Suggestion to forum admins - page 21


When Is the Admin Going to Ban MP6140

How long will the admin or owners of this site let someone completely kill there forum when they see everyone else has banned him...

Help me understand.



NO ONE has killed your forum with one post joe

all the other posts i made were a week or more ago --- THAT hardly constitutes "hijacking a thread" in anyones language !

i spoke the truth about what the market is going through, just like any other poster is allowed -- its just that i DISAGREE WITH YOU and thats the whole sum and substance !

its your thread and because its flawed, i wouldnt want a thing to do with it except to try to let newbs know the flaws in your methods !

enjoy and trade well


How long will the admin or owners of this site let someone completely kill there forum when they see everyone else has banned him...

Help me understand.

How long will the admin or owners of this site let someone completely kill there forum when they see everyone else has banned him...

Help me understand.


I hope admin ban you 1st before they decide whether wanna ban MP. You've start 2 thread including this one on the discussion of credibility of MP6140. What did you contribute so far? Waste of post? Have you dare to take up a challenge and do a trading competition with him? No! You absolutely do nothing but starting thread. Who knows tomorow you'll start another thread wanting Admin to ban me just because I'm not agree with you. I hope you understand this is a discussion forum. Not a place to rant. If you have anything not happy with certain member, kindly send PM to admin, not start a new thread everyday. Nothing personal. Just point out the fact.



How long will the admin or owners of this site let someone completely kill there forum when they see everyone else has banned him...

Help me understand.

I hope admin ban you 1st before they decide whether wanna ban MP. You've start 2 thread including this one on the discussion of credibility of MP6140. What did you contribute so far? Waste of post? Have you dare to take up a challenge and do a trading competition with him? No! You absolutely do nothing but starting thread. Who knows tomorow you'll start another thread wanting Admin to ban me just because I'm not agree with you. I hope you understand this is a discussion forum. Not a place to rant. If you have anything not happy with certain member, kindly send PM to admin, not start a new thread everyday. Nothing personal. Just point out the fact.



Guys, not flame wars.

Nobody is banned unless him really screw the thing.

How long will the admin or owners of this site let someone completely kill there forum when they see everyone else has banned him...

Help me understand.


Hi joesmoe,

I just started this thread:

Hope it will help to us to understand about how we all should re-act in some difficult cases (and in this case as well). I will post some usual well-known information here


bizarre difficulty on forex-tsd

Hullo guys!

Hey, I cannot load my custom avatar into my user CP profile.

Tried it a few times, with five different image files - jpg, gif - all of which are well within the pixel/kb limits.

Dumbest first post I've ever made!

appreciate any help here, thanks.


While I'm hanging around waiting for assistance there,

... another dumb question for you!

I've looked all over the site, but haven't found the cost of the elite subscription.

Anyone know what it is? I don't like to sign up for anything without, uh, knowing how much the thing costs.

thanks again friends.


12 dollars by paypal.

It is on this section: RentaSignal Service and Elite Section Discussion - Forex Trading

As to avatar so I have no idea sorry.


thank you newdigital

thank you for the info on elite subscr, also for moving my posts to this section. believe it or not, i saw this area but thought (who knows why) that I couldn't access it!

looking forward to any tips on why none of my small image files will load as avatars here, thanks again guys!


I am always moving the posts ... all the time ... so if someone see that his post is moved - so it was me.

I am keeping the redirection (usually 1 day reditection; after 1 day - this redirectional link from old to new location will be deleted automatically) from the old plac so it is asy to find new location clicking on old link/post.