 minute chart. The Big Picture Barometer might not look like it's live, but it is... it just won't be nearly as active as the Scalping Barometer, lol...

The idea behind the Market Barometers is to match up the 2 most polarized currencies. (i.e. 1 above 70 and the other below 30) I haven't found strong enough confirmation from the "crosses" to create a trade. I completely ignore the crosses and focus the over-extensions. If that doesn't make sense let me know and I will try to explain further... Regarding your other question about the charts not moving: The "Big Picture" is on a daily chart and the "Scalping Barometer" is on a 1 minute chart. The Big Picture Barometer might not look like it's live, but it is... it just won't be nearly as active as the Scalping Barometer, lol...

Thanks riffster. It's very clear. I open market barometer Big Picture, and watch it for 30 minutes ands it's moving lol..

Actually there is seminar in Jakarta, Indonesia called Perfect Forex Arbitrage by Mr Gagahlin same developer of Pointbreak EA. And he has software looks like this. Show only one currency (not pair currency).

If the signal show GBP buy, and USD sell, so make entry buy on GBP/USD.

I don't know it's same or not, but have to pay about Rp 15.000.000,- around $1500 to join the workshop and I haven't joint. But I can get it in here FREE... lol..

Thanks riffster.


WOW! $1500!! Well, at least it's not as much as I wasted on 4XMadeEasy, lol... but still... that's a lot of money...


Hello all,

We created a short instructional movie for our free Market Barometer. This movie will answer most of your questions and provide support for new traders. Please let me know if you have any questions, I would be happy to help...

(Click here to view the movie)


Thanks for the video, it really helps alot.....


Metaquotes vs. Custom

It looks like you're grabbing screenshots from Metaquotes via flash? Have you considered a custom program? I think it would be sooo much faster, and you could use any number of charting tools for writing it in, say, C# or something.

Have you considered this? I'm a programmer, this looks like a fun challenge. The only difficulty, I think, would be getting the quote feed...

Thanks for the video, it really helps alot.....

thanks for the feedback... it helps to hear from fellow senior members...

It looks like you're grabbing screenshots from Metaquotes via flash? Have you considered a custom program? I think it would be sooo much faster, and you could use any number of charting tools for writing it in, say, C# or something. Have you considered this? I'm a programmer, this looks like a fun challenge. The only difficulty, I think, would be getting the quote feed...

We have experimented with several variations including java & C++. The issue is "user end" bandwidth. We like to keep the charts as "light weigth" as possible. Whenever we add anything to our web charts, our members complain about lag... but yes, I would love to have some basic drawing tools for the members. I just need to figure out how to balance the resources for the user side... Our All Access web charts have over 150 live charts running. That's usually where we run into "issues"... any thoughts?


Worth noting this morning: The GBP is at 70 on our Big Picture Barometer. This doesn't happen very often and should provide some nice trades...

Signals Lounge


Hello all,

The USD is at 70 on our Big Picture Market Barometer. This should set up some nice trades today..!! You can view our Big Picture Barometer on the Free Web Charts here:

Signals Lounge

We created a movie to explain how to use our Market Barometer and rules for entering a trade:

FREE Web Charts & Barometers