Suggestion to forum admins - page 46


Some usefull information.

Where to find a moved thread/post ?

Read here

Searching threads quickly for the info you need: very usefull


For new members:

just want to remind about this thread


And some suggestions for now.

In our forum - the members can express the disagreement with moderator/admin in any way by any words without being banned for that.


1. It is my personal rule (the other admins may not use this rule in their life or on this forum);

2. Use proper thread for that.


- for any complaints about moderation/administration etc ("where is my post", about 'not proper moderation', and so on) - use this thread:

(1 or 2 posts only per case; without discussion started).

- for report about bad case with broker:

(same - 1 or 2 posts only per case; without discussion, without taking the vengeance).

- bad case with commercial

(same: 1 or 2 posts per case/service/person).

If we need more threads about "bad case reporting" so just ask - I will create more.

But if the member will attack moderator in inadmissible/inappropriate threads/places so this member will be banned for spam.

Please, use proper thread for any suggestions or complaints or any 'bad cases' reporting.


Any broker can have 1 thread on brokers section (if for free). One thread per broker. If more - go to Contact Us form and ask/pay for banner or any. Second/3rd etc thread for same broker should be deleted, or merged to be '1 thread per broker'.

If some problems/issues - go to Contact Us form and send a message to moderators/admins on 'General Site Feedback'.

Besides, any broker can have 1 thread on this section Analytics to post analytics, not an advertisements. Content should be uploaded directly to your forum.

The best analytics threads (and good threads too) are promoted in many social networks officially and inofficially and in any way by tsd team.

Just for information.


Hi Newdigital,

Is there a section in the forum where I can find swap rates for all currencies ?

Thank you,


Hi Newdigital,

Is there a section in the forum where I can find swap rates for all currencies ?

Thank you,


swap rates?

I was never thinking about it ... as there are no new EAs anymore which are using the system for positive swap trading (it was old version of Terminator but new versions are not swap trading EA).

You can check this link for example.


Hi NewDigital

Instead of post in thread i created " BLOG ENTRIES " , it was by mistake so i want to remove it. I try myself but never success. Can you please remove it from my profile ?

Thanks in advance


Hi NewDigital

Instead of post in thread i created " BLOG ENTRIES " , it was by mistake so i want to remove it. I try myself but never success. Can you please remove it from my profile ?

Thanks in advance




removed .

Thanks NewDigital


I received this message via Contact Us form:


Dear Sir,

We are the owner of VFX SYSTEM , Our website is New Forex Trading System - Best Trading System . I found that many members share our system in your forum and that's not legal. If you don't cancel all posts in

which our VFX SYSTEM is shared (especially .ex4 and .mq4 files) the lauyer of our company will make a complaint immediatly against your website.



New Forex Trading System - Best Trading System


No name ... nothing ... may be - it is fake message or spam ...

Anyway - I deleted whole this thread from commercial section:

"vfx system belkhayate" new forex trading system

If the owner of this system (or thread originator) can not sell his system in peaceful way with fully control of his potential clients so I am sorry - he will not sell anything here anymore.


For other owners of commercial systems which are trying to sell something here on TSD:

you are responsible for peaceful situation inside your commercial threads, and you should control your potential clients (by providing good proposals to them, trials and so on).

I am talking about commercial threads only (not about evaluation commercial threads).

Because it is difference:

- commercial thread is the property of the seller

- evaluation thread is the propoerty of the members of the forum for their opinion.


Help Me..! I'm New to this Forum..

I'm New to this Forum..

Please give me some idea about the Earned point ..

1) What and how to make use of these points..?

2) How to convert these points..?

3) whether we can withdraw these point into dollar. If so how much points is $1 and also what is the min. payout..

Please give a link which gives answers to all these question..!

Thank you..!