Suggestion to forum admins - page 14

Can Admins read the content of these groups even if they are not a member?

I just want to know how private they really are.

Muchas gracias.

Of course, every member could read but not to post.

Private does not mind that anybody will not see your messages. It's private because you need an invitation to enter to the group. It's like your own private section for you and your friends with the exception than anybody could read bu not post.

De nada.

What is flooding and trolling? I can't find those terms in the rules.

About TRO lling

About Flooding

can we join the admin group


We need company and somebody to post something

And I was thinking to change the name and invite my friends.





001.jpg  56 kb
... [attach]70386[/attach]

Hilarious you made my day ....


Can't upload avatar in .jpg format

When I try to upload avatar in .JPG i see : Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg()

and avatar is not saved.

With avatars in .gif everythink is OK.

When I try to upload avatar in .JPG i see : Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg()

and avatar is not saved.

With avatars in .gif everythink is OK.

I just tested the avatar option and is working fine. Just be careful to respect the maximum size of your custom image. 100 by 100 pixels or 64.0 KB (whichever is smaller).


Questions for you

I just tested the avatar option and is working fine. Just be careful to respect the maximum size of your custom image. 100 by 100 pixels or 64.0 KB (whichever is smaller).


I been meaning to ask, have you removed the capability to have moving avatars. Moving I mean like mind? I have not seen any new moving avatars in a long time.

I have another question. On this group thing you talked of. I see we can post screen shots or other pics, can we post code? I mean as a downloadable link not a code block in your post. and if so can any one access it or is it restricted to only the group members, that is on a private group not a public one.

Last question, what is a Trackbacks?



1. moving-average thread ended -up in suggestions-trading-systems section, can we move it back to indicators?


Thread Attachments button (staple) must be inside the thread, otherwise it impossible to access it from the search (4 example, check attachments in this thread)

does anyone does something for thread attachments list to contain dates and links to the posts?


I been meaning to ask, have you removed the capability to have moving avatars. Moving I mean like mind? I have not seen any new moving avatars in a long time.

I have another question. On this group thing you talked of. I see we can post screen shots or other pics, can we post code? I mean as a downloadable link not a code block in your post. and if so can any one access it or is it restricted to only the group members, that is on a private group not a public one.

Last question, what is a Trackbacks?


Thanks for report this. Seems animated avatars (animated gif) are disabled.

About post code. Currently we cannot upload indicators to groups. We could paste link to uploaded indicators.

About second q: Trackback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia