NEWBIE or just a BIG TIME SCAMMERS!!! - page 4


agak2 ler klau nak mengenakan member sendiri pun ///

agak2 ler klau nak mengenakan member sendiri pun ///

English please...

agak2 ler klau nak mengenakan member sendiri pun ///

yup english please....i cant understand what u sayin...whoahahahha

yup english please....i cant understand what u sayin...whoahahahha

tak paham udah... tapi agak2 ler.. sorry for this linuxser..

yup english please....i cant understand what u sayin...whoahahahha

Please respect other people.. u dont have to mock people with their nickname.. if u dont have anything usefull to say on this thread then just sit tight and keep silent..

Please respect other people.. u dont have to mock people with their nickname.. if u dont have anything usefull to say on this thread then just sit tight and keep silent..

really2 dont understand...what the matter on my nickname...???

i just greet you because of your awareness....

i have my private forum to talk good things yaa...what for i talk all that on this thread...

hello not hijacking your thread....just saying thankful for letting know that a mistake???

really2 dont understand...what the matter on my nickname...???

i just greet you because of your awareness....

i have my private forum to talk good things yaa...what for i talk all that on this thread...

hello not hijacking your thread....just saying thankful for letting know that a mistake???

okey then for ur greet i thank you..

... keep it simple 'u know what ur oath is' so then let it be bro. i have no other comment...


Wow, thanks for the info, I am a newbie and really hope that I dont end up meeting with scammers..