New Members introduction - page 943


hello everybody i am new for online discussion on your website like forex-tsd thank for everyone


hello everyone, thank you all for this rich forum

also, iam now searching to learn about Gann methods, can you help me

thank you . .


Hello traders!

I believe in Forex and that it is one of the best possibilities to earn money.

Forex is actually not only money - it's a fun, can contact a lot of people round the world, can develop yourself.....unlimited opportunities.

Good luck


Hi there, this is Trevor. Started following Forex TSD weeks ago and find that this is a great community.


Hi Everyone,

Looking forward to learn from the community. Wish i can make trading my full time career in the long run.

Thank you


Hello All, Just joined Forex tsd and hope to find answers regarding MQL4 functions.


members always have something to say, even the shy ones

I everyone im fex signals joey. I trae eurusd and usdchf dail. I make some serous money frm fxpremiere group for signals but im also looking o expand my knowledge of trading


hi every one i am a new here


Hi JimPoll here,i' m quiet new here, i've looking around but never posted#

To get to use this forum in optimal fashion i decided to start with yhe intorduction as required#

Unfortunately i don't program# i've used prorealtime aswell, but with mt4 you have more and different possibilities#

I'm particularly interested in cycle analysis# my tip: sentienttrader dotcom check it out! let them know i sent you

Goodluck and happy trading


Great Forum